Accidental gropes

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More booby traps 

Writing 9 scenarios of the same thing, but different interpretations, is hard. ^^'
The previous book had only 7 and was faster than this one ~_~ i just hope I'm not disappointing because getting the characters to like each other takes time and a lot of character development, so be patient maybe next week they will finally seal the deal…maybe they won’t ‘>.>

I don’t think this one needs a quote XD



You decided to tidy up Pein's office. Unlike his room this place was a complete and utter mess. You felt bad for him not having any time for himself and decided to clean this place as well.

You cleaned the floor and everything within your reach from the desk to the floor to the papers scattered around. The office had a lot of high shelves, so you had to place a chair over another chair to reach them. You climbed up and started cleaning the dust off the shelves.

"I bet he uses his bensho tenin and shinra tensei to reach these shelves. These are ridiculously high... we need more step ladders in this house...or maybe i should grow a few inches" you mumbled to yourself as you worked.

You leaned forward to reach for some weird knocked over jar in the back but your footing slipped and you fell backwards off the two chairs letting out a yelp closing your eyes tight waiting for the impact of the ground to hit you but a pair of arms wrapped around you instead holding you in place of where the chairs were. You opened your eyes and looked down to see Pein holding you tight protectively. It was sweet of him to save you this way but one problem was that his hands wear on your butt holding onto it tight. You blushed and bit your lip as his eyes bore into yours "Are you ok angel?"
You nodded "I am...can you...your hands are uhm....can you put me down?" 
He realized what he was touching and placed you down quickly fixing your clothes "Sorry...i didn't mean to ....I just didn’t want you to hurt yourself"

You blushed some more at those words and nodded "I know you have no impure intentions towards me ....Thank you"

"You are welcome angel" he spoke softly and left the room feeling awkward as hell cursing himself for being such a fool <that was so embarrassing for me as her Kami...what will she think of me now?....wait…why do I even care?> 



You sat in the hideout’s main hall trying to battle the summer heat by fanning yourself with Kakuzu’s papers as he sat by you working on his bills. He agreed you sit by him if you fanned him as well while he worked. 

“Hey Kakuzu, it’s too hot can’t you summon your wind jutsu creature to cool things down?’ you complained

“You want to be blown into the wall be my guest” He said making you groan and plomp down to the floor. He grabbed your hand up to him “Keep fanning y/n”

You sighed and fanned him, and soon enough your favorite Jashinist waltzed in with his usual shirtless self and his hair dripping wet “THAT FUCK IS THIS HEAT!! I’ve been under the cold shower for hours and nothing is working! We need an Ice user in this organization. OYY! PEIN DID YOU HEAR ME!! ICE USER" he called out to Pein, who was in the other room, but didn’t get an answer.

“You should stop wasting all the water! It's not free you know!” Kakuzu grumbled

Hidan frowned and spoke “HOW ELSE DO I COOL DOW-“ but froze midway seeing you fanning Kakuzu as he worked “Y/n, fan me too!”

“No fuck off” You said emotionlessly as you still laid on the ground melting into the floor.

He stomped towards you “Bitch! Why does he get special treatm-“ He slipped from the water that he tracked on the floor from his wet hair and fell on top of you. Kakuzu moved out of the way quickly holding his money to his chest and watched you two groan in pain on the floor.

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