Unusual friendships 2

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Didn’t post yesterday because I was in a work coma :’D
Anyways, so much cute bonds are being made with these bois in this chapter….it is tooo adorableeee~

 I want all of these bois to squish!!



It has been a few weeks since you got the joyous news and you've been trying to vanish out of sight from the other members, to avoid complication. Until Hidan caught up with you in the halls, one night, after he returned from one of his sacrifices.

"Oyy! Y/n! Where have you been for the past fucking weeks huh?" He asked 

You stopped not turning around to face him and laughed nervously “Oh….well you know. A little bit of this and that…lots of missions and such”
He frowned realizing that something was off “You… want to go out drinking to talk about it?”
You tensed and shook your head “No I can’t. I’m sorry”
“Tomorrow then?” He asked but you once again shook your head
“Tch I fucking get it. That shit head leader told you to stay away from me didn’t he? That judgmental prick! Is that what this is?” He yelled turning you around forcefully then froze seeing the bump on your stomach and stepped back in shock. You nervously looked down until he broke the silence “HE KNOCKED YOU UP!!!”
You placed your hand over his mouth to shush him quick “Hidan keep it down. Yes…I bear my Kami’s child…and that is a big honor for me” 
The silver haired man didn’t know how to react to such news and you moved your hand away from his mouth. He looked at you deeply and rubbed the back of his neck “Didn’t know he had it in him to fuck a Miko…This is too weird and disturbing…How could you even let shit like this happen?“
“I know…I’m not a miko anymore. I was relieved of my duties but maybe… not relieved from your judgment…so I understand if you think less of me now”
His face softened and he sighed “I don’t think less of you…I don’t feel anything at all to be honest…I just think your Kami is a jerk…but whatever” He mumbled looking away and you turned to leave but he grabbed your hand to stop you “You…uhm want to go out for ice-cream instead?” 
You chuckled and nodded “I’d love that” you said and followed him out the hideout.


You told Hidan to go tell Pein about the news and hopefully excuse you from tough missions but instead Hidan told every living soul that you were pregnant, like it was some proud trophy he just won!

You were so uncomfortable by the member’s looks but on the bright side Pein was nice enough to let you rest mainly because Konan pitched in for you and told him she would need your services with her in Ame.  

Hidan was away and you walked down the hall avoiding all the member’s comments and questions then reached the porch to relax in the sun. Zetsu popped from the ground "y/n...is it true?"

You sighed "yes... are you going to be annoying about it like the rest?"

He emerged fully and sat next to you "why would I do that?... I’m actually sort of curious"

You looked at him "curious?"

"Well Hidan is a dimwit, so it is surprising how easy it is to make another human being...and it is weird that you have a human growing inside of you **Yes. Feasting on your nutrients and energy...like a parasite!**"

You chuckled at the term "well sacrifices must be made I guess"

"So how long will this take?" He asked curiously poking your stomach.

"Nine months or so"

He gasped "that much!! **We can make clones of us in seconds!**"

You laughed "It isn't really a clone. Babies are born too pure with zero knowledge...then it is the parents job to teach them"

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