They realize their feelings

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Also known as ‘when their partner becomes your wingman/woman’

A little short chapter, but you know what this chapter means~~

Confessions and kisses are so close~



Pein sat on a high wall watching some of the members lounge around in the sun at the new hideout near the Hidden valleys village. Konan stood by him seeing the rest move their stuff in, to make sure everything was in order and that no foe is watching the area.

However, Pein’s eyes weren’t on the members anymore, they were on you. You had already unpacked and sat next to Itachi chatting in the warm sun while the soft breeze played with the red ribbon in your hair and moved the edge of your kimono ever so slightly, revealing a bit of your bare ankles. He blushed to himself then frowned seeing Kisame place his hand on your shoulder sitting next to you to talk, making you laugh.

Konan noticed and giggled grabbing his attention “What's funny?”

“You are watching her aren’t you?” she said with a small smile

“I’m watching everyone Konan” he said returning to his stern look

She sighed “Why can’t you two just admit it?... it would be better for both of you if you did”

“Admit what?”

She turned to him “You fancy her, it is obvious…she told me she felt the same but she is afraid to cross the line with you…she said you would look down on her, if her emotions become too physical”

He looked down “She won’t respect me either knowing that her god has trivial animalistic feelings! She is a miko; that is sin to her… but being so far away, doubles my agony. She puts me at ease. I haven’t met a woman I felt so relaxed around, other than you. Her aura is so warm and inviting… I want her to be happy” he said watching you talk with your hands making the two men laugh as well.

“She looks like she is very hurt and desperate to ditch her clan and devote her entire existence to you. She mentioned something about her father but she was too sad to speak to me. You are both hurting, that is why you should be the one who talks to her about it first”

He stood up “Well you always know best Konan” He said making her smile.

“You are going now?” she asked in shock

“Better now than never” He said and jumped off the wall


Kakuzu finished his paperwork and headed to his room then froze seeing blood seeping from under Hidan’s door. The miser walked up to the door and knocked “Hidan! The hell are you doing in there?”

He heard a few mumbling and incomprehensive words come from the other side, so he forced open the door and then stepped back in shock seeing the furniture thrown to the sides of the walls, as Hidan sat in the center of the room in a big Jashin circle stabbing himself over and over in the chest and stomach, forcing the stake all the way out his back, apologizing the Jashin while mumbling quietly. Kakuzu walked in seeing blood splatters all over the walls and ceiling, as the pool of blood under Hidan expanded with each stab.

Kakuzu frowned and lifted the Jashinist from the back of his neck, removing the stake from the other side of his back, making the Jashinsit scream in pain and tossed him to the ground “You weirdo!! The hell are you doing? Your blood is leaking all the way to the corridor!”

Hidan looked up at Kakuzu with a weak and pale face trying to reach out for the stake in the miser’s hand.

Kakuzu sighed “All this for accidentally touching a woman?”

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