The mission

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This took too much time because I had to research and rewatch a few episodes for accuracy. These are like almost exact style of any Naruto shippuden episode :D why? because they fill my heart with warmth, like I’m watching an Akatsuki part of the show
hope you enjoy these because they are very long and the next chapter is also, so it will take time❤
Now we commence🎢🎢🎢!
You headed through the snowy land feeling your heart almost stop from the continuously dropping temperature. The rain village was extremely cold most of the times but not as much as the land of iron, that was an ocean away from the land of snow. You trudged into the harsh wind and opened your scroll reading the written information and drawn maps.
The scroll said that there were 5 rogues living in a cave like underground base in the middle of nowhere and one of them was supposedly the leader; your target. And you were not going to let a minor setback like the weather, get to you. Endurance is a main point in a shinobi’s training and you will not let your Kami down.
You jumped from one rock to another, after spotting what seemed to look like a cave entrance. You skidded down on a snow slope and landed near a cave entrance, formed entirely from crystal clear ice with uneven icicles hanging down from the ceiling. You shook off the snow from your clothes and entered carefully not making a single sound. Everything was described exactly as the file said, which made you much more confident in your planning. You found a few stairs and headed down into the secret hideout.
Five men were standing outside talking, planning and completely distracted which was the perfect opportunity to strike. You released your chakra blades and jumped up landing between them then struck your blades at their necks. Some were slashed and some were able to avoid your attack but you were not going to fail this mission at all.
The fight dragged on but eventually you killed all of them and headed out with a smile. As you were going out the cave you froze in place at the sight before you. There was a huge army of those guys and they seemed like they were waiting for you. <An entire civilization of these people was down there but why wasn’t this written in the file?> you looked in horror at the masses of shinobi with weapons and metallic armor.
“**Heh not so tough now are we?**” a familiar voice spoke
You turned around and your eyes widened in shock as you saw Zetsu standing on top of the cave with a smirk 

"Zestu!! What is the meaning of this?" you yelled frantically

"**Confused? I thought you would be smarter than this but you walked right into my trap so willingly**Pein sama agreed to this. He wanted us to get rid of you and told us to do it somewhere far far away" the white side chuckled

You grit your teeth "That is not true!! You are lying to me!! Pein sama would never do this to me!...Im his-"

"**Angel? No you are a distraction...a burden. He thinks you are setting him back** heck he barely even trusts you I mean why on earth would he hand you tracking devices as a gift? He clearly doesn’t have faith in you. He used you to find and kill your clan because they know too much and to satisfy his own cravings **this Kami isn't who you think he is. This man is cruel and will do anything for the sake of his goal including killing his own teammate**

You shook your head in disbelief "NO!! I’m going to kill you!!!" 

He laughed “**you mess with me…you die** it was dangerous to keep you around when you know so much about us… you will be a hindrance to our plans...but before you kill us. You will have to go through them. After all you just killed their leader" he laughed and sunk into the ground.
You felt your heartbeat increase from fear. This was all a set up by Zetsu and you know Pein would never do this to you....would he?

Your breathing became quicker and more shallow you knew this was certain death. No person of your skill could fight off such a large amount of people at once. Your entire muscles tensed up and you were in full panic. You raised your blades up ready to fight and they all noticed your trembling hands which added to their evil glowers.
Was this it? it was such a short life you had… This vile creature has won. The plan of his mother’s resurrection will commence and Nagato will surely get killed. You teared up and the men charged with full force. 

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