He has a nightmare

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Zabuza was my first Naruto crush but now I’m loyal to Kakuzu. It turns out they have the same birth day and weirdly same attitude. :I I must find the man born on August 15! 

Ayyyyy~ the previous chapter was all a bad bad dream because I love you guys~
Some people requested a miscarriage chapter and some didn’t so I compromised, so you’d all be happy ^w^
Told you I wouldn’t kill the babies! Not in this book but I just couldn’t resist seeing you all scream and cry ** I feed on your emotions mwahaha~!**  >:3 

You woke up hearing Nagato murmuring and tossing in his sleep. You knew he was having a bad dream, so you got up and shook his shoulder “Nagato… Nagato wake up”
He opened his purple glowing orbs causing a gust of wind to blow in your face from his intense chakra. You gasped in a shock and held his hand “Nagato calm down!... It was just a dream” You said caressing his face and his eyes relaxed and he looked at you “y/n…is the child-“
“The child is fine and still kicking” you said with a chuckle and took his hand placing it over your bump making him feel the small movements. He smiled and sat up rubbing his face in his hand “I’m sorry for waking you up… You need your rest”
You got up from bed “No need. I was actually getting hungry anyways. You want me to get something for you?”
He smile and shook his head “How about we go out to eat? I haven’t been out walking in the streets for a long time”
You nodded and he got up putting on his clothes and took your hand heading out the dark tower. The rain was soft tonight in Amegakure and you both shared an umbrella to reach a small ramen shop. You both ordered and sat down to enjoy your hot bowls of ramen and soup that you’ve been craving for hours. His red hair was covering his eyes as he ate…he looked so human and no one seemed to notice.
“So what did you dream about that got you so tense?” You asked curiously and he just smiled “Nothing you should worry your mind with…I’m just glad I woke up to see that you were okay. Now eat up don’t want my two babies getting hungry now” he said making you blush and nod.


Hidan felt something drip on to his forehead. He opened his eyes trying to adjust to the pitch black room to see that the ceiling was dripping with some weird dark liquid. He sat up and the horrible metallic smell stung his nose. It was the stench of blood. He got up from his bed to turn on the lights and see what was up with the ceiling. As his finger switched the light his eyes widened seeing a child nailed to the ceiling staring directly at him as the blood dripped from its wound. He couldn’t tear his eyes from the horrid sight and his body couldn’t move until the baby opened its mouth and started to scream.

The silver haired man sat up gasping for breath and looked around seeing everything was dark and that he was in his room again. “Hidan… are you alright?” You spoke making him jump and turn to look at you. He eyes were dilated and he was sweating, which made you really worried. He looked down and placed his hand on your stomach then relaxed “Oh thank Jashin…I knew you wouldn’t let me down Jashin sama” he mumbled to himself. 
You cupped his face to make him look at you “What’s wrong babe? Did you have a nightmare?” 
He nodded and hugged you tight making you chuckle “You are so cute. You want to talk about it baby?” You said passing your fingers in his hair gently and kissing his nose.
 He frowned “First of all bitch, I'm not fucking cute!!! Second…I thought I lost my little jashinist...and it was fucking possessed” He said making you chuckle and cup his face “You are more anxious than I am huh?…you should know that I’m in a month where chances of a miscarriage are pretty low… plus the baby is healthy and gets constant checkups. And I promised you this child would be a jashinist, so they will not follow in my footsteps and become a shell for a demon. Don’t worry about it” you said and he nodded then laid back down and pulled you close to lay on his chest as he passed his hand in your hair while playing with his necklace and thanking his god over and over under his breath..

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