First kick

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CAN THESE CHAPTERS GET ANY CUTER!!! NO!! NO THEY CAN NOT!!! (I'm having a cute aggression hysteria... Excuse me while I go bite into something that screams~)



You were starting to get very bored from staying behind all the time, in the hideout, while Konan and Pein went out to finish up their missions. You were almost starting to get jealous of Konan that she got to see him more than you did. Even Nagato moved to a different location with his contraption to be able to maneuver his six paths more strategically.

You frowned at the excess calmness in the base and feared meeting up with Zetsu once again while you were alone. So you geared up and headed out the base heading towards Nagato's new base. Surely it was reckless, but the previous experience had planted a constant fear in you from the bi-colored cannibal and you would rather get scolded by your Kami for leaving the base than spend a second with that fiend.

It took almost half a day in the cold weather but you finally made it. Until you heard a weird sound and the Ningendo dropped in front of you out of nowhere with a look of discontent "Y/n... what are you doing all the way out here?... Did something happen back in Ame?"

 Did something happen back in Ame?"

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(^ This boi...just in case you forgot who the Ningendo was. A.k.a Human path)

You shook you head "No... but do you really expect me to stay there alone with Zetsu lurking around"

He got close and carried you up in his arm "Sadly for you I'm very busy right now and have a few meeting to attend to. This path with take you to a safe place and watch over you. then I'll bring you to where I am" He said. Soon enough, he reached a small abandoned house and lit up a fire a fire for you to keep you warm. You watched the long haired man take off his cloak and wrap it around your shoulders making you blush at his shirtlessness. You were not use to interact so closely with the other paths, the only one was the Deva path, which was Pein. The Ningendo was really handsome and his long hair was so inviting to touch. You saw that he was staring right at you and blushed. He smiled knowing what was wrong and sat in front of you "It's still me you know... you can look" He said with a charming smile making you blush darkly. He laughed at your flustered action and lifted your chin "Are you warm enough?"

You nodded "A bit"

He pulled you into his lap with your back to his chest and hugged you tight to get you to warm up and kissed your cheek softly making your entire body heat up, then he slid his hands over your stomach and smiled "I can feel a bit of movement in there"

You nodded "Yes they have been keeping me up all night...but they are soft movements"

He leaned in close near your ear and kissed your neck as he slid his hand over your stomach making you whine until you felt a sudden sharp movement and bump inside. He let go and looked at you deeply "Y/n....I...I felt a kick" he said in disbelief

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