You leave for a mission

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Bon voyage~ :)



Nagato noticed how jealous you always got when Konan was sent on big missions of utmost importance. You felt that you were just as strong and had the capability to take care of a mission, without having him watch over you all the time. When you are alone, he would give you small simple missions like delivering scrolls or stealth missions to gather intel but never an actual assassination or battle.

You talked to him about this and after a lot of thought he gave in and told you that you were ready to handle a mission by yourself. You had to assassinate a leader of a rebel group in the land of Iron. Ironically the Samurais' leader was anxiously desperate to get rid of them so he paid the Akatsuki off in secret to finish the job without anyone knowing.

You prepared your bag and things for the mission and double checked all your stuff then headed out. Pein dropped in front of you and smiled "Ready Angel?"

You nodded happily and he got close to hug you "Take extra care of yourself. This won't be easy. Those people use the agility of Samurais and the abilities of ninjas all together, which is similar to your chakra blade. This will be a fitting fight for you, however don't get too self-assured and make sure all are exterminated to the last one"

You smiled "Understood"

He leaned down to kiss you softly then pulled away and handed you a file "Here is all the information in pure detail. I'll be looking forward to your return angel"

You blushed taking the file from him until Zetsu emerged from the ground "Leader Hidan and Kakuzu are acting up again **I think this time it needs your intervention to put them back in their place**"

Pein sighed shaking his head and started walking back to the base leaving you with Zetsu. The plant man smirked "Good luck y/n....**we hope the information in that file is useful for the sake of the mission**" He said with a smile and sunk back into the ground leaving you a bit confused at his sudden niceness. However you shrugged it off and headed towards the land of Iron.


Even though you and Hidan have your jutsus in sync now, creating new ways to fight and manipulate his curse powers, Pein thought that you two brought out the worst in each other because most of the time you end up fighting half way through the mission and each of you would storm off in a different direction. Eventually, Kakuzu would convince you to keep on, knowing that if you did Hidan would sure follow, but even when you are in a good mood you seem to distract each other from the mission with you immature jokes and acts. Kakuzu said that enough was enough and told Pein to remove you off his team for good.

You weren't assigned a partner either because Leader considered your demon to be a good backup for you during a fight, and there was also the fact that you were immortal.
You sighed packing your stuff sadly in your room to head to your mission in Takigakure.

"Don't give me that look y/n. It had to be done. You two are unbearable" Kakuzu apologized handing you your money for the road "Spend it wisely"

You nodded "Thanks"

He ruffled your hair then left. Hidan stormed into the room pushing the miser aside to grab your hand roughly "What the fuck! They tell you to do something and you just agree with them so passively?!! I won't stand for this!!! it is fucked up!"

You sighed "Sorry Hidan but Pein is the last person I want to anger. I understand that it is work...and it has to be running smoothly"

He frowned "But we made such a good team! My curse form had never been so fucking awesome before! I could freely exit the symbol without losing my blessings!! You can't take that away from me!" he said frantically grabbing your shoulders

You smiled and kissed his nose "You will be alright. You did a lot of missions without me before; this isn't any different. Maybe if I do this well, Pein would reconsider his decision. So be on your best behavior and do your missions well"

He scowled at you "gee thanks mom" he said sarcastically but you hugged him tight "aww come on don't be mad at me. I'm sad too... I'm going to miss you so so much"

He gave in and hugged back burying his face in your neck to take in your scent one more time before you leave then kissed you softly and looked into your eyes "Demon, if y/n doesn't come back I'm going to shred you to fucking pieces" He threatened

Your eyes turned blank suddenly and you smirked "**Heh Why? I think I like it better this way. Maybe I'll take her far away and never come back**" You shook your head letting the demon back in and cupped Hidan's face that was boiling in anger.

"Don't listen to him. I will be back for you baby" You said kissing him one last time then walked towards the door "Goodbye"

He waved with his hand sadly and watched you leave; not knowing why he was feeling so worried about all this.


Kakuzu thought he could be smart and try to avoid returning to Takigakure. There was an urgent mission that needed a quick assassination but it was in the waterfall village; the village he deeply loathed. Kakuzu refused and told Pein that he had more important things to do regarding the treasury, despite being familiar with the terrain and Taki's secret entrance. So it was natural for Pein to turn to you when it came to this village and you were forced to agree.

You packed for your mission early in the morning until your door opened revealing Kakuzu. "I heard you were chosen for the assassination mission"

You nodded "Yep who else? ...I mean if you won't do it, then I must...even though I know you weaseled your way out of this mission because you despise that place"

He crossed his arms and leaned on the door closing it with his back "It is not that I loathe it only. Takigakure is the birthplace of the Kinjutsu I use, meaning they know all the loop holes and abilities I hold, which comes to me as a disadvantage"

You turned around giving him a smirk "So what I'm getting at is that you are afraid?"

He frowned "Being careful, means being smart. Not afraid. I would slaughter the entire populous there and not flinch but lucky for them I have priorities keeping me at bay"

You laughed closing your bag "You are always careful when it comes to that place even though you are more familiar with it than I am"

He got close "You should be careful too. Your kinjutsu was also created there"

You put on your back pack and smiled wrapping your hands behind his neck so that he can lean down to your level. You lowered his mask and kissed him softly then pulled away looking into his eyes "I may be your little girl but I can handle it. Don't worry about me"

He pulled away and turned to leave "I expect you to be back in three weeks" He said sternly and left.

You shook your head at his behavior knowing he was just being too overly worried and began leaving.


Today was a good day! Pein had finally recognized your abilities and the level of your power so he was promoting you. You were not considered the Akatsuki's little intern anymore and Deidara was removed from being your superior. Pein felt that you were now capable of doing your own mission without anyone there to guide you since you've gotten familiar with their way of work.

Surely you were sad that Deidara wasn't going to be by you anymore but he was thrilled to hear the news. He felt like you were his prized apprentice that came so far; from that shy insecure girl to this amazing shinobi.

He even spent the entire afternoon with you, a day before your new assigned solo mission, and he helped pack your bag with you so that you wouldn't forget anything.

You sat on the porch with him waiting for the sun to come up so you can get going. He couldn't stop smiling but you were a bit worried.

"Hey Dei... do you really think I can do this? What if I get a panic attack half way?"

He took your hand in his "Hey if I didn't think you were ready, I wouldn't have agreed to send you on this mission yeah. Plus it easy; it is just like all the missions we have been on before. You just need to destroy a few bridges without raising suspicion un. I would do it but I'm too loud with my art! You are gentler un"

You nodded "you are right. It is just like any other... plus I don't want to let you down"

He turned to you with an assertive look "You won't let me down I'm sure yeah! You are my girl and I don't pick just anyone. I have fine taste un!"

You felt a boost of self-confidence and smiled brightly then kissed his cheek "Thanks... I needed the pep talk"

The sun, soon enough, rose behind the far away mountains and you got up adjusting your bag giving Deidara one last look after he kissed you softly and wished you luck. You started walking but he grabbed your hand pulling you back to him. "I forgot something important hm!" He called out and before you can ask what it was, he smacked his hands on both sides of your cheek making the hand mouths lick your cheeks. You squirmed away and shuddered "You are so gross~!!!" You squealed and he laughed "That never seizes to amuse me un"

"STOP MESSING AROUND YOU TWO!!" A voice called from behind you, making you both jump. Pein grabbed Deidara and pulled him BACK. "Y/n carry on with your mission so you can arrive to Kumogakure on time" He ordered and you nodded bowing to him politely then sprinted off "Bye Dei!~"

Deidara smiled then went back to his normal face seeing Pein glaring at him.


You handed Pein all the evidence on Orochimaru and explained to him the situation. Now all that was left was to pin point his exact location and Deidara will swoop in and blow the facilities up, but before that happens you needed a more stable pattern on the snake's movement.

Luckily you now knew how the snake man thought and how irregular he can be when it comes to his whereabouts. After years of dealing with him, getting into his mind was a simple task for you. You had a hunch that he would be in the land of steam, since Pein had already informed you that the Sanbi was located somewhere near that place.

You packed your things and reached for the wooden doll, that you had previously obtained from what was supposedly old caregiver, and you placed into the bag discreetly and zipped it up.

"What are you taking that for?" Sasori spoke from behind making you jump.

You turned around with a sigh "Uhm no reason. I just think I should"

He walked closer, uneasiness written on his face "Can I ask you something?"

You nodded and he continued "After all we have been through...would you ever think of betraying me, if it meant knowing about your past?"

You smiled and cupped his cheek "Sasori, I'm not going to back stab you and go back to Orochimaru. Yes I am a trickster and I am heartless at times but not when it comes to you. I care about you...truly" You said looking through his eyes desperately so he would understand that there were no hidden motives.

He looked at your bag "You volunteered to this so you can talk to him in private because you didn't have a chance to do so when I was with you?...He is... he is going to play with your mind I'm sure"

You smiled "But he won't win. I know him Sasori... the last thing he wants is me dead"


"That is what I want to find out" You said and he nodded "Fine. So be it then" He said and turned to leave but you pulled him back to you and placed your lips on his. He didn't hesitate to kiss back and pulled away with a smirk "How shocking! I expected a poison kunai to the gut or a stab in the chest" He said sarcastically making you laugh

"Goodbye Sasori. Take care of yourself" You kissed him again and left.


You felt like you were completely constricted now that you were a full time member; as in working with a team of three to finish a mission. You were always used to working solo and never needed anyone working with you. In fact you didn't want to sound too showy but the other members were holding you back on a mission that you could finish in seconds! All that because you have to compromise with them. You just wished they would just step back and let you do your job alone like it has always been.

Pein noticed that a few times you would ditch the rest in a crisis and finish the mission alone then head back to the hideout to report, leaving them behind. He understood that slow people are fated to die in battle but a little cooperation would go so far. He talked to you about it and you told him you wanted to go back to your old status of being able to roam freely with no one around.


You stormed into Kisame's room with a big smile on your face "KISA!"

He smirked as he dried his hair after exiting the shower with a towel around his waist "Yes y/n?"

"Pein finally agreed on my request! I'm back to being a solo member!" You said happily and in seconds his smirk dropped "Is this because of that one time you ditched Sasori and Deidara in the rubble to catch Orochimaru?" he asked

You frowned "uhh don't remind me! I almost had him if it weren't for their interference in my traps. I mean how hard is it to catch a snake!" You snapped then calmed down and smiled again "Anyways no more of that! I am a free shinobi once more! " You cheered then noticed the sad look on his face and understood the reason. You pulled him to sit on the bed and climbed into his lap straddling his waist "Don't worry... I will be back before you know it"

He wrapped his arms around your waist "I know you will... you are the coolest girl I know. I just hope you don't think I'm holding you back either like the rest"

You shook your head "None sense. Missions with you are the best" You said nuzzling against his nose "Plus it isn't anything dangerous. It is a simple track and trap mission. Kakuzu wants this target caught alive and that is something him and Hidan aren't too good at doing" You laughed and he chuckled as well then kissed you softly "Take good care of yourself and once you come back I'm going to ravish you like prey because I would've missed you so much"

You blushed darkly and giggled "Then let me head off before you get too excited" You hummed and grinded your hips down on his making him growl. He smirked "You shouldn't have done better run"

You gave him a quick peck and quickly sprinted out the room before he caught you and marked you with his sharp teeth.

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