The kids leave

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:D yaaay! The baby birdies are leaving the nest!
Just a series of bad decisions. Aren’t teens cute?

You sat between Nagato and a beat up Jiraya holding an icepack to his head. “I’m so sorry Jiraya sama” You apologized as Nagato stared in disapproval. “Sensei I only agreed to have d/n train under your wing and nothing more. You had the audacity to let her near your books and perverted culture! What were you thinking?!”
“Nagato it isn’t like our daughter strayed from her path. She is bound to be exposed to this sooner or later but d/n knows better than this. You raised her yourself, didn’t you?” You spoke
Jiraya chuckled “It’s alright y/n. Don’t defend me. I see where he is coming from. He is a very protective father and extremely reserved when it comes to these things”
“RESERVED?! You introduced my daughter to porn!” Nagato snapped. You heard a gasp from the door and saw Konan “Sensei….are you serious?” She frowned
Jiraya sighed “That is not important now! The point is d/n was able to master a jutsu in a few weeks… I think we have a new prodigy at our hands. I would like to finally hand her some official missions to see how she works under pressure. Yugakure has been facing a bit of trouble lately. Tourists are going missing and their shinobi force isn’t as strong to handle something so…. Strange. I’d like d/n to take up that contract with my help of course”
Nagato looked at the ground thinking “I dislike the fact that you are going to that place with her but if it is for the sake of her progress then fine. The last thing I want to do, as a father, is stand in my child’s way but mark my words if anything happens to her, I’ll rip you to shreds” He threatened coldly
Jiraya nodded “Understandable”
You smiled “Thank you Jiraya sama. You are doing us a great favor, even if Nagato seems a bit displeased. We never really had time to fully train D/n and you taking the time to do it, is admirable”
The old man beamed and wrapped his arm around you “This woman is a keeper”
Konan laughed seeing Nagato get jealous at how the old man’s arm was around you but shrugged it off.
D/n was packing her things for the new trip and Nagato entered her room “Are you ready angel?”
She nodded “Yes, just got to buckle this up and I’m done”
He smiled and got close, pulling her into a tender hug “You’ve grown so much in only a few years. I still remember your first words and steps and milestones… You are such a perfect child and you never once disappointed me… I’m really proud of you d/n” He spoke softly brushing her hair with his fingers. She hugged him back tighter “I’ve been gone before dad…you are talking as if it is the last time I see you”
He nodded “Sorry…this world is unpredictable…you will never know what would go wrong… And it isn’t all that bad hearing a few sweet words whenever you get the chance. Just know that I’ll always be there, if you need me. That is why I want to give you these” He said handing her black earrings
“These are just like the ones in mom’s drawer” She looked at him and he nodded “Your mom hates wearing them because she feels I’m tracking her. But since you are going to a place where people are going missing… I can still find you no matter what” He explained then kissed her forehead “Don’t lose them and take very good care of yourself out there”
You walked in spotting the earrings and smiled “You found someone else to track down” You teased Nagato, making him roll his eyes, then kissed d/n’s cheek “We will be waiting for your return. Take care sweetheart and be brave” You said
She nodded then headed out to catch up with Jiraya who was setting on a high wall waiting for her. Konan said her farewells as well and you headed back inside. As soon as the door closed, you could tell that Nagato’s morale dropped as well. So you took his hand in yours “Come on. I’ll cook you your favorite meal and we’ll cuddle til you feel better”
You picked up the tossed clothes from the floor and sighed in annoyance “S/N!! how many times do I have to tell you to not toss your clothes on the floor this way! I’m your mother, not your maid!!”
“But Dad does it and you don’t yell at him!” He called out from the hall. You frowned and headed over to see him playing shogi with Kakuzu.
 “…I never knew you were into strategy games…and your acting messier ever since Kakuzu came back!” you spoke
Kakuzu sighed “Don’t put this on me… S/n said he wanted to learn so I'm teaching him. I guess he got caught up in it”
You looked at s/n curiously “Why do you want to learn this?”
“Well I made a friend at the Academy and he loves playing shogi…so I thought I’d learn and play with him”
You smiled proudly seeing that s/n had finally made a friend. He was a really closed up person. Ever since he was born he lacked the social interaction he needed. Hanging out with Kakuzu encouraged him to speak but now he was too mature for his age, which forced him to be an outcast in school and a victim of intense bullying. You talked to the academy a hundred times about this but they seem to shrug it off. S/n was strong and fast physically but when it came to jutsus he didn’t really have an affinity to anything. You tried to hand him a chakra induction paper but nothing happened. Everything he tried to do to belong back fired in his face until now. You were really proud of him for finally opening up to someone.
“Fine…go back to your silly game. I’ll tidy your room but this is the last time I do this” You said and walked away but he stopped you “Wait, I forgot to tell you about the thing”
You smiled “What thing?”
“My friend and I are going over to the mountains to have a shogi tournament. He goes there with his friends and they all play together… Can I go please? It is this Saturday!” He pleaded
You couldn’t help but agree and nodded “Of course you can…Go have fun but be back before sun down… the mountains aren’t safe after that…there are many drunkards and rogues lurking then”
He nodded and hugged you tight “Thank you…you are the bestest mom ever”
You hugged him back then headed back to his room.
Soon enough Saturday came. You kissed s/n’s head and waved goodbye to him as he jumped of the porch and ran off to meet up with his new friend. Kakuzu sighed “Y/n…I don’t know if you will take this into consideration but…I have a bad feeling about this”
You turned to look at him and frowned “if this was a bad idea, then why did you teach him to play?”
He sat down on the porch “I didn’t teach him shogi so that he can play with children, I taught him that so he can learn strategy… Just in case something did happen to him”
“S/n won’t think that way. He only sees it as a game” you snapped
“This is where his skills will be tested. He might not know any jutsus but he can be smart. A perfect strategy is enough to turn the tides of battle around…we know that very well, don’t we?”
You bit your lips worriedly and wanted to follow after s/n but Kakuzu stopped you with his threads “If you and Hidan keep interfering, he will grow up to be weak… Let him experience life without your constant supervision just this once. He is old enough to see it’s ugly side….you can’t protect him forever y/n…he needs to grow up”
You thought about those words and nodded “Okay but if he is late, I’m going right after him” You said and he nodded.
D/n sprinted into the house screaming in excitement causing the walls to shake. Hidan closed his ears in annoyance “Good Jashin! You are such a pain in the ass d/n! TONE IT DOWN!”
She laughed and ran down the hall “DAD!!!!!”
Kakuzu woke up from his nap and groaned hearing d/n screech in the house. “D/n stop screaming! We have neighbors. If we get evicted, it is your fault” Kakuzu spoke
D/n ran in and sat in his lap holding something behind her back “Well the neighbors are going be excited soon because I’ll be out!” She said and showed him her new folded Anbu outfit “Look at it! Isn’t it glorious?”
He smiled and took her hands in his “I’m really proud of you…hopefully one day you will make a name for yourself. Just like me and your mother”
She titled her head “Mom had a name?...I mean I knew she was in the Akatsuki but she never told me much about it”
He chuckled “You think I’d fall for a weak woman. Your mom had a big name in the underground”
D/n smiled widely “How strong was she? What did she do?”
“Her name was the Golden Siren; she lured in men and robbed them just for the fun of it. In battle she had armies that rose to fight for her”
“Did she lure you in?” d/n asked curiously
“I guess so” he smiled then kissed her forehead “Go put this on and show me how you look” He said and she got up excitedly running out the room to change into her new Anbu outfit.
“Dammmnn! look at you all formal and shit! It is like I can almost take you a tad more seriously now” Hidan mocked from the door as D/n checked her new outfit at the mirror. She smiled “Don’t get in trouble Hidan. I won’t go easy on you” She cooed making him smile. She skipped over and showed you and Kakuzu her new outfit. You felt so proud of her and showered her with kisses til she pulled away from the constricting hug.
The top edges of her gloves were too wide though because her bones were so tiny, so you told her to go get some scissors, so that Kakuzu could adjust it for her.
She skipped to your room and opened the drawers looking for the scissors but she couldn’t find it anywhere. She opened your closet and checked the drawers there, then noticed something wrapped in a red cloth. She curiously unwrapped it to find a golden horned Noh mask then smiled. “The golden siren is real… woah” She whispered to herself then hid the mask in her room and continued to look for the scissors.
The day came when d/n was called for her first long term mission. Kakuzu couldn’t bear to part with d/n. He hugged her tight to his chest as soon as he saw her in the Anbu outfit ready to go. Most her missions when she was a chunin took place in the domain of the land of fire. Now she was heading all the way to Otogakure with a jonin and another chunin, who was 5 years older than her. She pulled away from Kakuzu’s hug and you kissed her cheek “Stay warm and eat well okay?” You said and she nodded then she walked up to Hidan, who was standing away leaning on the door frame.
She sighed “Hidan I’m leaving…Aren’t you going to say goodbye?”
He grumbled “I’m not saying goodbye… Tch you’ll just be back after a few fucking months… stupid bitch”
She smiled and hugged him tight “I’ll miss you the most Nii chan” She said. He felt his heart writhe and he pulled her into a bone crushing hug “It is no fucking fair! You grew up too fast!” He yelled then grabbed her shoulders tearing up “Why must you be an elite?… Can’t you be a little kid for a while longer you stupid shit?!”
She teared up as well and hugged him tight crying and he hugged back equally as tight. You and Kakuzu just stood there with a sweatdrop and Kakuzu sighed “Their relationship is worrying”. Eventually you had to pry them apart and push d/n out so she won’t be late on her first day, while you held Hidan back from throwing a destructive temper tantrum in the house.
The four of you geared up and headed over to Amegakure. Sasori frowned at the sight of the dark gloomy city “I hate this! I don’t feel at ease working for this man again”
“Sasori we are not working for him. We vouched for him and our villages demanded we be there for the kages. Honestly I feel like I owe him… I mean we screwed up his plans and threw Amegakure down the hill” you spoke
“Don’t really care hm. We are getting paid for our services, so I’m considering this as a mercenary job nothing more. If I was ordered to kill that idiot, I would hm” Deidara added
D/n looked at you “So who exactly is Pein sama?”
“He was leader of the Akatsuki” Sasori spoke
“Our old boss hm” Deidara added “The man who ordered I be forced to serve him! Then he had the audacity to send an Uchiha after me! I AM AN ARTIST! THEY ARE LOWLIVES UN!”He snapped angrily
Sasori smirked “Speaking of, I heard Itachi was going to be there with his own kage”
D/n titled her head “Who is Itachi?”
“The man who kicked your father’s ass back in the Akatsuki” Sasori spoke making Deidara snap “Oyy!!!”
D/n laughed “I can’t wait to meet all these people. I’m so excited”
Even though Deidara was angry about this whole mission, he couldn’t help but smile. It was long since you’ve all traveled together and long since d/n has met other kids her age, let alone shinobi. The only shinobi she met were the ones who delivered messages to you, Deidara and Sasori.
You reached the outskirts of Ame and met up with your Kages. Mei smiled and got close to d/n cupping her cheeks “You’ve grown so much d/n. Such a pretty girl you’ve become” She spoke making d/n blush slightly. She bowed down to greet her nervously shaking “T-thank you Misukage sama”
Mei smiled “The new generation so full of life, aren’t they?”
Deidara frowned seeing the Kurotsuchi had come in the place of the Tsuchikage “Oh lucky day, you came in his place. Why am I not surprised hm?”
Kurotsuchi smiled “I was assigned to keep an eye on you remember. I'm not letting you out my sight”
Sasori sighed “let us get this over with. The earlier we show up the faster we leave. Gaara nodded “Agreed”
The Kages have come with their own two guards but the three of you were also assigned because they didn’t trust Amegakure’s leader yet. You walked to your assigned room and met up with Itachi who was staying on the same floor.
“You’ve grown so much d/n… I bet you took your father’s gift as well” Itachi spoke
She nodded “I inherited his kekkei genkai! Just not the handmouths part but it is weird because Sasori san trained me himself”
Itachi smiled and looked towards Sasori “I’m glad you started taking responsibility after the last time I saw you take care of her”
“Nii san…the Hokage wants us in position” Sasuke called out to him then smirked “Y/n… didn’t imagine you would be here” you hugged him gently, while Deidara turned to leave avoiding the Uchihas.
“It is nice to see you two together… We will catch up as soon as we settle down” You said then headed to your room.
D/n however was taken to a different wing. She was staying with the chunin who were also assigned to keep guard during the summit’s meeting. You kissed her cheek and gave her her bag “Sleep tight beautiful”
“Don’t let any boys near you hm” Deidara said worriedly
“And sleep with one eye open” Sasori added nonchalantly
D/n chuckled “It’s not like I’m traveling guys. I’m merely a building away” She said and kissed your cheek then waved bye heading down the hall.
Deidara’s smile dropped “I feel so old…. She grew up so fast….I’m so proud un”
You smiled and rubbed his back gently “She will be alright don’t you worry”
Sasori sighed “Let’s hope that’s true…I have a bad feeling about all of this honestly. Pein sama was acting…..different if I must say”
You pouted “People change Sasori. It has been 10 years since then”
“Yes but he was too nice and it was almost like he was a completely different person…I guess I’m just being paranoid though… you know I have really bad trust issues” He said blankly and walked into his assigned room.
S/n had finally caught the eyes of the Kazekage. Gaara spotted s/n from time to time in the kage’s tower following his father during their visit to Kankuro. It was strange because, S/n just had a charm to him that drew people curiously close.
Being the son of Sasori of the red sand had also added to his intriguing character but unlike Sasori, S/n was full of emotion and put a lot of passion and thought into his work. A perfect specimen of Sunagakure’s new rising youth.
Sasori walked into the tower with S/n tailing behind. “Dad don’t be late like last time. Okay? I get bored waiting around”
Sasori sighed “Grow up s/n… Unlike you I have a job to keep”
“But Deidara has a job and he is waay more fun” S/n complained earning a glare from his father.
“Stay” Sasori demanded and walked into Kankuro’s office. S/n rolled his eyes and went to stand near a window to sulk.
“You don’t seem to enjoy being a puppeteer as much as your father does” A voice spoke
S/n turned around and his widened seeing it was the Kazekage. He bowed formally to greet him then smiled nervously “Uhh… well I don’t hate it either…It just gets a bit tedious”
Gaara got close and leaned on the window edge as well, while s/n did the same. “Well it seems clear that you are not showing much of your potential by making puppets…. You would rather fight as well”
S/n nodded “Yeah but I’m not allowed to do that. Father doesn’t think I’m ready to handle a mission alone. He says I’m inexperienced”
“But your father graduated from the academy at age 7 and managed to become a chinin by age 8… Don’t you feel that it is a bit unfair for you. My job as the Kazekage is the same as your father. I’m supposed to protect you and keep you safe, but I also think you should spread your wings a little. You are bound to go on missions eventually, so why not start now”
S/n looked at him deeply “You really think I can do it?”
“You don’t have to start with any hard missions… a D or C rank mission would be enough to push some of your limits”
S/n smiled brightly “Can you please talk to my father about this. It would be an honor to serve Sunagakure this way!”
Gaara gave him a small smiled “Of course”
Soon enough, Gaara invited Sasori into his office and they had a long chat. Sasori was a very over protective father. S/n had saved him from death many times and it was normal for Sasori to feel like he owed his son this protection in return but that soon turned to excessive control. S/n wasn’t allowed to do a lot of things that kids his age were freely doing. His only outlet was Deidara but that was only because Sasori trusted him to some extent.
“You are choking him” Gaara spoke making Sasori frown “He is my son. He belongs to me. I make the rules and know what is best for him”
“He was trained in the Sunagakure’s academy to become a shinboi, therefore he belongs to the village and as a shinobi; he has requirements to do regarding the welfare of the village. We don’t have many gifted children like Kirigakure or Konohagakure… We don’t want any drags or dead meat in this village. The boy is gifted and needs experience. Unless you are against your child’s development”
Sasori frowned and thought “Alright but if anything happens to him. I’m coming for your head”
“You seem to have a knack at that don’t you?...Don’t think for a second, I have forgotten what you’ve done to this village before. I don’t need to remind you that the people of Suna still know who you are as well as your history… So you need to think before you toss threats so recklessly in my presence Sasori san” Gaara said sternly
Sasori sighed and looked away “fine… S/n will be ready to receive his first mission…but keep it at a minimum”
And with that the agreement was done. S/n was assigned his first mission with two other chunins and one Jonin. They were to escort a noble woman to Kusagakure. You and Sasori felt relieved because compared to the rest of the villages Kusagekure was almost the safest one out there. S/n kissed your cheek goodbye and gave you a tight hug.
 “I’m gonna miss you so much baby. Eat well and stay healthy on your trip alright. And don’t rush into things”  You spoke as you squeezed him.
He squirmed out your grip and pouted “I’m not 5 mom! I know how to take care of myself” He said then looked at Sasori “Bye dad”
Sasori nodded “go on. Don’t want to be late now” He said and s/n smiled then sprinted out the house. You sighed sadly feeling a bit worried but Sasori assured you that it was for the best.  
It wasn’t that d/n had never been on missions but most her missions were within Kirigakure. She headed off to Konoha a few time but it was with Kisame. They rarely encountered an enemy along the way so their trips were very smooth. You knew that whenever any of you were with Kisame, missions would run a lot smoother because just the sight of him from afar near you would scare away any Bounty hunters or bandits.
He was your shield from anything that meant harm but that all changed when Kirigakure notified d/n that she was going to the land of waves to investigate a case of missing traders.  She wasn’t going alone though; the village assigned a jonin to accompany her on this mission. Nonetheless you and Kisame were a bit worried.
D/n was strong but she also had a good heart. Turning her back on an enemy or showing mercy would certainly mean her death. You sprinted off into the tree and jumping down striking your sword at D/n, she blocked you but Kisame attacked from the side catching her by surprise and knocked her to the ground roughly, scraping her elbows.
You worriedly ran to her side and Kisame sighed “You need to be quicker than this d/n… what if you got outnumbered”
You helped her up as she panted heavily “I’m sorry dad…It is just that we have been training for hours and I’m drained”
Kisame’s eyes softened and he sat next to her with a guilty look. You caressed her cheek “I guess we did overdo it… we are just worried about you. We want you to do your best and face any hindrance you might face. You are without a doubt a strong and smart girl”
She nodded “I know but you are killing me here. I can’t possibly fight the both of you together” She laughed. Kisame pulled her into his lap and hugged her tight “Sorry about that”
You smiled and got up looking at the setting sun “We should probably head back in time for dinner… you are leaving early tomorrow and need your rest”
The two got up and followed you home. She quickly crashed into bed, tired from the excessive training and you laid in bed with Kisame.
“Who is the jonin that was assigned with D/n?”
“I don’t really know him because he serves the other part of the district but his name is Genji and he had served the Misukage long before we had”
You thought “Genji?... hmm never heard of him before. Must’ve been assigned after I left Kiri”
Kisame nodded and looked at you like he wanted to say something but was hesitating.
“What’s wrong?”
He looked down “I…I miss her already”
You smiled kissing him softly “Let’s go sleep next to her then”
He smiled and got up with you after him. You got into d/n’s room and slept on either sides of her. Kisame looked at her sweetly “She grown so much…I still remember when she was just the size of my palm… happiest day of my life…Thank you for everything” He whispered, making your heart flutter. You caressed his cheek softly “I love you so much my perverted sardine”
He smirked “I love you too you immature pest”
You chuckled and cuddled into d/n’s side while Kisame placed her head on his chest stroking her hair softly.
You woke up the next day and readied everything for D/n’s mission then smothered her with kisses and hugs before she took off to meet up with her partner for this mission. Kisame was not at ease seeing her leave but you took his hand in yours “She is a big girl now….she will be alright”
He nodded “I know… she is a Hoshigaki… We were literally born to survive”
You sat on the balcony with Itachi drinking tea while watching the busy streets of Konoha underneath. S/n drop in front of you two with a big smile, while Sasuke landed behind him.
You smiled “It is about time you two came back. Did you have a good time at Naruto’s”
S/n nodded “Yep I get to watch them both train together!It was almost like they wanted each other dead for real! It was awesome!”
Itachi sighed “Sasuke. Don’t make enemies of the Kyuubi… He was the only one on your side when the village wanted to cut you down”
“Don’t give him a lecture Itachi. Sasuke is a grown boy and knows what he is doing. Their feud is friendly one. He is using it to enhance his skills and there is nothing wrong with that” You explained pouring some tea for Sasuke.
S/n slammed his hands down “I almost forgot to tell you!! Last night I want to talk to you about something…but you were….uhm busy” He said shyly
Itachi blushed a bit looking at you then smiled “Go on”
S/n took his tea cup from you “The Anbu are dispatching my team out to Otogakure for a mission”
Itachi tensed up a bit “Aren’t you a little too young to travel to the other end of the map”
“It isn’t that far off? We travelled the land of fire before. Otogakure is directly at our borders past the valley of the end”
“Regardless of that, you must be very careful. A lot of people are out to get us whether we are in or out the land of fire. You still haven’t activated the true power of your eyes which leaves you at a disadvantage” You spoke
He pouted angrily “You don’t trust me?”
Sasuke frowned and poked s/n’s head “You moron we don’t trust the people around you! Not you! Stop taking things so personally”
S/n rubbed his head then looked down “Still… you make me feel like I’m incompetent… Dad was an elite in my age and you ran off to train with a Sanin!! You all did awesome big things when you were my age! It is not fair I am the weak link who gets left behind!” He snapped
Sasuke got up angrily but Itachi pulled him back. S/n flinched feeling Sasuke’s dark aura but brushed past him and stormed inside. Itachi sighed and got up following him.
“Take it easy on him Sasuke… He is young and doesn’t yet understand what you’ve been through” You said pulling him to sit back down once more.
S/n stomped into his bedroom but before he could slam the door Itachi stopped him and walked in, closing the door behind him. He seemed very unpleased with s/n’s outburst “What was that all about?...It almost seems like you envy our lives…Do you have the slightest clue what we’ve been through as children? You should be glad that you were born in a clam environment away from all that nonsense…Your actions and out bursts…they are worrying me S/n”
S/n frowned “I’m not jealous of your life!…An Uchiha’s power is in their eyes. It is triggered by strong emotion. But I only managed to trigger it once! I am weak because I lack this taste of fear and danger but you are cooping me up and not allowing me to progress!”
“Why does it matter, if you progress on not! You are an elite now are you not? Why do you crave more at such a young age?”
“Because if you look through my family’s history you will hear about war lords….I must be the weakest Uchiha to exist! No one will remember who I am because I have accomplished nothing!”
‘What is it you aim to accomplish? Peace or destruction? Because this rash path you are taking now will drive you into darkness towards destruction. You are free to heed my warning or not but know this. I fought for you….your mother fought for you…we been threw a lot to keep you safe away from all the tainting powers but you are choosing to throw it all away for something so shallow and trivial”
“So be it then! I’ll prove you wrong some day! I’ll show you that my path is better” s/n yelled
Itachi sighed and turned to leave but stopped “I thought you matured…. I guess I was wrong… good luck on your mission s/n. I hope you find what you seek” Itachi said coldly and left.
Kuro spent days with s/n, training him to control his power better. S/n was still dependent on Kuro’s flesh that was merged with his, to drain all that excess chakra he had leaking out. You were inside the house talking with Shiro until there was a knock at the door.
Shiro hurried to open and smiled seeing a Konoha Shinobi “Shiro sama… is Y/n sama here?”
Shiro nodded “Yes… come in”
The shinobi entered and gave you a slight bow as you got out the room to meet him “Is something wrong?” You asked
The shinobi shook his head “Not entirely. The genin were training outside in one of the forests today but some jutsu went out of hand and they ended up starting a big fire. The kids were safely evacuated and the ongoing flames were tamed but multiple houses are built at the bottom of that mountain. We are afraid with the lack of trees there, landslides would occur on the first rain this month”
You smiled “You want s/n for this?”
The shinobi nodded “If you don’t mind. Receding forests are extremely dangerous for everyone and the sooner we handle it the safer the houses remain. We already have two wood users helping out and adding s/n to their team would prove to be more than helpful”
“We don’t mind at all. S/n was dying for a mission” Shiro spoke earning a thank you from the shinobi “Please let him report to the Hokage as soon as possible” He said then left.
You went to find Kuro and s/n to inform them about this mission. S/n couldn’t contain his excitement “They want me!? They asked for me by name?” S/n asked and you nodded “Yes they want you to join their wood based jutsu team. I think those two are Yamato and a girl named Meogi, who is older than you in a few”
S/n hugged you tight and hurried off to pack for his mission, leaving you and Kuro behind. Kuro frowned “**I didn’t want to say anything while s/n is here but are they serious?! They want him to plant a few trees! My son is superior and can do so much more! They don’t know what sort of power they possess… Our son is a god**”
You sighed and looked at him sternly “I know what I have… and I don’t want Konoha to know his true potential. The less s/n uses his abilities the less it will attract the clan… He needs to learn to blend in”
“**Blend in? His skin is turning whiter day by day… Soon enough Kaguya’s blood that runs in his veins will morph him completely. He won’t be able to hide much longer. He needs to gain fighting experience rather than hide… But I guess you want him to be like you**”
You frowned “and what exactly is wrong with me?”
“**You are powerless. Should be fairly obvious… We won’t stand a chance at this rate**”
“Shiro still has his army of clones… and I’ve been training day and night since you left, so don’t take me lightly Kuro. S/n will be safe” You said then turned to leave but he pulled you back “**tch you are angry with me now**”
You pouted and looked away so he sighed and took your hand in his “**I’m sorry… I’m just being realistic… I’m worried about you two**”
You nodded “Don’t be…we’ve been through worse”
Eventually S/n packed his things and hugged you tight then hugged Kuro and Shiro.
“Take care baby” you said kissing his cheek
“Thanks mom… See you next week” He said happily and sprinted out the door towards Konoha. Shiro’s smiled dropped “I don’t like lying to him… Konoha is so trivial… He is capable of so much more”
You sighed rubbing his shoulder “I know… but he is happy and that is all I care about”
You were done packing your things to head off to Konoha. Obito ran into the room and looked out the hall and out the window then turned to you and smirked. You didn’t understand what was going on, until he pulled you to him and pressed his lips on yours. You didn’t know why he was so hyped but you kissed back lovingly.
He pulled away and smiled “I made it back here in time”
“For what?… What are you hiding from?”
“He is hiding from me!” S/n yelled from the door and stormed in pulling you away from Obito and standing in front of you protectively “Stay off my mom!”
Obito chuckled “Too late. I married your mom and she is all mine. Including you” He said poking s/n’s head
You sighed “Stop messing around you two. I thought you ran back here to help me pack!”
They both groaned in annoyance at the fact that they had tons of chores to do then walked out the room.
“I swear I gave birth to another Obito” You grumbled
S/n and Obito finished up their work then put on their back packs and were ready to go. You said your good byes to Deidara and hugged him tight “Thank you for all your help Dei. You are really sweet. I hope you have a great life in Iwagakure”
Deidara smiled “You talk as if we won’t see each other anymore. I’ll make sure to drop by when I can yeah….but we will meet outside the Uchiha quarters… because that place sucks un”
You laughed and kissed his cheek, making Obito and s/n a tad jealous. “I’ll tell Guruguru to visit as soon as we get back Deidara” The tall Uchiha taunted making Deidara frown “If you do that I’ll end your kind hm”
Obito smiled and waved good bye not answering the blonde’s threats. The three of you exited the village gates and took off towards Konoha. S/n was too excited to see the village after so long so he was jumping around with excitement.  
“Mom! Can I race you there?”
“Why do we have to travel? We could just use my Kamui” Obito sighed boredly
“Because you’ve used it so much that it’s making you too lazy. You need to take a moment and enjoy your surroundings. Plus we are not in a hurry to plunge into work directly. It is a three week long trip so let us take advantage of these days to strengthen your bonds with your son” You spoke
“Mooom~ answer me! Can I race you to konoha!?” S/n whined pulling at your hand
You sighed “S/n, it is a three week long trip I just told said that…. There is an inn with an orange roof a few kilometers from here. You can race us there and book the rooms and explore” You said handing him some money “But don’t stray any further, alright?”
He nodded, taking the money and sprinted off down the path. Obito felt a bit worried “Is it safe for him to just run off alone?”
“This is a main road Obito. It is full of traders and farmers walking around; no one too dangerous for S/n to handle. He has been cooped up in Iwa for a long while helping me in the hospital. He needs the open space to loosen up some energy before he turns into a violent teenager. Next thing you know, he is on a rage rampage throwing unnecessary tantrums…and the fact that he is an Uchiha adds to its dangers”
Obito sighed in disappointment “Oh Y/n…You are doing it again”
“Doing what again?” You asked worriedly
“Treating us like your patients”
You bit your lip “S-sorry force of habit… I just want us to enjoy a break together. Moving around was stressful for all of us and I want us to be happy and healthy. I want s/n to have friends and a stable life”
Obito smiled and kissed your cheek “I wish for that too… I promise that I’ll hang out with s/n more and we will sort out our differences before reaching Konoha”
You smiled and took his hand, tangling your fingers with his “Thank you for being so sweet and perfect”
He blushed a bit and smiled “Thank for being with me to begin with. You made this life worth living”
You smiled back sweetly and continued strolling down the path.

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