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Finally :D it lives!! You are welcome ☆~what a nice way to start a week.
Not getting into too much gross labor details and description of babies, because they all look like flesh potatoes to me~
Tried to make the scenarios as different as possible, so excuse them, if they turned out a tad similar to one another


You were sleeping soundly, cuddled against Nagato, as he hugged you tight snoring lightly. You felt a strong painful kick and opened your eyes then felt a warm liquid seep out and gasped “Nagato!!! Wake up!!! The baby is coming!” You yelled shaking his shoulder startling him. He sat up seeing you in pain then grabbed the bag you had readied for the hospital and carried you in his hands and sprinted off. It was easier for him to go to the hospital in his real body to keep Pein’s identity a secret. He admitted you in and asked the doctor if he could be with you inside during labor, so he won’t have to go through the nervousness of his nightmare. 
You felt strong surges of pain from the contraction and could barely stay conscious “Y/n focus... you can do this angel. I’m here for you” Nagato spoke as he took your hand tight in his. His words made you smile through the pain and you nodded 
The painful ten hours passed by and you were finally able to hear the baby’s crying. You weren’t capable to keep yourself awake any longer and passed out from exhaustion making Nagato panic but the doctor assured him that you will be alright. 
The baby was taken for checkup and the nurses tended to you trying to monitor your heart rate and such, while Nagato waited impatiently. Soon enough you woke up and saw Nagato smile brightly. He kissed your forehead and caressed your cheek “I’m so proud of you angel… thank you for this wonderful gift” He said and kissed your forehead once more. You smiled and looked around “where is my child?”
 He helped you sit up, so you can see the small bed next to you containing the sleeping child. You smiled seeing that it was a little girl. She had your hair color and some of Nagato’s features. The nurse entered to make sure everything was fine then carried the child up and handed her to you then left. You pulled her close to your chest marveling at her soft face. 
“I hope you don’t mind…I already named her while you were resting” He said worriedly and you smiled “What name did you choose?” 
“d/n… that is a beautiful name” You said happily and kissed her forehead softly. He leaned his head on yours and closed his eyes “I’m so glad you are both alright…I can finally rest now” he said.
“Yeah same here… we all lack a lot of sleep, don’t we?” 
“I can’t believe we’ve been here for over 10 hours. I can’t feel my nerves. Can’t imagine how *you* must’ be feeling” he said softly slowly drifting into sleep.
“Don’t worry about me. I can handle anything as long as you are here with me” you said making him smile


You were following Hidan and Kakuzu, after coming back from the bounty office. “Hidan I swear complain one more time and I’ll shove my fist down your throat” Kakuzu warned as Hidan frowned “But we have been walking for hours!! My feet hurt!” 
Kakuzu scowled “Y/n is walking and pregnant, yet I don’t hear her complain” He claimed until they heard you gasp and wince in pain “Shit...this hurts!”
 Kakuzu sighed “Don’t agree with him y/n just suck it up” 
You shook your head “NO YOU IDIOT!!! I’M IN PAIN.. AHHH” you fell to your knees holding onto your stomach and started to scream in pain, as the cramps got stronger. Hidan’s eyes widened “No no no!! you can’t be doing this to us waay out here! You gotta hold it!!” He yelled. The demon left your body in panic and stepped back “**You worm!!! find her someone to help now or I will have both your heads skewered on a stick!!!**”
Kakuzu froze in his place and looked around in panic “Take her back to the bounty office I think there was a medic nin there” 
Hidan nodded and quickly carried you up in his arms then sprinted to the bounty office while Kakuzu followed. Hidan burst in there “OYY WHO THE FUCK HERE IS MEDICAL NIN?!!”
A man looked at him confused and noticed you crying in his arms then called out to him “YOU IDIOT WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU BRING A PREGNANT WOMAN WITH YOU TO THIS DANGEROUS PLACE WHEN SHE IS SO CLOSE TO LABOR!”
Hidan frowned “Don’t judge me you fucker!!!” 
You grit your teeth “SOMEBODY BETTER FUCKING DO SOMETHING BEFORE I TEAR THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND!!! NOWW!!!” you yelled making the entire men in the office flinch in fear at the raging demon next to you.
The man, who was a medic, rushed to you and took you away from Hidan then placed you in a nearby room to help guide you through the labor with what limited things he had. 
After very long painful hours of screaming and swearing at Hidan for forcing you into this mess, you finally heard a child cry. Hidan closed his eyes in relief upon hearing the child’s screams thanking his god for it, after he recalled his nightmare. You smiled as the child was handed to you wrapped in a cloth. It was a little boy just like you had hoped for and he even had silver hair like his father. 
“I can’t believe you were born inside a bounty poor baby” you chuckled and kissed his head softly
“It seems he is a brat like his father, making you go through all this trouble” Kakuzu scoffed as Hidan walked over to you, looking at the child in your hands and smiled.
“haha look at my little jashinist, I can already see the murder in his eyes!” 
“**He hasn’t opened his eyes yet moron**” The demon spoke merging back into your body making you sigh in relief as the numbing pain subsided. You smiled “Speaking of… we forgot to think of a name”
“S/n that’s a good name for him. I’m naming him because I technically bought my shares of this child” Kakuzu said
You chuckled and Hidan frowned “As if you blasphemous miser!” 
“Well I like it… S/n… it is such a sweet name for this little thing” You said hugging the child close. Hidan's eyes softened and he pulled you close "let's get you two out of here huh?"

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