My personal covet

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OOohhh~ things are about to go down! Let us hurt the baby bois' feelings!

(Scenarios are all different despite being in the same location. So you learn something in each boi's part about the devilish valley but it won't affect the main story line)


Continuation to previous chapter



I walked deeper into the cave hoping I can find an end to this exhausting tunnel. It felt like I have been walking for hours on end and the stench of this cave was getting more and more pungent with a humid moldy smell. (For serious grotto's smell like moldy socks :I don't know why tourists pay to visit these places)

The ground got more slippery and I used the wall to level myself hoping that y/n and d/n were alright by themselves.


I heard someone calling my name from deep within the cave in the form of an echo... could it be that y/n had found a way around?

"Y/n! I'm right here!" I called out but there was no answer, so I hurried my pace towards the voice. I was too reckless because this rush made me slip and slide down a slope scraping my elbows. I recovered quick and got up seeing that I reached a closed cavern with a glowing blue pond in the center. It didn't look like regular water because it was glowing like it was made of some sort of condensed chakra. I heard my name again but I realized it was a man's voice and it was coming from the pond. I neared it looking slightly into the water seeing my reflection trying to see where the sound was coming from, until something weird happened.

My reflection changed.

It wobbled and I squinted trying to make out what it was, until a hand emerged from the water startling me. I quickly jumped back preparing myself for whatever was there.

The figure got out the water and coughed as if they were trapped in there for a while, However that is not what scared me. This person....he looked like Yahiko.

 The Yahiko look-alike stood up coughed a bit of water then looked at me "N-Nagato?

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The Yahiko look-alike stood up coughed a bit of water then looked at me "N-Nagato?... Is that you?"

I stepped back in shock, seeing my deceased best friend alive in front of my own eyes. I thought it was a form of genjutsu, so I tried to undo it but nothing changed.

Yahiko looked at me with a sad look and teared up.

"Yahiko?... is that really you?" I couldn't believe my eyes. He was there in front of me almost in tears. I walked up to him and hugged him tight. "Yahiko! You are here"

He hugged back equally as tight and burst into tears "Nagato... I'm sorry for leaving you and Konan alone....I'm sorry for pushing you to live by my ideals... I just wanted us to be happy" He cried breaking my heart. It was really him.... he was really here with me.

"Don't blame yourself Yahiko... Konan and I made our own decision in walking in your footsteps... You told me I could do it... that you were that bridge for me...I couldn't let you down"

He pulled away looking into my eyes "You would never let me down... you were the brother I never had Nagato....I've been watching over you all these years and I don't blame you for what you have tried to achieve but you need to know that some people can't be trusted... they walk into your life and offer you things only to achieve their own selfless dreams, with you as a cover for their plans" He said then froze and stepped back... my projection is weakening" He said faintly and stepped back treading into the water then coughed a bit "I wanted to stay with you a while longer Nagato...I also have something to tell you"

I didn't want to let go of him and stepped into the water to stay by his side "Yes?"

"I met your parents.... They are really sweet mother wants to tell you that you should take care of yourself and stay healthy...she is very proud of" Yaahiko's words started to get weaker and weaker as he stepped back to the center of the pond, while I trudged towards him trying to understand what he was saying. He smiled taking my hand "Come talk to them.... Come with me Nagato" Yahiko said with the calmest smile.

I really wanted to see them so I nodded and followed him but as I stepped forward I fell down into a hole in the center of the pond with Yahiko. He hugged me tight but I didn't have time to hold my breath and we sunk down as quick as a heavy rock. My lungs couldn't take the pressure and my ears started to throb with unbearable pain at the pressure of the water the more we dropped down....I looked to Yahiko and my eyes widened at what I saw.... This wasn't Yahiko... it was a serpent looking creature with shining eyes and sharp teeth. What have I gotten myself in to?

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