He turns into a kid 1

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Someone requested daddy scenarios and some of you requested some babies after those lemons. I don't have time to start a new book and I have yet to reach this one's plot before I complicate it with children, so here is a small chapter to give you a bit of both! 

It will be a two part chapter like the previous "turn into a guy" or "you find a baby" chapters of the old book! ( if you liked this chapter I might make it into 3 parts ^^)

Do you want this book to also have a "you turn into a guy" chapter as well? Or will it be repetitive? (I only do yaoi, no yuri requests/having them turn to girls cause it would be weird for me sorry~)


(The boys are between the ages of 3 to 5, so they can talk, walk and do a lot of basic things unless they were trained to do more~)


You woke up feeling a small nudge on your shoulder. You rubbed your eyes and opened them to see a little red haired boy sitting on your bed staring at you with his big purple eyes. He was extremely adorable and you couldn't help but smile.
"Onee chan...where am I? Where are mom and dad?" he spoke sadly

You looked at him confused until reality crashed down on you as to what was going on. you sat up quickly and looked to Nagato’s side seeing he wasn’t in bed then looked at the little boy.

He was a bit confused and scared seeing you panic, so you had to think quick before you ended up with a crying child inside the Akatsuki base. 

You bit your lip nervously and caressed his cheek "Uhm you fell asleep and your parents had to go somewhere far away, so they decided to keep you here with me until they returned" 

He nodded sadly and hugged his knees close to his chest. You got up and headed to the bathroom putting on your Miko attire and walked out, finding a small shirt from your closet to fit him since he was nude  “Can you tell me your name?” you asked helping him dress up

“Nagato” He said shyly making your eyes widened in shock but you hid it behind a fake smile “That is a cute name… are you hungry? Do you want to go get some breakfast and wait for your parents?”

He nodded and raised his hands to you so that you can hold him off the bed since it was too high for him. You felt your heart melt at the sight and picked him up with no hesitation heading outside to look for Konan quick before any of the members see him. 

You barged into Konan’s room startling her. She noticed the child in your hand and gasped “You have a child!”

You shook your head and shushed her “Konan… This is …Nagato” you said trying not to panic in front of the child as he played with the ribbon in your hair. 

“N-nagato?... he is a child?...but how?” She looked at you confused then at Nagato “What do we do y/n?”

“Well… you can handle the Akatsuki, while I find a way to bring him back and keep him out of sight” you said calming her down.

She nodded “Please keep me updated” 

“Of course” you assured her

“I’m hungry onee chan” Nagato whined rubbing his face into your neck. You and Konan awed at his cuteness. Konan smiled as the memories of her and Nagato as kids came flooding back to her. She ruffled his hair kissing his cheek and left quick to ask for a meeting and distract the members 

You headed towards the kitchen, sitting him on a cushion while the others were at the meeting and took out a few onigiris, handing them to him. He happily ate one and you saw next to him making sure he doesn’t choke on his food because you had zero experience in taking care of children and didn’t know if he could chew his rice well in this age.

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