Deidara - First time

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(He maybe kind of a jerk in this...sorry)

You were assigned to go with Deidara alone on a mission since Sasori was needed somewhere else. The two of you finished your mission and decided to head to the nearest village walking, since his bird would catch the unwanted attention of a nearby Anbu campsite, that Pein had warned you about previously. You were strolling into the woods and he thought it would be a cute idea to hold your hand. You gave him a shy smile and continued walking, until he got a sly idea and his hand mouth licked your palm making you squeal and move away.

"Grossss~" you said wiping your hand on his cloak. He chuckled "You think that's gross huh?" He said and placed his hands on your cheeks making you shudder as the hand mouths licked your cheeks and ears. You yelled at him pushing him away and he laughed, until you both heard a few voices in the forest. He placed his finger on your mouth shushing you and went to investigate the source of the noise but froze seeing two Anbu shinobi talking in the forest.
Deidara hid behind a bush pulling you near him to watch what they were doing so far off from their campsite, afraid that they had heard you two.

The man looked around and took off his shirt "coast is clear, so let's make this quick baby"
The woman giggled taking off her shirt as well and in seconds the man had her pinned to the tree kissing her passionately and placed his hands on her breasts giving them a tight squeeze making her moan. You and Deidara watched in shock not able to tear your eyes away from the lewd scene, like two children who were just discovering the true meaning of intimacy.
Soon enough the couple got bored of simple kisses and gropes then stripped fully nude. He bent the woman down against the tree inserting his member into her entrance then started thrusting into her quickly. You placed your hand over your mouth shocked by what you were looking at. You had sexual education back in your training facility but have never thought did or ever seen the act.

You and Deidara had to stay put until they were done since leaving the bush now would alarm the couple for sure. The two moaned as loud as they could, reaching their climax and soon enough put on their clothes and left hurriedly.

You were frozen and Deidara looked down at you not knowing what to do after witnessing live action porn in front of him as he was inches away from his favorite girl. He simply got up to leave taking your hand in his. You two didn't say anything all the way there, feeling the awkwardness between you grow minute by minute.

Deidara saw that it was getting too dark and making it to the nearest village would take hours "y/n can you still walk for 3 more hours un?"
You shook your head "that's too far away...can we just camp out tonight? I think the weather is warm enough"
He nodded "yeah, let's find a good spot hm"

The two of you settled for a small clearing near a shallow cave formed between a few rocks and trees with a small stream running nearby. You formed a bubble around the campsite as a shield to hide your chakra presence while he lit up a small fire and sat down next to you still feeling a bit awkward.
You couldn't take your mind of what you saw and couldn't help but imagine Deidara doing those things to you. The thought turned you on and you gulped squeezing your thighs together hoping for some friction to soothe the throbbing feeling between your legs.
He noticed your strange behavior and felt himself get aroused just by the thought of your bare thighs squeezing around him.

He just had to do or say something "Y/n"

You flinched hearing your name and looked up at him "yes?"
He leaned in close to your face and looked into your eyes "are you...turned on?"
You bit your lip and looked down "I-I don't know"
He leaned in placing his lips on yours, kissing you softly and parted biting your lip slightly "I am" he said in a husky tone.

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