You use your charms

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The fluff cloud is approaching! Beware~ >:3

They all fell into da booby trap hehehe

This is a chapter that makes bois go “ I don’t understand women. What kind of creature is this....why is it doing this to me? and why the fuck do I care?” 


~Women were made to be loved, not understood~




You were now a full-fledged member and were back on track doing missions along with the other members. You got to know most of them up close while working with them and they weren’t so bad. Sasori was really smart but very impatient, Deidara was a fun guy to be around but he was quite showy, Kisame was a jokester even though they were dark jokes, Itachi was sweet and polite which was very ironic for a mass murderer, Kakuzu was extremely versatile and resourceful but lost his temper easily and then there was Hidan, you and him started on bad terms but you still reached out for him again and you both agreed to be on each other’s good side as long as you both keep your distance from one another. 

You returned from your mission a bit late at night and ran down the hallways quietly because everyone was asleep. You went to Look for Pein to hand him the scroll but he wasn’t on his usual ledge. You sighed sadly knowing you were late and exited the room but before you could, you saw another door near the ledge and headed close to knock on it slightly “Pein sama?”
But there was no answer, so you reached for the knob and entered. There was another long flight of stairs that ended in a dark hall. you went up carefully looking around the rusted dripping pipes and cables creeping on the ceiling. It had the scent of strong rain, more than usual. You reached the top entering the next door and walked in a room seeing wires covering the ground you followed them but it was very dark and you didn’t see where you were going. Your foot got caught between the wires and you fell on to the ground with a thud and yelp. You tried getting up and suddenly the lights went on. You quickly got up to be met with purple ringed eyes belonging to a pale white man with red hair face to face. You screamed at how close he was and stumbled back bumping into some one esle. You turned around to be met with Pein. You looked at him in fear “P-pein sama?” 

“Turn around y/n” He said but the voice didn’t come from him, it came from behind you.

You turned around meeting the red haired man’s gaze. He was attached to a sort of contraption and extended his hand to you “I believe you have something for me”

You remembered about the scroll and handed it to him, looking at him cluelessly “Kami sama?”

He looked up into your eyes and motioned for you to get close. You neared him and felt his weak hand caress your cheek “You did good angel but no more lurking around. I have been planning to show you my real self for a while now but this is uncalled for”

“Real self? many bodies do you have?” you asked secretly enjoying his soft touch on your cheek

“six…I am the seventh and the one knows about this but Konan, so i prefer you keep to yourself” He spoke. You looked around noticing big glass tubes containing the other bodies and spotted Ajasai between them.

Your heart shook in presence of the mighty Kami and his deceptive tricks. You couldn’t contain your emotions of how smart and versatile he was. His power shook you to the core and your respect for him doubled. The feeling of his pure holy hand on your cheek was too much for a mere mortal like you...he was just so wonderful...your kami was a genius.

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