When you fight / He hurts you

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Two chapters mushed in one

Sorry it’s late. I just had the worst day.

I don’t know if I will post anything tomorrow or the day after, so bear with me. Thanks



Pein didn’t know how to react to your sudden reveal.

The day was almost coming to an end and he sat with Konan talking in his meeting room about it.

“She is just a loyal follower Pein…there is nothing wrong with that is she is willing to follow orders to the fullest…and she doesn’t show a rebellious side either, so what are you worried about?”

He sighed sadly “You are going to think this is stupid but…for a moment there I thought…I felt really warm thinking that she is innocent and that I wanted to protect her but now…I don’t know…I feel betrayed by my own expectations…she is too dark”

“That is kind of hypocritical to say…but I shouldn’t have pushed you to her before knowing her fully… I’m sorry this is my fault” Konan apologized

“No don’t say that” Pein hugged her close “You are the only person in my life who isn’t capable of mistakes”

She hugged him back “I just want you to be happy Nagato” 

He nodded “I know”

They heard a thud and pulled away from each other looking at the door to see you with a hurt look and a few scrolls on the ground under your feet.

He looked at you worriedly “What is wrong y/n?”

You grit your teeth and looked at Konan “You want to take him away from me don’t you!? Shouldn’t have pushed you to her? You want him to be happy?....WELL LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!! MY KAMI IS ONLY HAPPY WITH ME!!” You snapped as the jealousy dripped from you. 

“Y/n clam down this isn’t what it looks like… Konan is a friend” Pein spoke

You frowned “No!! She wants to take you away from me!!”

He glowered giving you a menacing glare making your heart break to pieces “You are acting irrational… I recommend you calm down before speaking to me in this exceedingly exaggerated tone…now leave at once!” He ordered sternly making you tear up. 

You stepped back and sprinted outside the room.

“Nagato you didn’t have to yell at her that way…that girl still loves you…the last thing you want now is to have her angry with you, if she is capable of such cruel acts” Konan spoke sadly

He stepped back and turned around “I want nothing to do with a woman like that”

“That is too cruel…but if it is your choice then fine. However I’m going after her” Konan frowned and left following you out.
She grabbed your hand before you reached the edge of the path outside the hideout. "Y/n don’t go please" she said

You turned towards her angrily and directly slammed your chakra blade at her. She jumped away looking at you worriedly. Your expression was dark with dilated eyes leaking with murder.

"Y/n calm down and hear me out please"

<No she is taking my Kami away from me...the only person who ever loved me…she wants to take him away>
You charged at her in full speed with a murderous intent; her origami was no match for your blades as they cut through anything in second. You ended up pushing her against a tree stabbing her in the stomach with a cold stare "No one...keeps me away from my Kami....not even the Kami himself" you said 

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