Meeting konoha shinobi

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Someone requested this chapter and it was very fun to write. So thanks for the idea 🤗💕
-----------Quote of the day-----------
~*It is easier to open up to a stranger, because we don’t expect any judgment form them*~


You seemed to have gotten yourself lost in a massive rocky valley. The transmission from Nagato didn’t seem to reach you anymore, so you had to find high place to be able to hear him but so far the empty rocky Mountains and landslides kept extending throughout the distances.
“Well… I guess I’m officially helpless now” You sighed not knowing what to do. But you heard a few people talking and headed in that direction hoping to find a way out of this Death valley. 
You jumped in front of two shinobi, an old tall man with wild white hair and young blonde boy. They tensed up and you raised your hands in surrender “Sorry for alarming you…I just want to see, if you know a way out of this valley”

The old man laughed and got close wrapping his arm around your shoulders “Well, what is a little lady like you, wandering around these parts for?” He laughed obnoxiously loud
“I’m sure you can tell the difference between a normal woman and a Miko. Sir…please refrain from touching me” You said removing his arm from around in disgust and stepped back. He smirked “A miko? Even more curious…shouldn’t you be in a temple?”

“I’m…on a religious journey” You lied “Will you help? And maybe set a positive example to the little boy instead of swoon over women like a hog?” You said blankly making him sweatdrop

“Oyy Oneesan, This is the legendary pervy sage sensei so don’t expect much from him” the blonde boy spoke making you smile.

“Naruto don’t be so mean… we were heading to a village lady, so you can tag along I guess”

“Thank you for your kindness” You bowed slightly and followed the two.
“What is your name oneechan?”

He smiled “I’m Naruto Uzumaki! You better memorize it because one day you will hear it a lot! dattebayo!” He cheered 

“Uzumaki? I always seem to trip over you boys” you smiled “I’m from a branch family of the Uzumaki clan”
“Woow! Ero-sanin did you hear that!?” Naruto cheered

The old man looked at you and smirked “You must be a master in sealing jutsus then” 

You nodded “More or less… but my clan isn’t too much into fighting. We are mainly medical shinobi” You explained “but we got killed off in the war… in the fight between Konoha and Ame, and I remained” 

The sage looked at you deeply “The war hurt both sides equally. The rain holds great potential that it does not show, starting with Hanzo of the salamander. I fought him myself back then”

“I know…you are one of the Sanin and…. Frog sage I’m guessing” 

He looked at your curiously and you smiled “I can sense your natural chakra” 

“you are an interesting young lady…what are the chances of meeting a woman like this in the most dangerous area in the land of steam”

You smiled “same goes for you two”

The two headed out the valley using a few cave like tunnels and reached the nearest village to the area. 

<y/n! Y/N?? oh thank heavens, my transmissions can reach you now… I’m sending Zetsu over> You heard Pein speak in your mind and smiled 

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