You go on a date

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I hope you enjoyed this weekend’s semi smutt art, it’s that I haven’t been too free lately to think of ideas for the book since my mind is in jambles and life sucks all the sudden 😀~


~It is always the broken souls that try to help others~




🚫Warning🚫 contains a lot of mental issues~ (but I guess you guys got the hint by now)



You managed to infiltrate the cloud village’s cypher unit tower. You extracted information and were heading back to the hideout. Pein was very proud of you for finishing such a delicate and dangerous mission. He praised your all the way back to the hideout and told you to hand him the information as soon as possible. His voice in your head praising you, made your heart turn to jelly and your mind go numb. You were sprinting a hundred miles per hour, excited to reach the base and get showered with your Kami’s affection. 

You entered the hideout pushing Hidan out your way and jumping over Deidara, who was sitting on the ground along with Sasori then slid under Kisame’s legs then ran up the stairs to your Kami’s room. 

“What the fuck is her problem?” Hidan frowned

“I almost stepped on a little girl” Kisame said horrified

“Pft probably running to her precious Kami un” Deidara mocked as Sasori shook his head “Poor delusional girl…She still doesn’t know he is a fake”

You rushed up stairs into the Kami’s room and Nagato smiled “There is my angel”

You blushed darkly taking heavy breaths, trying to contain your happiness and walked up to him quickly to hand him the scroll. He took it and pulled you close into a hug feeling your fast beating heart almost explode out your chest.

 Nagato cupped your face “Calm down y/n… Breathe” 

You nodded and continued to pant. He kissed your forehead “Why don’t you go freshen up and meet me in two hours outside the hideout”

You agreed politely and excused yourself heading to your room. You took a bath and then put on your regular miko clothes and headed out your room in exactly two hours. Pein was waiting for you on the porch without his Akatsuki cloak, wearing a black hood, looking extremely charming and mysterious. 

He took you to a nearby village and bought you some dinner saying that this outing was a thank you gift for your hard work.

Afterwards he took your hand and walked towards a town full of destroyed buildings and scraps. Pein headed up to the top of an old wrecked construction, sitting with you on the edge of its protruding metal beams, as you looked down at the demolished settlement with light rain falling from the sky. 

You looked up at the sky then at him “Is this your rain?”

He nodded “Sorry for getting you wet. I’m just scouting the area for anyone around”

You smiled then looked ahead “What happened here?”

He sighed “This is my hometown… I was born and got my power here… I visit this place every once in a while to remember who I am”

You looked down sadly and held his hand in yours “I’m sorry… I heard a lot of stories about what happened in Amegakure during that time, but I wouldn’t know much since my clan fled the area quickly and refused to aid Lord Hanzo in his revolution”

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