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I feel like shit this week, so you all will~ hurraayy :D

(this was requested)





You wandered into the base snooping around Nagato’s stuff like you always did. There was the room that held the bodies of all six paths; Pein’s main body was currently being used on a mission, so the glass case was empty. You studied how the bodies were held there and spotted the little girl you cut down; Ajisai, she was a reserve for the animal path. You touched the crystal case looking at the rest of the bodies.


You flinched hearing your name and turned around to meet Pein’s eyes.

You smiled shyly and looked at your feet nervously “Sorry, I shouldn’t be here….I was curious”

He got close lifting your chin “What are you so curious to know?”

“Well, all these bodies were actual people… so who is Pein?... You use this body a lot so I guess he means something to you. Was he a worthy enemy?”

His smiled dropped and he looked at the bodies seeing his own reflection on the glass.

“No… This body was the exact opposite of an enemy. Yahiko was my friend…No, he was a brother to me and he died to protect me and Konan from Hanzo. He was the first person to believe in me…he made me into who I am… the god I am and this is how I honor his message to world peace…he will always be the face of the Akatsuki”

You looked at him sadly and held his hand “You are a beautiful soul…he saw things no one else saw and he is right. If only I was as honorable….I turned against my own clan and pushed everyone away from me, instead of opening their eyes”

He titled his head “I thought you said everyone died in front of you because of the enslavement”

You looked down “Sometimes…you need to take the decision for people because you know what’s best…A Kami like you should know that”

His eyes widened and stepped back “you...killed your own people?”

You looked at him sadly “They went against you Kami sama…. That is unforgivable. They were a bunch of useless atheists that failed to heed my warnings. Anyone who comes between my faith and you deserves the cruelest of deaths” You spoke emotionlessly

You noticed his hesitation and got closer “To me you are the sense of absolutism! You have an ultimate meaning to life. I don’t care how you dehumanized your ways to reach your dream but this what I have chosen and I will forever be loyal to you and your visions no matter what”

Pein didn’t know what to say; he was flattered but also creeped out by your demented mind. How did this cute shy miko turn into an insane zealot in mere seconds?...But the violent butchering since the beginning, should’ve been a clear sign to the Kami of his twisted miko.


Hidan sat on his room’s floor in a jashinist symbol made with his own blood. He had candles around and was praying in the middle of the night silently. He has been feeling a lot of conflicting thoughts and was completely clueless as to what to do, so he turned to the only person he could trust in this world; Jashin sama.

You laid in bed ready to go to sleep then thought of your ‘stabby’ boy and go up to see if he was asleep so he wouldn’t bug you later on when you are in deep slumber.

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