Getting caught

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Hello babies~ This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I got caught up in 15 Akatsuki comics waiting to be colored for all of you to enjoy :D Can’t wait to finish them~
Also I drew fully grown babies! :D ( By order from top left to bottom right)
(Zetsu-Hidan-Kisame-Sasori-Kakuzu-Deidara-Itachi- Obito-Pein)

 Back to the story~ Lock those doors people!  Enjoy🌻~  PEIN

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Back to the story~
Lock those doors people! 

It was great that d/n had returned on Nagato’s birthday to stay for a little while. You celebrated then said your goodnights and went to bed. You were drifting to sleep until you felt nagato’s arms wrap around your waist spooning you.
“Everyone is asleep” He whispered and kissed the back of your neck covering your body in goosebumps. You opened your eyes and smiled “And you are not. Why?”
He pulled you back to him pressing your body against his “Sorry… I guess I have the urge to be overly intimate tonight” He whispered peppering your neck with kisses. You turned around and smiled “How can I say no to you on your birthday?…You are my weakness you know that..-”You leaned in near his ear and added “Kami sama”
He felt a fire light in his gut and quickly got on top of you pinning your hands above your head with a smirk plastered on his face “You really know how to rile your kami up, angel”
You giggled and smiled “Not angel… I’m your little devil now” You teased and he pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you passionately. You hummed into the kiss and tangled your fingers into his blood red hair getting lost in his love.
D/n was sitting in bed looking out the window. Now that she has seen the outside world, Ame seemed so gloomy and depressing to look at. The rain kept pouring down her window, making her feel a bit depressed. She got up and walked down the corridor to see if you were awake. D/n almost always needed someone to talk to when she was feeling down and never slept or did anything, until she got everything off her chest.
Nagato opened your kimono and started ravaging your neck while you tried your best not to moan, so you wouldn’t wake d/n up that was until the door opened “Mom?”
Nagato and you pulled away quick, while you closed up your robe and she blushed darkly, looking away “S-sorry for not knocking…I thought you were asleep.… Never knew you two were still…uhm...*Active*”
Nagato blushed darkly and get up to her “I should apologize that you got to see that, but I’m more curious to know how you know of this”
She blushed darkly “You send me off with Jiraya sensei and expect me to stay oblivious?...he is a massive pervert you know”
Nagato fumed and grabbed his cloak then stormed out.
“Wait Naagato! Where are you going ?” You called out following him, before he left the tower.
“To beat the shit out of that careless Sannin” He yelled and left you with d/n. She chuckled “So now that you’re not busy anymore can we make some tea and talk”
You laughed and hugged her close, kissing her cheek “Of course”

It was a refreshing summer day and you just finished all the house work. You missed being a shinobi out in the action but this peacefulness was something you really lacked over the years. Even your demon was in a complete dormant state, enjoying his long rest. You stood on the back porch, where you hung the laundry to dry and stretched slightly enjoying the summer breeze, until a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist making you jump. You turned around to see Hidan looking at you with the classic smirk you knew too well. 
You wrapped your arms behind his neck and smiled “You are back early today” 
He nodded and kissed you softly then leaned his forehead on yours “Work has been fucking hell but I finished early to come see you” 
You felt bad for him and how drained he looked so you decided to make up for it by pampering him. You pulled him into another kiss and slid your hands down his chest “I don’t like when you have bad days…But I know what will make it better” You said and pushed him against the wall, then peppered his neck with kisses biting his ear slightly. His smirk grew and he took off his shirt then yours and grabbed your ass flipping you over, so that he was pinning you on to the wall. You were lost under his rough touches and tangled your hands in his hair as he trailed kisses down to your breasts biting and sucking hungrily on your flesh. 
Unfortunately for you, s/n and Kakuzu had also returned from their duties and s/n rushed to find you, so he can tell you about his good day. The boy ran off from Kakuzu’s side and exited to the back porch like a whirlwind, startling you and Hidan. He looked at you blankly, while you both looked back not knowing what to say. 
“Kakuzu! I’ll tell them later. They are too busy fucking on the back porch” He yelled then left closing the door behind him. Hidan felt glad that s/n didn’t pry but you glared at Hidan “How does s/n know about this?”
Hidan tensed up and let out a small laugh “That…that isn’t really important now”
You picked up your shirt and headed inside but Hidan pulled you back “No…you aren’t leaving me! I need this. I had an awful day!!” He demanded pinning you back to the wall.
You sighed “Fine you big baby!…But you are telling me what you told s/n after this” 
Hidan nodded sheepishly then pulled you back into a kiss desperately sliding his hands over you. 

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