The hidden truth behind their parents

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Sorry took two days I was doing extra work for mooooonnnneeeyyyy~* My back is killing me but WORTH IT!

I’m screaming you guys! I'm screaming because shit is about to go down boiiii~ AHH I’m showering in genius

I’m screaming you guys! I'm screaming because shit is about to go down boiiii~ AHH I’m showering in genius

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Will be two parts because it is really long~ 

Pein held the umbrella for you as you both walked under it towards his old house. It upset you to see all the crumbled houses and buildings from the war. The hostilities surely scarred many and it put you both on edge with its cold memories. Pein felt your sadness, as your eyes darted from one wreckage to another and pulled you closer to him “Forget it angel… it passed” He spoke and you nodded “I know…I’m sad for you…not me”
He sighed and looked ahead “Don’t… I’m alright” he assured you and reached the house feeling his stomach turn at the memories; the memory of him burying his own parents still haunted him til this day. 
You both reached the house’s door and closed the umbrella. He tired opening it while you took a look at the shallow graves. There was grass growing all over and you could tell it was a shallow grave from the two dark patches in the condensed grass.
“It’s open. Let’s go” He said and you followed in. The house looked completely untouched and there were dried blood marks and two decayed skeletons on the ground with Konoha forehead protectors. He ignored them not wanting to relive any memories and you hurried up stairs after him, walking towards his parent’s bedroom. You both entered and he smiled remembering the familiar sight. “This place is still the same…I’m surprised it is still intact despite all the explosions” He said reaching for a bottle of perfume on the nearby shelf. 
You smiled and wandered in the room looking at all the small trinkets then heard a strong creak and looked at the floorboard. “Nagato… this floorboard is loose. I think I found it” You said happily and knelt down with him to open it up, seeing a journal. He took it and opened the book to see that his mother had written it. It talked about how she met his father while working at the Amegakure hospital. Fuso was a nurse and Ise was doctor at that time and they worked side by side to take care of the all their patients. Years after they wedded and settled down in the outskirts to live in peace away from the bustle of Amegakure’s heart, things started to get creepy. 
It seems that his parents felt the house was being watched. Ever since Nagato was born, his mother would hear movement in the house at night and his father would go out to investigate but find nothing there. Fuso got so frustrated that she would let Nagato sleep with her at night.
-<I knew seeing me on edge all that time would soon reflect upon him…but I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was in danger after all Uzumaki’s were on high demand during these tough times because of their chakra mass and sturdy bodies>- you both read. 
It seemed everything came down when Nagato turned 2 and he started to cry because of a strong pain in his head. He had painful migraines at such a young age and his parents didn’t know why despite all their medical knowledge. 
You looked at Pein “Do you remember any of this?” 
“Weirdly no I didn’t…I’ve never step foot in the Amegkure hospital, as far as I can remember”
-< We decided to take Nagato to a very good medic in the outskirts of the land of rivers, so he can get a checkup. They said that old woman done miracles. Nagato kept on crying all the way there and wasn’t even eating anymore from the pain. The news got more horrifying, when the woman asked us if our child had had any recent eye surgery…I didn’t know what to say. It was completely outrageous, so we stormed out of that senile woman’s home and tried to induce his body with a bit of morphine to numb the pain. Hopefully he doesn’t become too dependent on it>-
“Eye surgery? age 2?” you looked at Pein curiously and he looked at the mirror behind you seeing his ringed eyes and frowned “Eye surgery?... maybe it was the Rinnegan manifesting at that time”
You got up and sighed “if it was that, then why would your parents want you to come here… Yahiko said they watched over you, meaning they know about your Rinnegan already… So why would they lead you over here to tell you what you already know?… I feel we are missing something here" you said worriedly looking into his eyes.

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