Unexpected visitor

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Okay babies so as you know your author was going through rough times last week. She was in a whirlwind of anxiety attacks, vomiting and insomnia all because she wanted to change her job and move somewhere new~ I haven’t eaten in a week because I'm anxious.
Thankfully I have been accepted at the new job and will be starting there in a few weeks because money~ I finally feel like I'm doing something with my life TuT
Anyways enough about me~ onwards with the story
This is a fast forward almost 10 years into the future! When the babies are 12 years old and getting ready for life~
(Also how long do you want this to go? Would you want one more roller coaster?)
Nagato laid down on the bed wincing in pain and you placed your hands over his chest emitting a strong green light. “You need to take it easy… releasing the Gedo statue wasn’t necessary for a mission like this”
He coughed a bit “There was too many of them. I had to intimidate them, so they could retreat to avoid bloodshed” He spoke.
D/n walked in with a water bowl and a towel, then sat at his other side and placed the wet towel on his forehead “I don’t like when you do this dad…you are so selfish” She mumbled
Nagato looked at her “Selfish? I was defending a village from being crushed by rogues…How is that selfish?”
“It is selfish to me! You think I like seeing your lifeless body get dragged here every time?! You have an entire team of wonderful high ranked shinobi! I don’t see the need for you to be out there as well! What if one day mom is not here and you slip away!! You are killing yourself for a good cause but what about me!! Sometimes I just really hate you!” She cried and covered her face with her hands. You sighed sadly and looked at Nagato.
He weakly took her hand away from her face and kissed it “I’m so sorry love… I didn’t know you felt that way about the way I work…. You are such a pure soul. I’ll promise you from this day forward I’ll be more safe and careful… I won’t use the Gedo again. Just don’t cry… That’s the last thing I want you to do beautiful” he spoke caressing her cheek and wiping her tears away with his thumb.  
She calmed down and held his hand to her cheek still keeping her disappointed pouty look. You smiled “Don’t worry d/n…Soon I’ll be able to teach you everything I know then you’ll have your mother’s magic hands”
She smiled “Actually I’d rather have my mother’s patience….with a father like this, I think I need it”
Nagato smiled “You would’ve loved the old Nagato better….He was less hot blooded and more rational… I apologize…Work is too overwhelming sometimes” He said
“Look at you acting all high and mighty… if only the rogues could see you now sprawled helplessly in bed” Jiraya spoke walking into the room
Nagato sat up “J-Jiraya sensei? ….What are you doing here?”
“Amegakure has good brothels” He mocked
“SENSEI!!!” Nagato yelled motioning to d/n causing the Sanin to chuckle and apologize
“I’m joking… I met up with Konan down at the village entrance while conducting some research for my new book and I thought I’d visit my lovely student, who saved a helpless village”
You smiled “How is Konaha? Is Naruto doing well? I heard Kakashi is Hokage now”
Jiraya nodded “Yeah things are going smoothly now…I just…never knew I’d live to see this world… I’m so proud of my students and I’m proud I was the one who trained such fine shinobi”
Nagato smiled “I’m proud to have been your student, but why are you really here?”
Jiraya chuckled “you know me too well…well as you can see I’m quite old now and wish to do the world good in my finally moments… I’d love to take up a new apprentice…with your permission that is”
You looked at the two “You don’t mean…“
“Yes… I’d love if d/n joins team Jiraya! What do you say girl? Would you like to be trained by the great toad sage, Jiraya sensei!?” He announced
Nagato smiled and looked at d/n “Well?”
She looked at him “Wait… you want me to make that decision? But you are my dad…I-I’m not even 16 yet!”
“But you are a very talented shinobi, I heard… and I see potential” Jiraya spoke
“D/n, if you want to go…I won’t stop you. I trust Jiraya sensei will do all he can to take care of you but you should know that we won’t be seeing each other for a while” Nagato said rubbing her shoulder gently
“I’ll give you time to think. I’ll be in town for a week and will be awaiting your answer d/n” The sanin said
D/n bowed slightly “Thank you” and with that Jiraya nodded and turned to leave.
You smiled and took d/n’s hand “Don’t worry about your dad… I’ll take care of him well and when you come back stronger, you can take the load off of him”
She smiled and nodded “I will do my best for both of you”
S/n stormed into the garden gates grumbling in anger and tossed his stuff on the ground then stomped to your side and hugged your waist burying his face in your stomach as you were cleaning the porch. You sighed and hugged him back “Oh my…what is it this time?”
Hidan stormed in after him “Where is the little shit so I can beat the crap outta him?!”
You turned to Hidan and hid s/n behind you “Why are you two so angry?! What is wrong?!” You snapped
Hidan crossed his arms “Tell your mother what you did you worthless piece of shit!”
S/n frowned “I didn’t do anything! You just always assume the worst about me! You think I’m gonna grow to be a screw up like you!”
Hidan grit his teeth but you stopped him from taking a step forward and turned to s/n holding his shoulders “Do not disrespect your father that way. Have some respect. Now calm down and tell me what happened”
S/n looked down at the ground “I hurt someone… but it was only self-defense!”
Hidan frowned “Yeah! he beat up a kid bloody and now his parents are blaming me for it! I could lose my fucking job because of this!... Our reputation is fucking bad enough! I should’ve never let Kakuzu train you by this age. Ever since he left, you started becoming such an unstable mess”
You walked to Hidan “Go take a shower and cool down. I’ll talk to him”
Hidan left and you turned to s/n, who had guilt written all over his face and cupped his drooped cheek “Honey…This is the third time this month… You need to learn to control your anger, for your father’s sake and mine and even yours. We are already perceived as awful people and we are trying to make things work out for us, so please tone it down or else we will get kicked out the village and have nowhere else to go. I know you miss Kakuzu already but he will only be gone for a year”
He looked down and teared up “I’m sorry… The other kids were teasing me and I don’t know what to do… They say horrible things about you and I can’t stand there and just hear them say all this awful things… I love you and I’d kill anyone who says you are a bad person” he sobbed and you hugged him tight “Oh my poor baby boy…don’t cry. I’m here for you”
“Never imagine you as a kid who’d get bullied” A familiar voice spoke.
You looked up seeing Shikamaru leaning on the garden fence. You smiled “Shika! What are you doing here?… It has been so long!” You said happily and he entered then took a seat on the porch near you “My team is resting in the village and I thought I’d visit because they are too busy being too troublesome”
S/n quickly wiped away his tears and you looked at Shikamaru pleadingly with your eyes, so he can help out.
“You must be S/n… you are all grown up now since the last time I saw you” He started to talk and you smiled excusing yourself to go make some tea.
S/n looked up at Shikamaru, not saying a word.
“I get it. You are upset. I’d be upset too if someone trashed talked my parents but there are right and wrong ways to deal with things”
S/n sat down and hugged his legs to his chest “What is the right way to deal with this?”
“Well you shouldn’t keep these emotions bottled up to start with because they will just make you more violent. That’s what your parents are here for… they will hear you out if you want to say anything… And second of all, bullies feed on the attention and reactions you give them. It makes them feel superior, so the only way to counter that is to ignore and make them look like idiots” Shikamaru spoke and poked s/n’s head “You need to use your brain and not your fist, when it comes to these things. Being violent only proves their rumors right. A long time ago, I fought your father...he hated my guts because I made a fool of him constantly and eventually he just drifted away on his own”
“Yeah, Dad is an asshole! He always yells at me and calls me all these awful things…He is nothing different than those bullies” S/n snapped
“At least you have your mom… Don’t blame your father much…he never had the chance to lead a normal childhood like you… You should be more understanding of him and try to approach him the way your mother does… You don’t choose your parents s/n… they are people you just gotta learn to get used to because the world is full of different people who are nice and mean.  If you can’t survive your own home and society, then you can’t really survive anywhere”
S/n bit his lip and nodded “I guess so”
“Now you owe your dad an apology and you owe the bully and his parents an apology too” Shikamaru spoke getting up and s/n nodded.  
“D/n focus on your balance. You need to spread the chakra evenly around your feet and take up an equal amount to release your jutsu” Kakuzu spoke to d/n as she was trying to walk up a tree and preform one of her water jutsus, to learn a bit of multitasking. She nodded and focused the chakra onto her feet then sprinted up the tree successfully. D/n performed some hand signs and released a bit of water, but she lost concentration and fell back into his arms safely. He smiled “You are making better progress than yesterday. But to be an elite, you need to practice harder. You will start going on bigger missions soon and I won’t be there to catch you, if you fall” He said placing her down.
“You are going too hard on her. She is just 12 years old” A familiar voice rang causing the two to turn around. Itachi smiled and waved hello to them.
“Uchiha? What are you doing here? I thought you and your brother were jailed”
Itachi nodded “We were and now we are back. We are settling in Konoha permanently after we served our time. I’m lucky my brother has a friend who can easily sway the Hokage for me”
You headed into the dense tree, so you can call Kakuzu and d/n to head back and stopped onto a branch “Itachi?! you are back?!” You said and jumped down rushing to hug him. He shyly hugged back and pulled away “Have you gotten younger y/n?”
You giggled and looked at d/n “Did you say hi d/n?”
She tensed up seeing she had missed that detail and bowed down to greet Itachi then apologized.
“You should come over for dinner, if you don’t have anything to do” You offered and he agreed.
You sat down at the dinner table with Itachi as your guest casually chatting, until the door burst open and Hidan walked in rubbing the back of his neck “Uhhh I’m fucking starving and can’t feel my anything” He whinned in annoyance.
D/n smiled widely and ran up to hug his waist “Nii chan! you are back!”
He smiled and ruffled her hair and looked towards Itachi “You are out of jail? Fuck time flies by doesn’t it?” He said and sat at the table.
Itachi gave small smile “You still live here Hidan? I thought you and Kakuzu couldn’t stand each other. None of the partners from the Akatsuki remained together… though I did meet up with Kisame a month back in Kiri”
Kakuzu frowned “I didn’t ask this idiot to stay. He just decided to tag along”
You sighed “Hidan grew on us…I don’t think I can go about my day now without hearing his foul mouth and annoyed grunts” you joked
Hidan frowned “Oy! I’m not your stupid doormat. Don’t trash me. It isn’t like I live here for free! I make my fair share of money” 
“Money?... you sure have spiraled away from your religion” Itachi said and Hidan pouted “I have not!....but some rules need to be bent in order of progression”
Itachi was taken aback at how mature Hidan sounded now and smiled “I’m glad you are satisfied with the path you chose”
You smiled “You will too Itachi”
He nodded and looked at d/n maybe we can train together someday”
D/n blushed “An Uchiha wants to train with me?” she said almost too ecstatic and he nodded making her cheer “YES!! It would be an honor!!How about tomorrow?”
“Oy! You were going with me tomorrow, you low life brat!” Hidan frowned getting a bit jealous. He didn’t know why but over the years he just battled for d/n’s attention. D/n and Hidan had an adorable sibling bond; one that was obvious to Itachi from only seconds of witnessing the two.
“I need to get settled down first but as soon as I am free I’ll find you” Itachi said making Hidan relax and D/n pout.  
Soon enough Itachi left and you promised to repay the visit. Hidan grabbed d/n’s shoulder “You are a friend hoe you know that?”
She chuckled and hugged him “You know I can’t replace you Nii chan”
He smirked and carried her up on his shoulder roughly “We are going for fucking Ice cream! Don’t wait up” He said to you and left
You smiled “Aww how cute. I’m glad d/n has Hidan around with her”
Kakuzu nodded crossing his arms “I just hope she doesn’t pick up his language”
“Nah she knows better” You brushed past him but he stopped you and kissed your forehead making you blush.
D/n jumped from one tree to another as she was heading home from the store. You sent her out on small errands to the nearby villages, so she can help stock up on everything in the house. Sasori was always busy in his workshop and Deidara was away for most of the day in Iwa, while you headed out to meet some Kiri shinobi who had missions for you. It was a busy hive of a house but this pushed d/n to be extremely responsible at a young age. She could take care of herself well when you were away and if something were to happen, Sasori was a room away. She dropped onto the porch of the house and entered “Sasori san! I’m home!” She called out earning a hum from the red head. She headed to the kitchen and placed the food where it should be until there was a knock at the door. She hurried thinking it was you and opened up only to be met with a tall threatening figure. His face was covered in piercings and the long black cloak contrasted with his orange bright hair. The scariest part however was his purple ringed eyes.
She gulped “H-how can I help you?” she said trying not to sound too intimidated.
He scanned her from top to bottom “You must be d/n… Are your parents home?”
She shook her head and he entered pushing her aside looking at the house “I suppose you don’t mind me waiting for them then”
She opened her mouth to yell for Sasori but the red head already exited his workshop, after hearing a man’s voice in the house. “Pein sama?...What are you doing here?”
Pein gave Sasori a soft smile “It sure is nice to see you are well… and still the same after so long. I have come with a preposition for you guys”
Sasori crossed his arms “We are sick of your plans. We won’t do anything for you anymore”
“I understand where this is coming from but actually I am here to request a favor from them and you” He explained
D/n on the other hand heard you and Deidara coming, so she went to open the door for you. You greeted her with kisses and hugs then she whispered “Mom there is someone weird and scary with Sasori” 
Deidara looked at you confused then hurried with you to the main hall seeing Pein. He greeted you and you all sat down to talk.
“You two have really changed and matured over the years” Pein started then looked at the three of you “As you’ve heard there is a new summit meeting soon to be held”
Deidara nodded “Yeah but they still haven’t picked the location yet hm”
“I know which is why I’m here. I would like to recommend for them to hold it in Amegakure” Pein added
Sasori frowned “Why come to us? Go send your proposal to the kages”
Pein shook his head “After the incidents, all the Akatsuki members have been punished and forced to serve the main villages once more…However Amegakure was hurt as well. It is almost as if we are black listed now. Ironic how the number one victimized village is now perceived as a terrorist’s ground… It is damaging my people deeply, which is why I need your help. You have redeemed yourselves and worked your ways back to the village’s heart. All I need is for you to pitch in for Amegakure”
You looked at Deidara thinking and he looked at Sasori. The red head squinted skeptically “How will we know this isn’t a trap to pursue your revenge on the main villages. How will you ensure the kages’ safety in your village? How will we know we are not just walking back into your little game?”
Pein sighed “I’ve lost so much already… but I haven’t lost my people and that is something I will not let slip from my grasp. Amegakure is my home, doing something to hurt the people would be against my principles. I’ve already talked with Itachi but… I didn’t bother looking for Hidan and Kakuzu because they don’t belong to main villages…As for Kisame, he is still serving his time”
“Okay… I’ll recommend you” You said, causing Deidara and Sasori to look at you in disbelief. “I am just repaying you for the service you’ve done to me when d/n was born… That is the only reason, but mark my words, if this is a trap, we are going to wipe Amegakure from existence ….you would’ve made enemies of us Pein sama”
Pein nodded “Understood…Thank you y/n”
Deidara snapped “Y/N AGREED BUT WE DIDN’T HM!!! Since when do you make decisions for us y/n un!?”
You sighed “I didn’t… I am in charge of swaying Kirigakue. The rest of you can do whatever you want”
Sasori thought “Fine I’ll talk to the Kazekage. So now you have three main villages out of five”
Deidara rubbed the back of his head “Four…you have four but we are not going to guarantee results alright un…The Tsuchikage is still at my neck”
Pein smiled and nodded “Thank you… I look forward to hearing from you by the end of this week”
The three of you nodded and you followed him outside along with d/n where he had a moment to get introduced to her well. D/n was as tough and hyped as Deidara and now she was excited to see Amegakure for herself after Pein invited her to visit.  
S/n sat in Sasori’s workshop helping his father work with a smile on his face. “So dad how many puppets did you make when you were my age?”
“Honestly I lost count… I did all sorts of things for the puppet brigade after my grandmother commissioned me for it” Sasori spoke
S/n looked down sadly rubbing his arm “Do you think I’m slow? Am I good enough?”
Sasori continued working “Self-worth depends on your perception of yourself, not the perception of others. If you feel you aren’t doing enough then work harder. If you are contempt then that is okay too. As long as you are happy with what you’ve done, it is fine…But let me tell you this…A true artist is never satisfied with his work. There is always something that’s a miss that could be a hundred times better” he spoke reaching for the wrench.
S/n sighed and nodded “I hope to be as good as you someday”
Sasori smiled “You’ll be better”
“GUESS WHO IS HERE UN~!!” a familiar voice boomed into the house and dropped onto Sasori like the sound of screeching glass. “Oh dear god please don’t let it be-“
“Danna! Look who came to visit hm!” Deidara called out as he stood with you in the main hall. You laughed and saw Sasori peek out the workshop then roll his eyes “Of all the people to visit…it had to be you”
Deidara chuckled and walked over “Come on I know you miss me. So drop the cold act! This will not tarnish your reputation hm”
Sasori gave a small smile and lead him to sit down “So what brings you to Suna?”
“Iwagakure is excavating the clay in the porcelain village as part of a trade and I came with them to test the quality of the clay un… well mainly taste hehe but I thought I’d drop by yeah…Things look well for you… wish I can say the same about me the Tsuchikage’s granddaughter will be the death of me hm”
Sasori nodded “She always had an eye for you, so take advantage of it… S/n come say hi to Deidara”
S/n peeked from the hall then walked out shyly but Deidara lunged at the boy giving him a hug “There he is. Look at you almost taller than danna now… we are almost the same height un!”
S/n looked at him intently then smiled “Ohh! I remember you!” He cheered and hugged Deidara tight “I thought I’d never see you again”
Deidara smiled “you can’t get rid of me that easily kid… The excavation is gonna take a month to finish so I’m sticking here til then”
Sasori frowned “I’m guessing you are broke and don’t have a place to stay”
Deidara looked at Sasori blankly then turned to s/n we are gonna have so much fun un!”
S/n smiled “I can’t wait to show you my puppet collection Deidara san!”
Deidara let out a dry laugh and wrapped his arm around s/n “Puppets are nothing compared to what I can do…I’ll show you true art hm!”
You got up “NO!! Not in the house or even in the premises! This is a small community and we don’t want trouble with our neighbors!” You said sternly but s/n had already dragged Deidara to his room making you sigh.
Sasori smiled “Let them… S/n has been sitting indoors for too long… A small outing and hyper person like Deidara will do him well”
You thought and looked at him “You think so?”
He nodded and got up heading back to his workshop but you stopped him “you have been sitting indoor for too long as well”
He wanted to continue towards his workshop but turned to you “I suppose a small outing wouldn’t hurt…. Where do you want to go?”
You smiled seeing how understanding and caring he was now and pulled him close for a soft kiss. “Let’s spend the day with Deidara. He came all the way here to see you. You must have a lot to catch up on”
Sasori frowned “I’m postponing work for a day with the brat?”
You poked his side “You love this brat…admit it”
Sasori sighed “Whatever”
Kisame was away on a long mission leaving you and D/n alone in Kiri. Even though she was 12 now, she felt the need to cuddle next to you when Kisame wasn’t around. A long while back someone broke into the house to assassinate you when Kisame was away and it left a sort of paranoia to her.
You felt the light flood the room and hugged her closer, kissing her forehead so she would wake up. D/n despite her shark like features had grown up to be a very beautiful girl. A lot of boys her age had an eye for her, but she showed more interest in beating them up and getting to the top of her class. D/n opened her eyes slightly then sat up rubbing them.
“Morning baby” you cooed and kissed her cheek
She smiled pushing you away “I’m not a baby anymore”
You laughed “You are 12 and sleeping with your mom in bed… Yes, you are”
She smiled shyly then got out of bed stretching and went to wash her face. You did the same then headed to the kitchen, so you can prepare some breakfast, until a knock at the door came.
D/n went to open and shrieked seeing Kisame. She jumped on to him, hugging him tight wrapping her arms and legs around him. He laughed hugging her tighter “How is my favorite girl doing?… I missed you so much” He smirked and put her down to kiss her forehead
“I missed you so much too! I have so much to tell you” She said happily. It has only been a month since he left but the two were so connected to one another and sometimes finished each other’s sentences.
“You’ve grown into such a beautiful girl d/n” A familiar voice spoke from Kisame’s side making d/n flinch. She looked over to see Itachi standing there with a smile. She vaguely remembered Itachi and smiled “You’re….you’re….I forgot your name, sorry”
Kisame smiled “This Itachi Uchiha” he said and d/n greeted him then moved aside for them to enter. You heard itachi’s voice and hurried over to the door. “Itachi!” You said happily and hugged him tight “I missed you so much… how have you been?…how is Sasuke? I hope Konoha is treating you well”
Itachi smiled shyly “I’ve been fine… back into the Anbu faction after Danzo lost his trial…Sasuke joined me there as well and we are doing the best we can to stay settled”
You smiled “I’m glad so…so what brings you to Kiri?”
Kisame smirked “After my mission, I was at the docks waiting to meet up with an envoy from konoha and it turns out the head of the envoy was this guy…so I dragged him all the way here to see you”
You were so excited to see a familiar face and invited him to have breakfast with you. D/n was looking at Itachi curiously the entire time, until he shifted his gaze towards her.
“So tell me D/n…how are you doing?”
D/n blushed a bit “Uhm well… I passed the chunin exams a while back and now I am aiming to follow in dad’s footsteps… not all his footsteps… like only his good footsteps” She chuckled
“And I am more than proud” Kisame spoke then frowned “Speaking of which, when are you going to settle down Itachi?”
The latter laughed nervously and shook his head “I’m really patient when it comes to this… These things happen unexpectedly. I’d rather not rush it and put all my effort on helping out my brother”
“That is so sweet…I wish I had a little sibling to care for” D/n spoke making Kisame look at you with a smile but you elbowed him in the waist painfully.
Itachi chuckled and looked at d/n deeply “You are really a pretty girl you know that?”
D/n blushed “I weirdly get that a lot… I should join a shinobi pageant then I’ll be the first blue fish out there with a tiara“ She joked
Kisame frowned “No! My daughter is a warrior, not a pretty face. I’ll shred apart any boy who comes her way”
D/n chuckled “Way ahead of you dad!”
“That’s my girl!” He cheered
You looked at Itachi “See what I go through every day?… I am literally outnumbered here because I’m not blue”
The raven haired man chuckled “No worries. I’m here for you y/n”
You sat down at the breakfast table with Sasuke as he helped prepare the table.
“S/n! I’m not letting you sleep in. Come have breakfast” You called then sighed “This boy is lazy as hell”
Sasuke shook his head “No S/n and I spent all night training. His body must be exhausted because we kinda over did it”
“Nah I’m alright… Just lazy” S/n spoke walking in and took a seat at the table.
You sat down with the two and spoke “I’ve been meeting that Haruno girl around. She was asking a lot about you, Sasuke. So I invited her over today… I hope that is okay with you” You said making Sasuke choke on his drink and look at you in disbelief. “Why would you do that!?”
S/n chuckled “Sasu Nii has a crush~” he cooed and the young man smacked the boy on the back of the head so that he can shut up, until there was knock at the door.
Sasuke tensed a bit and got up “I swear if that is Sakura at the door…I’m moving out” He said coldly and went to open, only to see Itachi at the door. He moved aside for his brother to enter and Itachi smiled “Guess who I stumbled over today at the border wanting to fight everyone?” he said and moved for Kisame to walk in.
You smiled and got up to greet him “Kisame!! It has been so long!” You said and hugged him close then stepped back “Have you gotten bigger?... Do you just keep working out this way till you explode?”
Kisame chuckled “At least I got muscles all you Uchiha are scrawny as hell… Even you Itachi” He said poking the latter’s chest
You all took a seat the breakfast table and s/n just stared at Kisame intently making the shark man smirk and poke the boys forehead “It is rude to stare you know… Unless you think I’m familiar”
S/n looked away shyly “You do look familiar but I’m pretty sure I can remember a shark man, if I knew one”
Kisame chuckled “Mighty Guy doesn’t seem to agree with that. I reached the border to deliver a scroll and he was in charge of the team receiving it… Took me hours to talk to that idiot”
You smiled “Guy is something else indeed. S/n, this is Kisame… he used to baby sit you when you were just a little baby”
“You left me with a shark!” S/n snapped in disbelief
“They left me with a snake, so it’s fair” Sasuke retorted, making Itachi sigh “I feel so underappreciated”
Kisame chuckled “You couldn’t get more hardcore than this. Uchihas are such edge lords. Hopefully you are as good as your family in what you do s/n”
S/n smiled proudly “I’m already a chunin! And I’m aiming to become an Anbu soon! But the Hokage thinks I’m still too young and limited the minimum age for Anbu members to 15 due to someone” he rolled his eyes pointing at Itachi
Kisame nodded “Understandable after what your bloodline’s done… But advice from me kid… Don’t rush things. Take some time to smell the flowers. The Anbu aren’t going anywhere and work is kinda slow now that the so called peace era is nearing”
S/n thought a bit and nodded “I guess so”
“I’m glad he got to hear it from you. I’ve been trying to explain that to him since forever” You said then continued “So how long are you staying?”
“About two days, Konoha needs to answer the message and hand it to me, so I can move on the rest of the villages. The new joint chunin exams are coming and Kirigakure is suggesting they do it there. Mei sama seems to handle things well. Too well actually she keeps trying to praise and promote me and I’m completely flattered. Couldn’t be more satisfied with my job”
“Tch sounds to me like someone has a crush on you… Trust me I have experience” Sasuke spoke making Kisame blush and look down rubbing the back of his head “I highly doubt that. She is the Misukage… I’m still serving time for my errors by being her errand boy”
You looked at Itachi slamming your chopsticks down “Uchihas we have a new mission at our hands!”
Itachi and Sasuke looked at you “What would that be mom?” S/n asked and you answered “We must set Kisame up with Mei sama in the joint chunin exams!”
Kisame gulped as everyone on the table nodded with pure seriousness written on their face
“The hell have I gotten myself into?” Kisame sweatdropped
There was something really strange about s/n ever since he started his chakra training plants around him just twirled and twisted. He couldn’t step anywhere without leaving a green trail behind. His none human side was overflowing with power that he couldn’t control yet, which caused his entire bedroom to become a mini greenhouse. You decided to enroll s/n in the academy at Konoha, so that he can have professional training which forced you to move there for the mean time. You sat in front of the teacher at the academy for your first parent-teacher evaluation.
“I hope s/n is doing well” you said
The teacher sighed “Well we tried putting him in a class room but that only ended up in turning it to an indoor garden… His wood release is on a whole new level and we are doing the best we can. S/n is easily swayed by emotion. When he is calm small blades of grass emerge near him but when he is nervous or angry trees emerges, meaning more chakra. But don’t be alarmed we will get through with him and he will be in control of his chakra in a few months. For now he is doing a great job helping the nearby farming countries”
You smiled “I’m glad so…Thank you for your help. I just don’t want him to feel out casted”
“None sense he is a quiet kid but he is also very popular” the man assured you and you got up bowing slightly, thanking him then headed out to meet s/n, who was sitting on a swing outside, that now had floral vines wrapped around it.
You walked up to him and kissed his forehead “I’m proud of you S/n”
“But I’m still a mess…I’ve done little progress” He said sadly but you knelt in front of him “That is not true… you done wonderful progress you waited anxiously for an hour and all you managed to grow was this”
He nodded “I guess so” and got up off the swing then walked with you out of the academy walls towards the street. You noticed he was focusing as hard as he can to not let his chakra flow out but the trees and grass couldn’t help but twisted towards his warm chakra feeding off it immensely.
“Well well well…So the rumors were true. You did come back here…you sure fell hard princess” Someone spoke
You looked up seeing Obito walking towards you. You smiled “Still sour after I ruined your delusional dream?” You mocked and he chuckled “More powerless than ever but still equally sassy… How is everything?”
You smiled proudly “Fine…We moved here so s/n can get proper training….Shiro is kinda clumsy at that”
Obito nodded in understanding and looked at s/n “Nice to meet you S/n. I’m sure you don’t remember me much”
S/n smiled “Of course I do… You were the most interesting person I’ve ever met”
Obito felt his heart writhe at the compliment and patted s/n’s shoulder causing a small vine to appear wrapping around his fingers. “S-sorry I didn’t mean to do that” S/n apologized.
Obito smiled and knelt down to his level “You know soon the academy will be over and you will be assigned to a Jonin to join his team with two other students. I hope I can be that Jonin”
S/n’s eyes lit up “You mean it!...Thank you so much Obito sama” he said excitedly and hugged Obito tight. You wanted to stop him before more creepers emerged but nothing happened. S/n was too excited to realize that his chakra had settled down.
Obito smiled “Even though your father screwed my life over…but he also kept me alive for all these years, so I kinda owe him that… but if he shows up I’m still punching him in the face for what he did….speaking of which where is Zetsu?”
You smiled “Well Shiro and Zetsu decided to be their own selves now. Shiro is a stay-at-home dad who takes care of s/n, and Kuro is traveling about searching for any relics and ruins that could point out the source of his mother’s clan…We still fear they will return”
Obito had a sympathetic look then got up and pinched s/n’s cheek “You need anything, I’ll be around”
“Thank you so much Obito” You bowed slightly along with s/n and carried on your way.  
You rushed down the halls of the hospital with s/n behind you. There was a huge accident in one of the quarries that caused a lot of injuries and deaths. Iwagakure was currently low on medics so they called you in. Obito had been moving about between villages to fulfill his duties and managed to reach Iwagakure; which was the last stop before finally returning to Konoha. You stopped near a big white door and looked at s/n. “Dear, you are about to see a lot of severe injuries but don’t be afraid. You must be strong so you can help those people just like we practiced, alright?”
He nodded with a determined face and you pushed open the door. There were multiple men laid about with bleeding limbs and heads, groaning in pain as the nurses and doctor rushed about trying to heal as many as possible. One nurse walked up to you and smiled in contempt “Doctor Y/n you are here… thank you for coming… Your patient is over there. He is the one in most severe condition”
You nodded and hurried over tying your hair back then knelt next to the bleeding man. His entire ribs were crushed and blood was seeping all over. S/n stared in horror at the sight and gulped but you quickly took charge “S/n I want you to clean the blood and open cuts, while I steady his breathing and heal his ribs” you ordered and he nodded rushing to get some disinfectants and bandages.
You placed your hand over the man’s chest while s/n did as you said. The procedure was a success and even though he was young, s/n was able to get through with it determinately. The man was in stable condition and you helped around more people as you could. After it was over, you cleaned up your hands and s/n’s from the blood then headed out only to hear someone familiar speaking.
“Those numbskulls didn’t wait for the explosion corp to inspect the products. They got what they deserve un” Deidara snapped at a man dressed up just like him, in an Iwagakure Jonin outfit.
“D-deidara?... Is that you?” You said walking up to him and he had to do a double take as he saw you.
“Y/n! What are you doing here un? I thought you’d be in konoha hm!”He said with a big smile.
You beamed and hugged him then pulled away “Obito is still serving his time… This is his last year and we are spending it in Iwagakure” You explained
He smiled brightly then his eyes shifted to s/n “Is that s/n? You grew up so much since the last time I saw you un!…Do you remember me hm?”
S/n thought but shook his head “Sorry… I forgot who you are”
Deidara smirked “You forgot how you used to stuff candy down my hand mouths hn?”
“Hand mouths?” S/n asked cluelessly, until Deidara opened his palms to the boy showing him his prized possessions.  
S/n smiled widely “Deidei chan!!” he cheered then closed his mouth “I mean Deidara sama”
The blonde chuckled and ruffled the kid’s hair then looked at you “How’s the over grown idiot hm?”
You laughed “You should ask him yourself; he is right behind you”
Deidara turned around seeing Obito behind him with a small smile “I knew I’d stumble over you eventually. How have you been Deidara san?”
Deidara looked at him blankly “I’m fine hm… This is still too weird for me...To think you once called me senpai un”
Obito chuckled “It wasn’t me who did… that was Gurguru san. He is residing in Konoha now… when I see him I’ll tell him to visit you, since you look like you missed him”
“NO UN!!! Don’t! I don’t need that idiot around! He was rude and demeaning un” Deidara snapped
“Kinda like you?” Obito said slyly making the blonde frown “I hate Uchihas hm” he said plainly then looked at s/n and added “Unless it is s/n”
S/n smiled proudly and Deidara pulled him close “You wanna spend the day with someone cooler than your dad?”
S/n looked at you and Obito for permission and you both nodded. “Yes please!” He cheered and was dragged away by Deidara “Have him back before sun down Dei! “You called out and sighed
Obito pulled you close kissing your cheek “I’m proud of you”
You smiled and kissed him softly “I’m proud of you too. You’ve come a long way”

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