Nagato - First time

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(Art is done by me ^ full view in the art book)

🍋-Day 4 of lemon week-🍋 


   It was a calm breezy night, Nagato laid in bed looking at the ceiling his mind racing with thoughts. He couldn’t sleep no matter how hard he tried, so he decided to go cuddle with you instead. Ever since you started sharing your natural chakra with him, he was able to move around freely but not fight too intensely yet, however maneuvering around was a big hindrance to him that he was happy got solved. The red haired man left for your room and entered the darkness closing the door behind him. None of the members were in the hideout tonight because they were all out on mission, so Nagato had the freedom to wander around freely at any time he wished. The red haired man got close to your sleeping form but stopped hearing you whimper.

“Having bad dreams again” He sighed and got close to wake you up but froze hearing that your whimpers were actually moans. You moaned his name and squirmed in bed panting heavily. His eyes widened and he reached close to remove the blanket. You were wearing an oversized shirt but it had gathered up on your waist and he could clearly see the wet patch on your panties. He realized you were having a wet dream about him and decided this was the perfect chance to take your godly holy relationship to the next level.

 “Y/n f/n!” He called out sternly. 

You quickly sat up in bed panting heavily afraid as to who called your name in the middle of the dark. You gasped seeing Nagao staring down at you with his purple orbs and quickly lowered your shirt squeezing your thighs together and bowed your head “K-kami sama….w-what are you doing here?”

He frowned “I should ask you the same thing….I thought you were an angel, a flawless Miko, but I guess my thinking was in the wrong place. You blushed darkly “w-what do you mean?... I am a Miko…you said I was your angel yourself”

He leaned in keeping a serious face “No…angels don’t feel lust…. They are too pure. Miko’s don’t have any dirty thoughts”

You looked at him wide eyed and opened your mouth to complain “But I-“

“ENOUGH!!” He pushed you on to the bed and gripped your panties taking them off roughly and frowned “Explain this wet spot then….you were aroused…and having impure thoughts towards your Kami…. That is enough for me to strip you of your title woman”

Your cheek flared red “No that isn’t what it looks like I swear I…Ahhh!!” You yelled as his finger rubbed on your folds roughly. You rolled your head back in bliss but he removed his hand seeing how wet it was and gripped your chin tight “you are wet and yet you still lie to me?... you are hear by relieved from your duties as my angel”

You held on to his hands desperately “no please I’m sorry I couldn’t control it…. I’ll do anything please”

He moved away and stood up “I guess the only way to accept you back as an angel is, if you get baptized and cleansed from these feelings”

You nodded frantically “Anything!”

He smirked to himself “then meet me in my room in a few” he said and left.

You put on your usual Miko clothing and headed to his room, he wasn’t there but you saw the bathroom lights were on and walked in to see if he was waiting there. You smiled seeing he was in his basic black pants shirtless with his red hair hanging loose near his face waiting for you. He shook his head “You haven’t earned those clothes yet y/n strip them off”

You flinched and nodded not wanting to anger your kami. You undid your top and slid down your pants placing then aside on a chair. He looked at your bra and panties and smirked “You haven’t earned your decency either y/n”

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