He is sick

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This chapter was requested by a cute little princess doll who likes chocolate 💕

I don’t think S-ranks get sick, so I tried to make it as realistic and extreme as possible 😏



You never knew a Kamis even got sick, but Nagato’s body already looked weak and unsteady. You rushed to his room after Konan told you that he was feeling really tried to give out today’s meeting. He came back from a tough mission and managed to use up a lot of his chakra and his body was degrading second by second. You entered his room and saw him panting slightly on his bed with his body curled up. 

You worriedly got close and turned him around cupping his cheeks. Nagato weakly opened his eyes and placed his hands on yours. He opened his mouth to speak but you shushed him and adjusted his body on the bed then walked to lock the door. He watched as you returned and sat on the bed moving the blanket to reveal his chest. You raised up your sleeves and formed some hand signs revealing a few signs on your body. 

He looked at you a bit hesitant but you gave him a smile “Don’t be afraid… I’ll help you get your chakra back…but it will hurt a bit so bear with it please” You said 

He saw your palms glow and you placed them against his chest roughly pressing down. His eyes widened at the pain that shot up through his spine to his brain and grit his teeth trying not to scream in agony. It was unbearable and his eyes started to tear up. He has never felt anything as painful as this and roughly grabbed your hands begging you to stop but you continued with an apologetic look.

He felt all the cells in his body where getting torn apart. His skin started to redden with a healthy glow and his visible ribs sank back under the newly plump skin. Soon enough the pain stopped and you let go off his chest tiredly holding onto your forehead in pain. He sat up and held your shoulders worriedly. His body felt rejuvenated like it was brand new. 

You looked up at him and smiled “I’m glad you trusted me”

He smiled and hugged you tight “What did you do?”

“Well I told you before my clan were medical nins. I used my body as a gateway to turn natural chakra to your body merging it with your own”

“You can use sage mode?” He asked curiously

You shook your head “No, I don’t know how to manipulate that power to my advantage…I merely pass it through to other bodies. You can save a person from the edge of death, using this jutsu”

He smiled and kiss your forehead “You really are my angel”  


He wasn’t feeling to well after catching the bounty that Kakuzu assigned to you. Kakuzu headed down the road with the dead body on his shoulder. You walked after the miser and saw Hidan stop dead in his tracks holding onto his stomach painfully. You pulled on Kakuzu’s sleeve to stop him “Hidan are you alright” You called out and headed to his side. 

He pushed you away and fell to his knees “I’m fucking fine!”

“He is fine” Kakuzu repeated and continued walking. You frowned and got close to Hidan again cupping his face to making him look at you he was sweating and panting clutching onto his stomach.

“Tell me what are you feeling?...Did you get hit but the target’s blade? It was poisoned”

He shook his head “Heh I not weak! I didn’t get fucking hit!”

You frowned then saw a cut on the back of arm and quickly used a kunai to slit your fingers and plunged them into his mouth “Swallow” you ordered

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