Judgment day

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Sorry for taking too long, yet another long chapter.
(You can ignore all thus because it is mush)

Why do I write these stories? To establish a social life and happiness. Why? Because I’m a dandere in real life. Your comments give me life. This time last year I made my first scenario book that you all grew to love. It is just so much easier for me to talk to you guys than people in real life lol I feel really relaxed and none anxious while talking to you. Most of you have become like my best friends or even sisters/brothers/others (or children😂) Thank you for all the support and love…I’ll go sob now~
(Yay for hormones!)  

P.s. Don’t flatter me too much or I’ll explode 😂
Back to the book…one or so chapters remaining~

You managed to help Nagato back into the village and leave all the six paths in dormant state. He was still too overwhelmed by the fact that you did this all to protect him. He was so alone and you just wrapped him up in love and support, bringing his old sensei and forcing Yahiko’s dream back on to him. He needed to learn to deal with things peacefully and speak for all the small villages who suffered from the war alike. He will be the ambassador of peace along with the members, who have agreed to carry out their missions as mercenaries working to ensure peace at the borders. You sat with Nagato on top of a roof in konoha and held his hand “You are heading to the summit tomorrow?”
He nodded “Yes…I just can’t shake the feeling that Madara is going to attack along with Zetsu. Placing the world leaders in one place is….risky”
“You think he can beat five kages alone? He has no power… the tailed beasts are still with you and will be handed back to the villages. Itachi and Sasori have devised a way to sneak out the beasts without anyone suspecting…so hopes of them getting stolen would be in vain. As for the safety of you and the kage, I will accompany you with Konan there and we will be surrounded by thousands of samurai in the land of iron…. I won’t let Zetsu touch a single hair on your head” You said and he tightened his hand around yours then leaned in looking into your eyes.
“Words can’t express how flattered I am by your words and presence. You are entrancing angel. I’m so lucky to have met you…I am just imagining my fate without you and it is certainly a dark lonely path…You gave me everything I dreamed of…even after I continued to be a fake deity…You stuck to me. Thank you…thank you so much my angel” He said caressing your cheek and hair softly the leaned in brushing his lips on yours for a sweet kiss.
“Oh, am I interrupting? Heh” Jiraya’s voice rung and you both backed away with red blushing faces and got up.
He laughed patting Nagato’s shoulder “No need to be shy…I’ve already met d/n and know about-“
“What do you want Sensei?!” Nagato interrupted him before he could continue. The old man laughed “I plan on going with you to the summit along with Naruto himself. We are your biggest supporters, you know… and no matter what the kages throw at you we will be there to back you up…For your safety I suggest we head out now while it’s early and hope for the best” He said
You smiled “Thank you Jiraya sama… you are too kind…I’ll go get d/n”
“No need she will be in good hands. Itachi himself is watching her along with his brother… they owe you a lot for bringing them back together…I think I owe you too for cutting down Danzo…everyone does” He said and started walking off as you followed.
The meeting at the summit was going smoothly, until Tobi brok in the castle with an army of white Zetsu’s, to try and take down Nagato and steal his eyes. Zetsu managed to keep you all busy enough, so that Madara can pin down Nagato.
“You want my eyes to steal the Gedo but you should know the tailed beasts have been freed and returned to the main villages….Now it is nothing but a completely useless root” Nagato said with a smirk
“You are trying to trick me? There we not sights of any platoon guarding scrolls in this past week!” Madara snapped
“Heh a platoon?...It seems Itachi out smarted you….he sent the scrolls out with a few farmers, who were transporting vegetables…I used to respect your thinking but now I see how much of an idiot you really are… Admit it …you have lost and we have out thrown you and your dark ways. Yahiko’s dream will live on by my hands and not yours”
Madara raised his fist to punch Nagato, but a whirlwind of paper distracted him enough for Nagato to escape his clutches. Konan attacked along with Jiraya, while you helped sneak your kami out. Soon enough the kages caught and sealed Madara then carried on with their meeting.
Nagato’s words and Naruto’s were taken into consideration and the Kazekage backed them up as well, against the stubborn Raikage and Tsuchikage. All parties soon agreed on the plan but demanded the members be sent to their villages so they can face trial before forming this so called ‘mercenary group’. Now all you had to do was wait for the results. In the meantime, Konan and Nagato returned to Ame and revealed themselves as the true leaders of the village. There were both negative and positive feedbacks on this but the people accepted them and carried on to make Amegakure a better and happier place. And for once, in many years, the sun shone brightly on Ame warming, not only the cold wet walls and streets, but also the hearts of the people
(Wtf goosebumps~ where did all this come from?)
You couldn’t say the interrogation went smooth because each time someone cornered the two immortals, they would snap and get up to beat the shit out of the interrogation crew. Luckily you were there to calm them down throughout the process so that no casualties would take place. 
You sat behind Hidan with s/n in your lap sleeping, as the Albino man was questioned “Oyy!! What else was I supposed to do!! Hand myself in? You think anyone would want that! I’m only here because y/n wants me to be here. I don’t give a shit about any of you!” Hidan snapped 
The man sighed “If you truly wish to live among people again we will have to address your overly religious side-“ 
“Screw that! my god had forsaken me a long time ago” Hidan said then looked down “I wanted to tell you this y/n” He added grabbing your attention
“Go on Hidan” You said 
“This ritual of mine isn’t really a ritual…my father found out it was a jutsu…It is like a kekkei genkai. I’m immortal because I steal people’s life force…the younger and stronger they are, the more years and chakra I gain. I merely link my body with theirs through their blood…I steal their life by killing myself which would be stabbing my own heart. It is some sick fucked up jutsu”
The interrogator listened intently “Why would it become a religion?” 
“Before Yugakure shinobi became a bunch of pussies, the village ordered to create an army of us. People who are resilient and bloodthirsty. The only way to create people who aren’t afraid of death, was to condition them from a young age through the illusion of a religion” He said and slammed his necklace on the table “I renounce all my promises to this cult…. Those fuckers have lied continuously to my face and killed my own father” 
“Let’s say the council takes pity on your sad tale and agrees to let you go…what would you do next?” The man asked 
Hidan thought then spoke “I…I don’t know…What would you do, y/n?” 
You sighed looking at s/n “I want to settle down, so that s/n can grow up happy and safe. I want him to have friends and go to school…Maybe. We can return to Yuga…to your parent’s house…It is still yours technically” You suggested and he nodded with a smile “Yeah let’s do that” 
The interrogator closed his file and got up “We will look into this case but in the meantime while we are locating and stopping the Akatsuki, you will remain here under surveillance”
You nodded and bowed your head slightly to him as he left. Hidan got up and knelt in front of you “You…really want to go back there?”
You nodded “After all this fighting, I think I’m going to turn into a pacifist for a little while” You chuckled 
“No you won’t. I won’t let my investment end up a pacifist…he will be the toughest mercenary for hire” Kakuzu spoke, entering the room.
Hidan got up and pushed the miser away threateningly “OY! This is my son! So fuck off!” 
“Ever since this boy was born you failed to spend a dime on him…Heck you didn’t even name him. While you return that money to me, plus interest, he will remain *my* investment” 
You sighed “I can’t believe I’ll be spending the entire time with you two”
S/n whined in annoyance at the two angry men and cuddled into your lap some more forcing the two to keep quite.
Hidan smiled and sat next to you watching his little boy sleep then leaned his head on your shoulder closing his eyes.  

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