When he gets hurt

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Yeahhh boiii~~ guess who isn’t dead yet? ME!
This is more like an aftermath chapter so yeah~


You walked back to the base after the massacre you had witnessed, reaching the door  but Pein froze in his place then looked at his right arm. “Pein sama? Are you alright?” You asked worriedly.
“It seems my right hand had stopped moving” He said and opened the door with his left hand heading inside but he stopped once more midway. You worriedly pushed him aside and sprinted towards Nagato’s chamber to see what was wrong. You barged in and gasped seeing Nagato on the floor detached from his contraption and his right hand bleeding where the metal piercings protruded. Konan ran to you “You are finally here… I don’t know what to do y/n he started to bleed all the sudden and the bleeding didn’t stop”

You looked at her “Put Pein’s body back to his case or else his body will shut down in front of the members. I’ll take care of Nagato” you ordered her and went to his side with a frown “Why did you wait until we arrived here for you to tell me? you think I didn’t notice you were fighting with your left hand alone… you never brought more than one path if the mission was simple… you think I’m stupid!!” You scolded him
He looked at you “I didn’t want to worry you”

You shook your head and rolled up your sleeves then began to rip out the metal pieces from his skin and began healing his hand while mumbling about how reckless and how disappointed you are in him.
He frowned “And just who do you think you are scolding me like some child y/n?”

You stopped and looked up at him with teary eyes “I thought Kami’s understand the way their followers feel and shares their pain….apparently I was wrong” You said and went back to healing him
He grabbed your chin and raised it up so that you would look at him “What is wrong?”

“You really want to know what is wrong?... do you really? How about the fact that you just murdered my clan!! How about the fact that you forced me to watch?!! Were you punishing me for something?” Your tears fell “Did I do anything wrong to you to deserve this… what where you trying to prove by doing all this??” You sobbed

He looked at you and opened his mouth to speak then looked away “y/n… I need to be honest with you. I really like you but… I…don’t trust you”
You felt like his words shot through your chest and you let go of his bleeding arm and touched your earrings looking at the ground sadly “I knew it…. These were not a gift from you… you were tracking me” You cried “You don’t trust me… YET YOU LET THAT CREEP ZETSU WALK ALL OVER YOU!!! THAT SELFISH FRAUD WHO ONLY CARES ABOUT HIMSELF!!! OF ALL THE CRIMINALS AIMING TO BACKSTAB YOU IN THIS ORGANIZATION, YOU CHOSE TO NOT TRUST *ME*!!! OF ALL PEOPLE!!! AFTER ALL I’VE DONE!!!! “You snapped completely feeling your hands shake uncontrollably and your heart pound so quick that it hurt all over “you killed my people to prove your power and that you were watching me, so I would know my place….BUT WHY ME OF ALL PEOPLE!!? …what did I do to lose your trust?…. I have devoted my entire life to you! And you hurt me…. you hurt me like everyone else in this stupid life I have!!! IF I AM NOTHING TO YOU….THEN MY EXISTENCE IS NOTHING AS WELL!!! I GUESS YOU WOULDN’T MIND IF I KILLED MYSELF!!!”

His entire mind went blank at the words he heard. No one has ever spoken to him in this manner before or was brave enough at least. He admit that it was wrong but you came into his life so suddenly and he has been betrayed so many times before that the exact thing he was afraid of, happened. He hurt a loved one once again and was forced to feel the consequences of his actions. He was quiet for too long time, so you took the hint and got up to leave but he grabbed your sleeve with his bloodied one and pulled you back. You turned around seeing him on his knees clutching onto your white sleeve that was now tainted with his blood.
“Don’t go y/n… don’t leave please. What I did was wrong… I’m so sorry” He bowed his head down burying his face in the fabric of your clothes “Please forgive me…Your kami made a huge mistake. My error was completely prejudiced… I should’ve had more faith in you… you are the last person I want to lose. Please… I was wrong…”

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