Come back!

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THIS TOOK SO MUCH TIME AND ENERGY! so I will be taking a small break after! TuT excuse me while I face plant in my bed



Pein ordered Zetsu to retrieve your body but Zetsu lied to him saying you were torn to shreds and that he couldn't be able to carry you back. Even your earings were taken by Zetsu and tossed in the snow randomly, so Pein cannot locate you or your body at all.

As the days passed, Nagato felt his body getting weaker and weaker. He was like a walking empty shell. Not only did the news of your death kill him emotionally but the lack of your natural chakra made his body incapable once more. But before he lost all his power, he decided to make one more visit….before he is bed ridden, hiding behind his automated corpses. 

Konan insisted she come with, but he told her he needed some space. Nagato walked all the way to the outskirts of the rain village and stopped in front of the temple you had built. The rain was heavy but he didn't care and just kept on walking towards the temple. He trudged up the semi broken stairs and entered the main hall looking at all the statues once more until he stopped in front of the main statue of the man and the yokai.

He coughed tiredly from what the exhausting trip did to his failing body and fell to his knees taking in the sight of the man. "I'm so sorry y/ is all my fault...if only I knew better" he stopped tearing up "you died all alone without me by your side" he sobbed "you were alone and cold" he cried.
But unbeknownst of him, you had returned to this temple a day ago to meditate knowing that if he hated you so he wouldn't step foot there. As soon as, you felt his chakra you hid behind the statue and now you were listening to him cry in regret. 

<Zetsu lied... Nagato does care>
He was tricked yet again just like you but you were still too disappointed.

Nagato placed your red ribbon in front of the altar and turned around to leave wipping his tears away.

"Nagato!" You called out from behind the altar making him freeze in his place and turn around quickly.

"Y/n! Where are you?" he said in shock

You bit your lip sadly "were you the one who gave me the wrong information, so I would walk into a trap?"

His eyes widened and he shook his head "No! No! of course not...but what do you mean trap?"

"I was assigned to kill 5 men...when I did the job and walked out I was faced with an army. Zetsu told me then that you wanted to get rid of me because I was a distraction...I fought till I was soaked in my own blood"

Nagato frowned "HE DID WHAT!!?" his anger began to boil until he heard your soothing voice once more.

" wasn’t by your order?....he lied to us both"


You got up and appeared from behind the statues in your kimono, tainted with dried blood "I'm not dead Nagato...I barely survived that night" you said sadly with tears streaming down your cheeks.

His eyes widened and he couldn't contain his excitement and relief to see you were back. Nagato ran to you hugging you tight, crying "I’m so glad...I’m so glad you are ok my beautiful girl" he said with a chocked voice kissing your neck and shoulder then went back to hugging you tight. You couldn't help but cry with him and the two of you stayed there trying to convince yourself this wasn't a dream, because if it was, you wouldn't want it to end. 

He pulled away and cupped your cheek looking into your eyes making sure you’re really there in front of him then he smiled and pulled you in for a desperate kiss "I can't live without you, y/ are too are my home no matter where we make me feel so happy through all this pain I've seen"

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