You scare him

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Because hormones are scary~

Btw do I have any boi readers :0? My wattpad statistics said I did and I have only talked to one or so. Wanna know what they think of this book from their perspective… Too fluffy? Too farfetched? Too Lame?

Enjoy babies~

Nagato finished up his missions and headed back to his room, where you were supposedly sleeping. He walked to see that you were on the bed staring lifelessly at the ceiling doing absolute nothing. He smiled and got close “Angel? Why are you staring at thin air?” He asked but you didn’t answer. 

"Heh are you sleeping with your eyes open?" He teased then His smile dropped and he got closer to you "y/n?" But once again no answer. He was starting to get worried and sat on the bed next to you tilting your head, so you can look at him but your body was cold and you had the same blank look. 
"Y/N !!! WHAT IS WRONG?? YOU ARE ICE COLD!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" he panicked and started fearing the worst. He heart sank to the floor, as he held you in his arms. He slapped your face gently trying to wake you as tears filled his eyes. He didn’t understand what was going on and he didn’t understand why you were so lifeless and cold, until you blinked and released a breath then looked at him and smiled "Oh Nagato you are back...wait what is wrong?" you said his sad look

He glanced at you shock and helped you sit up "W-why were you staying still like that?? you almost gave me a heart attack!" He scolded you and you looked at him confused until you understood and laughed "Ohh that. Sorry, I was meditating. They say if you channel your chakra towards your womb during the first and second trimester then the baby would turn out extra healthy...and I wanted to try and use some Natural chakra" you said with a shy smile
His frown softened "Won't Natural chakra harm the is too intense for their body to handle"

You nodded "Yes, but we are both tied to the Uzumaki clan...this child is going to have a strong body and a lot of chakra...he might even be as strong as you one day"

He hugged you tight "I'm sure he will be better than both of us one day" he said and you hugged him back giggling at his mini heart attack. It was nice that he worried this much. It only shows how much he cares about you and his future child.


When you walked down the halls everyone had to duck and cover. You got extremely destructive all the sudden. You picked fights with almost anyone in sight. It was getting really out of hand! Hidan told you to chill, but that only resulted in him getting stabbed multiple times. 
That was until you clashed with Pein. He told you to stay quiet and calm down, so you snapped at him. You went into full berserk demon mode, that even your demon couldn’t control your body from the fit rage. Pein blocked your punch with his metallic rods but his eyes widened as the rods cracked at the power of your force. “Hidan! Control your woman!!!” Pein barked 
Hidan just like the rest of the members was staring in fear at the monster in front of him. Hidan used his scythe’s coil to hold your arm back giving Pein a chance to escape your grip. You grabbed the coil and pulled on to it roughly pulling Hidan to you, so you can attack him but Kakuzu used his threads to stop you. You growled and the miser watched in horror as the threads around you began to snap one by one as you tore them off you. Deidara decided to pitch in quick and spat out some sticky clay wrapping it around you then Itachi preformed a few hand signs and blew a wave of fire drying it up in seconds rendering you useless. Hidan quickly cut himself and drew the Jashin symbol then grabbed your head in his palm and ripped out the demon from your body, an extraction trick he learnt after the incident at Takigakure. 
The demon fell to the floor panting holding on to his head “**You insane woman!!…she sucked my power dry!**”
You came back to your senses and fell unconscious making all the members relax.
“Tch and you say I’m feisty… crazy bitch” Hidan said then broke you out of the dried clay. The demon got close and carried your body up in his arms gently “**I’ll watch her**” he said to Hidan and left.
Even after all that chaos, Pein magaed to smirk “It took four members to stop her and here I thought the pregnancy rendered her useless. How interesting” 
You went shopping today mainly because your clothes didn’t fit you anymore. So you decided to head out early in the morning but Kakuzu insisted he come with, to monitor your spending. You didn’t mind, in fact you were happy to see that he was finally beginning to accept the fact that he was going to be a father. He did a good job at hiding his face and identity. He wore a long sleeves black shirt and his mask but not his forehead protector, letting his hair fall loose around his shoulders. He hid any sign of his stitches and headed out with you to the market.
You walked into a store that sold maternity items. You felt pretty confused about everything there since it was your first time, until the store owner showed up to help. She helped you find a few clothes and things that you might need during your trimesters. After a few, you had everything set and placed them at the cashier’s table then looked at Kakuzu to pay but he frowned “Half of this junk is useless y/n… I doubt you will need all this”
You sighed “These are just the basics you know. I *am* going to need all these things if you are forcing me to give birth without any medical attention. Now pay up” 
He scowled “No I’m not” 
You felt a surge of anger shoot through your body and grabbed his shirt bringing him down to your level “PAY! OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL RESURRECT YOUR DEAD EX-WIFE TO EAT YOUR FACE OFF IN YOUR SLEEP!!” You snapped at him with glowing eyes and he could’ve sworn he felt a sudden chill go up his spine making him shiver. <Since when was she this scary?> He thought “Okay… I will. Just calm down. You don’t have to make a scene” He said and took out his wallet feeling as if he was ripping those bills out of his own skin and handing them to the cashier painfully. In seconds, the cash was swiped away by the woman and locked off in to the register. He stared at the money sadly until he felt a slim hand grab his. He looked down seeing you smiling up at him “Thank you kazu…You are the best”
His hearts ached at those words and he helped carry your things back to the hideout keeping his hand in yours.
<Have I succumbed to this woman this easily?> 

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