Unusual friendships

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I really hate in scenario books when the girl interacts with only her boi and his partner! Like there are 10 people living in this place :’D
Also I don’t know which boi or bois you read but one boi contains a hint of the upcoming New year gift chapter~


Pein left today to have a talk with Zetsu about what happened while you stayed behind at the base. All the members were out on missions today so you got up to move your body a bit because it got stiff from staying in bed all day. you sleepily walked down the hall and bumped into someone, causing you to take out your chakra blades quick and put it at the person’s neck, making him dropped his stuff to the ground. 
“Hey hey!! Hold your fucking horses, lady!” Hidan snapped
You quickly stood back “I thought I was alone in the hideout”
“Yeah well I thought you were dead. So this day is full of fucking surprises” he retorted
You smiled and the went down with to pick up whatever he dropped then gasped seeing a bag of money “Hidan san what are-“ He closed your mouth with his hand “Shhh I took these from miser under the request of puppet boy” 
You pulled away “Since when do you do favors?… or steal, for this matter” 
“Since that trinket enhanced my scythe. That baby can cut through flesh like a hot knife in butter… Kakuzu has plenty of cash. I’m sure he wouldn’t notice” 
You sighed “I can’t believe I’m letting you do this Hidan” 
He got up with a smirk “That is because you are a cool bitch. Now move aside lemme put these in bug eyes’ room, before anyone sees” 
You followed him around “So why aren’t you on a mission?” 
“Kakuzu suggested I stay behind because it is not a bounty hunt mission today. He had to go to the banker and do his stupid blasphemous shit!” He said walking into Saosri’s room and placing the cash on the latter’s workbench and headed out closing the door, then glared at you “The fuck are you still alive? Our stupid leader mourned you for days” 
You smiled with a soft blush “He mourned me? …How cute” 
Hidan gave a disgusted face and started walking again while you followed “My mission backfired and we lost contact. He thought I was dead because Zetsu could only retrieve my ring. Though I really was between life and death back then”
He turned to you with a smile “That feeling is the best! Isn’t it intoxicating?” 
You thought for a moment and shook your head “No, it is the worst… it was so quiet and lonely” 
He nodded “Exactly… it is the most peaceful state of mind you can ever achieve. Your soul detaches and you feel your kami get closer and closer” He said holding on to his necklace. 
You looked down sadly “Am I the only one who felt like I was pushed away from him rather than to?” 
Hidan smirked “That is because you are lucky” 
“well I don’t believe in your silly religion but you are lucky to have your kami right there in front of you. You can see him and hear his words… and he is there for you at all times in the fucking flesh” He let out a dry laugh and started walking away “I’m almost jealous” 
His words hit you deep and you felt a bit bad for Hidan. He must feel lonely all the time hoping that one day his kami would finally reach out for him, after all his loyal acts. You needed to get this off your chest and followed him again “Hey Hidan” 
He stopped and looked at you and you smiled “You want to share a drink?” 
He smirked “heh Miko girl gone bad? Sure why the fuck not” He said and you both walked out the hideout.  


It was funny because he was the one who approached you to start with. You were out one night trying to find a good target for your demon to eat but so far you had no luck. 

You stopped midway in the forest and sighed sadly "Sorry, looks like you will be sleeping hungry tonight"

<**I could always eat Hidan**> 

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