You runaway

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Me : Why is everyone staring at me while we are walking down the road. That is very rude!
Mom : Honey, you tend to forget your hair is purple
Me : oh yeah right :I
Just want to show you that these bois aren’t saints and have their obsessions and flaws. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. There are about 10 chapters of this book left~ :0
Short chapter but enjoy🌻~

You headed into the hideout and stopped to see d/n, with her hair up like Konan, sitting next to Itachi and Kisame as they both tried to feed her. You smiled at the cute sight but shook your head “Guys where is Konan?” You asked walking towards them.
They looked up at you and d/n quickly sprinted off towards you for a hug happy that you were back. Konan got out the kitchen and smiled “I’m here…you are back already” she asked knowing you were in the land of rivers searching for the old woman.
“Can you call a small urgent meeting before Deidara and Sasori head out?” You said and she nodded then turned to leave but you stopped her “Don’t inform Tobi or Zetsu of this”
“Is there something wrong?” Itachi asked curiously seeing that you also had suspicions of those two as he did and you nodded. After a few, all the members were lined up for the meeting in front of you. You told them that they were soon going to head out to catch the rest of the bijuu. Many of them may die because day by day the villages are becoming more aware of the Akatsuki and its movements around and will be sending dangerous platoons.
“If you were on the edge of death, I will be there to save you but on one condition” you said
Sasori frowned “Which is?”
“You quit the Akatsuki and join me…We all know this organization will not go far with a few members. Faking your deaths will be hard but it will be our only chance in reaching our goals…and maybe even get accepted back to our villages safely. But I prefer to not get ahead of myself. So tell me which one of you wants to live?” You asked
They all looked at each other and Kisame smirked “I’m interested” he said to be soon followed by Deidara and Hidan and Kakuzu and eventually everyone agreed. Konan looked at you “What about Pein?”
You smiled “I’m doing this to protect Pein… The less members we have the weaker we are but remaining under the Akatsuki’s influence will surely drag us to our end. As for me… I will have to leave before Zetsu catches up to me and gain time to find some allies” You said and then hugged Konan and carried d/n “Take care everyone…not a word of this to anyone….backstab me and I’ll have your heads” you threatened and turned to leave while d/n waved goodbye to Itachi shyly. It wasn’t clear where you were supposed to find such allies but you knew this was better than waiting for Nagato to act alone.

The demon sprinted as fast as he could using up all the pent up chakra he had to reach the hideout in lightning speed, wearing out your muscles. He reached the hideout and walked into the hideout in search of s/n.
Kakuzu was reading s/n a book while the little boy sat in his lap calmly. S/n looked at the door hearing your footstep. “Mommy!!” He squirmed off Kakuzu’s lap and the door opened revealing you but s/n froze in place and stepped back feeling something was wrong. Kakuzu noticed your white eyes and got up to hide s/n behind him.
You looked like a mess and you were hyper ventilating “**Give me the child**”
Kakuzu frowned “like hell I will….let me speak to y/n first” He said as s/n whimpered hearing the demon’s voice.
You held on to your forehead in pain as the demon’s consciousness went back in then looked at Kakuzu still breathless “I need to get out of here Kakuzu… please give me s/n...before I collapse”
Kakuzu carried s/n in his arms and stepped back “Where is the idiot?… you aren’t taking him until I know what happened…you look like a mess. Calm down and take a breath”
“I did something very bad…and Hidan is coming for me… I need to hide before he does….please Kakuzu hand me s/n, I don’t have much time!” You said getting close.
“Y/n…what are you afraid of! If that idiot hurts you, I’ll beat him up” Kakuzu reasoned
“No. If I face Hidan, he will die because my demon will shred him to bits…For his safety I don’t want that to happen…Just please give me my son” You begged
Kakuzu handed you s/n skeptically. S/n saw that it was you this time and began to cry hugging your neck tight. You rubbed his back slowly “Shhh, S/n don’t cry mommy is here for you baby” You said kissing his cheek.
Kakuzu sighed “When Hidan returns we are directly heading back to kumogakure for the two tails. Sasori and Deidara already head out…I would’ve loved, if you joined us on this mission”
“I’m sorry Kakuzu… this is all my fault…I shouldn’t have fell for that idiot, I shouldn’t have let my demon trick him into liking me…and now s/n is in this mess with me. I am all he got and can’t risk my life any further going on missions… I’m simply quitting the Akatsuki for s/n”
Kakuzu shook his head “No…they will kill you for sure… if I get you out of this dilemma, what will I get in return?”
You thought “I don’t know but I’ll make it up to you some way, if you have a plan in mind that is”
He nodded “Let’s head out… I’ll tell Pein we will meet Hidan half way and then I’ll tell him a fight broke out between the two of you and you and the child died”
You felt a bit conflicted by the idea but it was the only way.
You returned to the hideout completely exhausted. Your lungs burned and you kept coughing blood into your hand. Your entire body was shook from the emotional stress and anxiety. Your spirit couldn’t handle so much disappointment but you had to be strong for d/n. You wiped the blood from your chin and headed towards Hidan’s room, hoping he took care of d/n well.
You knocked on his door and it quickly swung open “Shhhh!! She is fucking asle-….y/n? are back?” he asked then looked both ways in the hall “Where is the miser?”
You smiled “he tracked a bounty nearby on the way back and went to hunt it down…hopefully he will return in a few, in time for our missions” you said entering his room to see d/n sleeping on Hidan’s bed with a small book next to her.
“Aww you read to her?” you said forgetting your sadness.
Hidan frowned “No, the fucker read the shit herself. I completely ignored her presence and didn’t take care of her what-so-ever… I think she is dying of starvation or something tch” he lied crossing his arms
 “Aww thanks Hidan. You are sweet” You kissed his cheek and went to carry your sleeping girl. She woke up and yawned then smiled seeing it was you and hugged your neck tight. You hugged her back “Aww baby…did you have fun with Hidan? you like spending time with him?”
She giggled and nodded “Yes!...Hidan is pretty”
Hidan frowned “tch like hell I am…Oyy y/n, this girl is wormhole and ate the entire food you left behind” He complained.
You smiled seeing this as your chance to escape the base unnoticed with the child. Since Kakuzu was going to turn his back on the Akatsuki, staying here would be very dangerous “I’ll go buy her some…thanks for watching her Hidan” You bowed
The jashinist frowned “Yeah…whatever” He said and closed the door after you.
You left to your room packing what you can for you and d/n then left unsuspected, under the excuse you were leaving to buy her some food. You headed down the road to the nearest village with a sleeping d/n in your arms, hoping no one notices your change in direction. You had to reach Kakuzu’s banker by morning and withdraw all your money back before the miser stole them from you. After that, you had to think of where to hide for the time being. Who did you know can take you in that didn’t belong to the Akatsuki?

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