Bath time

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Time for some calm cute fluff after the roller coaster🎢🎢~



You returned from the temple and Nagato took you directly to his room before anyone could see you. You were a complete blood stained mess and the rain only washed away a bit of the stains. You smiled a bit looking at your wet robes seeing how your blood was washed away by the sad rain of your kami, until you felt him lift up your chin to look into his eyes. 

"Let's wash you up and get you some new clothes" he said and took your hand pulling you into the bathroom. 

He opened the tap to fill the tub up with warm water and turned to you undoing your robes and removing the ribbon from your hair. You blushed slightly and cursed yourself for doing so. He always found it cute when you blushed and nuzzled his nose on yours making you giggle. 

"Nagato" you said and he looked into your eyes deeply falling madly in love with you with each little action you did. He truly missed you. 

"Yes angel"

"Uhm... the bathtub is overflowing" you said snapping him back to reality. He rushed to turn off the water and you chuckled. He gave you a charming smile and pulled you close helping you into the tub. You sunk your body into the warm water and he knelt next to you, taking the sponge and soap to lather up your body, cleaning the dried blood off your skin. He washed your hands and neck then went to shampoo your hair and you smiled feeling his finger pass on to your scalp. He knew you loved when he played with your hair and he continued to massage your head til you almost fell asleep. Eventually he drained the water and rinsed off your body and hair with the shower head then got up to the cabinet reaching for a towel and came back helping you out the tub and wrapped it around your body. 

You smiled "Thank you, you didn’t have to"

He kissed your forehead and hugged you close "It is the least I can do for you beautiful...let me go find you some clothes. Maybe Konan has some that would fit you" he said and left the bathroom. You got out and sat on the bed drying your hair then looked at the mirror. You looked so clean and happy. Your rosy cheeks gave a shining healthy glow...and with that you felt purified again.


Hidan walked into the room after a night of sacrificing and met your angry gaze. He looked at his sides then at you and pointed at himself making sure it was him receiving the angry glare and you nodded crossing your hands. 

"The fuck did I do!?" He snapped

You sighed "Hidan you are drenched in blood"

He squinted ""

"SO? You are tracking it in my room! And I always have to clean up after you!"

Hidan frowned and entered "whatever"

You stopped him and pushed him back "No not whatever! Take off your clothes and go take a bath" you said and he rolled his eyes then smirked and opened his arms to you. You sighed in defeat knowing what he wanted and began to take off his clothes yourself. "Big baby" you grumbled

He chuckled and pulled you close "Now it's my turn!" He said reaching for your shirt but you pushed him off and took his hand in yours leading him to bathroom and turned on the shower pushing him in then left to clean up the blood he tracked. You placed his clothes in the laundry basket and wiped the floor then headed to the bathroom to make sure he was showering and not being his usual stubborn self.
 He closed his eyes enjoying the warm water and passed his hand through his hair titling his head back. You couldn't help but stare at how handsome he looked. He opened his eyes and looked at you with smirk seeing your blushing cheek then grabbed your hand and pulled you under the water with him "Care to join?" 

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