Meeting konoha shinobi 3

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Rough day at work and I feel stabby >:C Yes, it is a late update!
I’m screeching
Enjoy >:C ~

You went back to the village with Jiraya telling him of everything that you’ve been through so far and begged him to help you. 
“I can’t believe the Ame orphans have been through all of this. What was Danzo thinking back then” Jiraya said taking a sip of his team while sitting with you in one of Konoha’s multiple teahouses.
“He feared that if the orphans grew strong and united, they would force Ame to attack Konoha for revenge. He didn’t see past their peaceful approach and used his filthy ways to bring them down….Nagato isn’t evil…he is lost and confused. He needs guidance from his sensei and support from the people around him…Only then will he understand” you said sadly.
Jiraya knew that he couldn’t turn his back on his own apprentices and agreed. That is when your plan to guide Konoha started and you convinced them to lay low until the Akatsuki attacked first. As a start, you cornered Sasori and Deidara after they had sealed the Kazekage. Konoha clashed with clones of Kisame and Itachi almost immediately. You dropped into the cave pulling Naruto behind you and frowned “You didn’t have to carry on with the sealing and kill the Kazekage!” 
“Oy! We did what you said and you said that we need to carry on with the missions until you show up hm” Deidara said arrogantly
“Relax he still has a bit of life in him… The members didn’t exactly seal all his chakra away…his Tailed beast was just split” Sasori said and nudged Gaara, checking if he was alive. The latter moved and squirmed slightly which made Naruto relax a bit. 
You walked over towards them and took their hands, slipping the rings off their fingers “Take off your cloaks and let’s head back” you ordered. Naruto, Sakura, and Chiyo hurried to the Kazekage’s side to check his vitals, after seeing that the missing nins surrendered to what you said. 
Deidara smirked “You need to hurry up before Kakuzu reaches the fire temple un”
Sasori nodded “I heard the immortals already caught the two tails…we sealed both the one tails and two tails just now”
You nodded and hugged them both startling them “Thank you for doing this” 
“We didn’t do it for you un!...I just want out of this organization…I was forced in remember hm?” Deidara complained pulling away. 
“As an artist, I think I will have to spread my wings a bit instead of follow a lunatic around” Sasori added 
You smiled and nodded “Now, let us mess this place up to make it look like a battle happened”

You spent a few days in Konoha with Shikamaru and his friends. Word of the Akatsuki kidnapping the Kazekage spread quickly like wild fire and they suddenly became wanted targets, making you thankful that you and s/n left that place in time. You got introduced to Asuma, Choji, and Ino. They were all so colorful and unique. Ino sat down with s/n in her lap brushing his messy silver hair, while he nibbled on a small rice cake. You were on the porch of Shikamru’s house along with his sensei talking.
“We still don’t know much about you, y/n. What are your abilities and why are you a missing nin?” Asuma asked
You sighed “I don’t think you guy would like to hear that but there is no point in hiding anymore I guess. I am from Takigakure and belong to a clan who would do rituals to host their bodies for demons that can’t wander our world, kinda like how the Aburame clan here give their bodies to insects, in exchange they lend a hand in battle. The only down side was that it was forbidden in my village because the demons developed cannibalistic tendencies and preyed on villagers. I was offered to join the village and kill my clan…After disposing of my parents, the village wanted to take my demon away. But I couldn’t part with him because he was there for me when no one else was…soon enough this demon took over my chakra system and without him I would be utterly useless…every involuntary movement in my body like my heartbeat and blood flow, depend on him now”
“A demon? interesting… I’ll look forward to see you in battle then” Shikamru smirked getting up to refill the teapot while Ino followed him in. S/n crawled to your side “Daddy?” 
You gave him a sad look and cupped his cheeks “Don’t worry….he will come soon” You said kissing his forehead. 
“You can’t keep lying to him forever y/n. He will know eventually” Asuma said then rubbed the back of his neck “I never told anyone yet but I’ll soon be a father of my own…and I just can’t imagine I’d do that to them. I bet the father feels guilty. You should sort things out with him instead of run”
“I guess so” 
S/n teared up and pulled on your sleeve “Daddyyyy~” You nodded and carried him up “I know baby…you miss him”
“Asuma sama, you are needed by the Hokage. We have sightings on two Akatsuki members who attacked the fire temple and took down Chiriku” An Anbu said making your eyes widen. 
<Chiriku? He was supposed to be Kakuzu’s next bounty target before you left?...that means… Hidan is with him?....If Konoha clashes with them then they are dead> You wouldn’t normally underestimate the two, but after learning about all these weird jutsus in konoha, you couldn’t help but wonder. In seconds, Shikamaru, Ino, choji, and Asuma were sent out, leaving you behind. <**y/n don’t you dare go save that idiot**… **y/n!!**…I’m sorry… I can’t leave him like this. If not for him, then for Kakuzu> You thought. You strapped s/n to your back and sprinted out the village secretly, trying to make your way to the two men before Asuma’s team did. 
“Daddy~” S/n cheered, making you sweat drop
“Speak of the devil, s/n” you said making him chuckle
(I don’t remember if Kakashi was in konoha back when Kakuzu and Hidan appeared, but fuck it :D )
D/n picked up a few flowers handing them to Kakashi making him smile. He knelt down and took them from her. “Thank you d/n” He said to her, taking the flowers while you smiled at the cute sight. 
“You need to convince me right now that you aren’t secretly dating Kakashi san” A man with a beard and cigarette in his mouth spoke making you both blush. 
“Y/n is just a refugee Asuma” Kakashi said with a sigh, as if disappointed himself that you weren’t dating
“Are you a shinobi?” Asuma asked getting closer to you
“Was… I am a full time mother now… plus it wasn’t like I was a strong shinobi…I guess it doesn’t make a difference that I stopped” You lied trying to sound as helpless as possible.
“Are you going to train her to be a Shinobi as well?” Kakashi asked carrying d/n up, making her chuckle. You thought and spoke “Yeah I guess. I want her to learn to defend herself and be independent… unlike her mother” you said 
Two Anbu dropped from the tree “Asuma sama, the temple of fire has been breached by two Akatsuki members and Chiriku has been taken. A search teams needs to be sent out immediately” 
Asuma’s eyes widened and he quickly followed them. Kakashi handed you d/n “Take d/n back to your room. I need to attend to this. Refugees can’t roam freely without jonin supervision” He said and you nodded. Your mind turned blank and frowned while heading back. Kakuzu was supposed to head back here to Konoha but there was no sign of him… You’ve been waiting for his return, so you can vouch for him when he comes to withdraw the money but it seems like he just had a change of heart at the last moment. Could it be that he went back for you?...You couldn’t let him go, even if you hated him for turning his back on you…he was your obsession. You reached the room opening the door and noticed the two hidden Anbu were watching your every move. It is expected for refugees to be thoroughly watched and you knew for sure those two Akatsuki members were Kakuzu and Hidan because of their fight patterns.
 A while back the one tails was caught then the two tails…it was only natural for the two to be heading back at this point. You had to escape without raising suspicion and sighed tiredly “The things I do for you…you idiot.” You spoke then put d/n down “Honey I want you to do something for me” You said grabbing her attention and took her hands. “Mommy needs to sneak out. So she wants you to be extra quiet. Alright?” 
She nodded and placed her hands over her mouth. You chuckled and carried her up performing a few hand signs, making your body and hers ghost-like then passed through the back walls of the room, hoping there weren’t any sensory Shinobi nearby. However before you head on towards the bounty office to meet them, you had to make sure of one thing first and snuck all the way towards the main Hokage’s building.    

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