The truth 2

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I miss you babies T_T so I went all out today and threw away all my priorities to bring you this chapter <3 Thank you for bearing me my sweet children~

I have spent days weaving these beautiful plots to ready some amazing stories and plot twists~

 (Also wattpad is so glitchy! I’m not receiving notifications for your comments unless I go in and refresh the page T_T)

Enjoy ~


Zetsu emerged from the ground of Nagato’s room with a worried expression, as the latter spoke to Konan. 

“what do you mean no records? There were no records of her in the rain village? But she said she was born here?” Nagato spoke angrily 

“I’m sorry. I searched everywhere in all our directories and systems. She was nowhere to be found there, not her or her clan”

“**unfortunately same here, her name is probably fake**” Zetsu spoke grabbing their attention

Nagato looked at them worriedly “What do you mean? *You* have zero information! She is just one woman!”

“We apologize…we were also shocked to see that we failed in gathering information on her” Zetsu said sadly

“You are telling me a mere miko was able to out do you by hiding who she is?” the red haired man snapped

“**Clam down. I may have a hunch**” Zetsu said and got closer to them “**what if she isn’t from Amegakure to start with**”

“but that would be impossible no one outside these city walls have heard of a kami ruling here in the place of Hanzo… Any witness dies regardless” Konan said

 “**Then there are two options here either we have a rat in the village or y/n known you from way before. The only way to find out is, if you directly ask her** Since you are her Kami I doubt she can refuse this request from you“

Nagato pinched the bridge of his nose and motioned for them to leave “You are dismissed. I need time to think”

 He walked to his bed and sat down thinking, until there was a knock on the door and you walked in with a smile holding a small bag and sat next to him. 

You noticed his uneasy expression “is anything wrong Nagato?”

He shook his head “ No I’m fine…why the lovely visit?” 

You gave him a charming smile and took out a bento “I found some really exotic food in the market today and decided to bring you some to keep your strength up. You are too skinny and I can’t always be there to supply you with chakra” You said opening the bento up and picking a piece of meat with your chopsticks “Open up”

He looked at you deeply and it was at that moment that all his worries washed away. When you are with him his heart flutters and he feels so at ease, but when you leave his paranoia returns he feels that you are going to stab him in the back. Was it because he had been through a lot of situations that tested his trust? Your presence was divine but your absence left a bad after taste kind of like that piece of fish you just gave him. 

He frowned “that fish was awful”

You laughed “that wasn’t fish, its liver sashimi. It is full of vitamins and protein” 

He smiled “I think I will pass on that… I actually wanted to talk to you”

“Sure go ahead”

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