See their partner naked

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I don’t know why I love these chapters XD 
Also foreshadowing 👁👄👁


You entire body was still aching from the mission. You tried meditating to fix your chakra flow and heal up the strains and bruises, but you couldn’t keep your eyes off d/n for too long. So Konan suggested you join her at the hot springs, while Nagato took care of d/n. D/n was a good girl, who didn’t cause much trouble, so he could easily watch her alone. 
You walked out of Amegakure heading to the nearest bathhouse, then booked a private spring, and got in the dressing area, taking off your clothes. You were both pretty shy but she managed to break the ice by talking about Nagato. 
“He can take care of d/n well now. So you should have some time for yourself and be a little selfish” 
You smiled “I know…but he is a busy man and has a lot on his mind…d/n was my choice to have, so I am mostl-“
“No you are not… you both had d/n! She is his responsibility too” She said walking over to the hot spring as you followed. Konan slid into the hot water and you tested it out before entering. “This this is too hot…I’m practically melting” You complained
“That is because you haven’t been here for a while and your muscles are tensed up” she said and looked at you worriedly “Tell me what’s the matter y/n?” 
“Well…Nagato already told you about what happened in that cave… Meeting Yahiko was something great but also worrying. Nagato is going to go back to his parent’s house a few days from now and he is going to leave me behind… I just can’t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen to him… I may be paranoid but can you blame me, after everything that has happened?…Zetsu is also being too quiet lately… And I don’t want to stay back with him around”
“I’ll take care of her” she said
“I’ll watch d/n and you go with Nagato…You don’t trust the members but you can trust me. Taking her with you, is dangerous for her…and staying behind, with Zetsu lurking around, is even more dangerous. He won’t show his true colors to me because he still doesn’t know that we know about him. So go”
You smiled and teared up “Konan you are the cutest girl I’ve ever met. Thank you so much” You said and hugged her tight, making her blush darkly as your chest pressed against hers. You pulled away blushing, forgetting you two were in the nude “S-sorry Konan I didn’t mean-“ 
“It’s alright…Let us never speak of this again” She said awkwardly and you nodded “How about I buy us something to drink?” You offered
“Hidan sure spoiled you didn’t he?” 
“Heh yeah… he is a bad influence but I enjoy his company, ironically” you said shyly
“You are so unpredictable y/n… that’s why I like you” she said pinching your cheek.


You walked into the room ready to throw a fit but froze, seeing Hidan sleeping on his back snoring lightly with s/n cuddled next to him, sleeping in the same position. You sighed “You two are lucky you are so god damn cute…but now I have to do your chores alone because you are sloppy bastards” You mumbled to yourself and went to pick up the scattered clothes on the floor, placing them in the laundry basket and headed out, giving them one last glare then left the room.
Hidan opened one eye and smirked, sitting up with s/n “See s/n? This is how you get away with not doing chores” Hidan said making s/n giggle mischievously. “Wanna go get some ice cream?” the jashinist asked
“Yes!!” s/n cheered 
“Who is your favorite parent?”
“Mom!” s/n cheered, making Hidan frown “You little shit!” but s/n made a run for it, before his dad could catch him. Hidan smirked, finally seeing s/n having fun and went to scoop him up in his arms and take him out for a treat. 
You on the other hand were heading out the hideout down a forest path, still mumbling to your demon “Do I regret asking for my child to be a copy of him? Partially… I partially do… but they are too cute to hate….Maybe I’m spoiling them. Maybe that is where I went wr-“ You froze, after moving the bushes aside to reach the river, seeing Kakuzu in the nude, washing his clothes as well. He spotted you and glared then noticed the basket in your hands and looked back down at his shirt continuing to wash it “I got here first” 
You blushed, looking away “I don’t mind sharing…or are you planning to be greedy as well with an entire river” You complained, sitting down on the other side of the river, taking off your shirt, and raised your pants up so they wouldn’t get wet, and then got your soap. 
He sighed “You are doing all that pile alone by hand? won’t finish until midday” 
“I know… The idiot is teaching s/n how to slack off and I can’t find the heart to yell at s/n because he doesn’t normally connect with his dad this way or even play with him…There are no kids to play with here… **other than his dad**” You closed your eyes painfully letting the demon back in.
“Take the clothes to a bathhouse then” Kakuzu said, reaching up for the dry clothes he had put in the sun earlier.
You glared at him “You of all people should know how broke I am Kakuzu!!” 
“tch… you are a very ungrateful brat” He said, hanging his other clothes in the sun to dry up.
“Why am I ungrateful?” you asked as he got dressed “Because you made a promise to me and I’m keeping my end of the bargain”
You looked at him, seeing that he was fully dressed now in his ninja pants and backless top. “What bargain?…stop talking so mysterious, like a fortune cookie” You snapped
He walked up to you “It seems being with Hidan for so long made you stupid…I should watch out for my own sake…. But what I meant was s/n partially belongs to me…he is my investment. So I wouldn't mind helping you out” He said 
You looked at him deeply “You…want to help me?…Ohh Kakuzu that is the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me” You burst into tears “I have never met someone so nice in my entire life” You cried and got up to hug him tight. 
He blushed a bit, seeing that you were shirtless and grabbed your shoulders, pushing you back to the ground “Never do that again in your life! Now dump this idiot’s clothes on the ground and give me your and s/n’s clothes”
You chuckled and nodded, handing them to him but decided to just wash Hidan’s clothes yourself then hung them next to Kakuzu’s clothes to dry. 

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