Laundry day

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~Being human is given. But keeping our humanity is a choice~ Anonymous




Nagato slid his hand on the bed trying to reach out to you so he can cuddle, but he found nothing. He opened his eyes to see that the bed was completely empty and the room was extremely cold without having you cuddled up against his side. “Y/n?” He called out, hoping you were in the bathroom or nearby but he got no answer. He rubbed his face sleepily and weaved a hand sign closing his eyes trying to track you down. He opened his eyes and titled his head <What is she doing in the middle of the forest so early in the morning?>He thought and got up to find you, feeling a bit worried.


You sat on the edge of a stream with your feet in the water, hand washing your clothes, listening to the early birds chirping. It was a nice calm morning to be out, and surely your robes were never tainted in a fight but ‘cleanliness was next to godliness’. You were humming a soft tune until, you felt a massive presence behind you and smiled knowing exactly who it was “Good morning Nagato… you are up early”

He knelt down and kissed your cheek “Morning beautiful….Why are you washing your clothes waaay out here in the forest? There is a stream right next to the hideout for you to wash your clothes in”

 You nodded “I would…but the others are complete perverts” you said sadly adding more soap over the skirt you were washing.

“Is that why you hang your clothes on the roof top?” He asked

“Yeah but the idiots found out about that” You said with a pout. He frowned and stopped your hands “Stop… give me that” He sat next to you raising his sleeves and began helping you, making you blush “N-nagato…you shouldn’t… you are a Kami!”

He looked at you with a smile “And you are my angel…You help wash my clothes all the time so it is time I return the favor”

You blushed darkly and played with your fingers shyly “but…my clothes are-“

“No impure thoughts. I promise” he cut you off giving you a charming smile making you laugh and lean in to kiss his cheek “You are too sweet”

He smiled “You know, I never told you this before but you look so beautiful when you focus on a task…I could stare at you for hours, but I also don’t want you overworking yourself”

You felt your heart flutter hearing his praising words and compliments shower you as you took the wet clothes he finished to hang on the clothing line that was tied between two trees. The two of you spent the entire time chatting and laughing at almost anything. It was the first time, you let loose and acted completely human. You two decided to do chores together more often to remind yourselves that you could be like any other couple regardless of your social or religious statuses.

As soon as the two of you were done, he wrapped his arm around your waist and walked with you back to the hideout just in time for his meeting with the members.


“Hidan come on wake up, you need to help me” You called out from the door for the hundredth time this morning. He had promised you to help around with chores, if you let him get a bit handsy while you slept. Normal couples sleep cuddling into one another all night but not this guy. He prefers to have his hand down or up your shirt.

You sighed and walked in opening the curtains to let the sun in, then walked up to him and nudged him with your foot. “Wake up!! come on!! You aren’t gonna make me do all the chores alone like last time!”

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