Hidan - First time

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🍋-Day 8 of lemon week-🍋 

I AM SO SORRY!! I got caught up with the lemons and forgot to plan ahead for a Halloween’s creepy chapter (which I will be writing and posting but not this week T_T So as apology here is a sketch of me in a pumpkin costume crying in shame. Feel free to shame and throw eggs or rotten tomatoes XD

However it so happened by chance that Hidan’s chapter is posted on Halloween, so I think his story outweighs those creepy expectations you had in mind for this day~ 

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However it so happened by chance that Hidan’s chapter is posted on Halloween, so I think his story outweighs those creepy expectations you had in mind for this day~ 


(Continuation to previous chapter)

You stormed out the Hidan’s room heading to yours, forcing the demon's arms back into your body painfully, then reached the nearest mirror and preformed some hand signs forcing the demon to appear.


“**YOU BLEONG TO ME!!**” He growled slamming his hands on the mirror causing it to crack. You flinched stepping back and looked away “I’m going to live my entire immortal life alone and single…Heck if I knew this would happen, I would’ve never let you in!!” You yelled

He grit his teeth “**You used to love having me around! No one was there for you and I protected you til you were old enough to take care of yourself!! You are really going to throw away what we had for that idiot who is swayed by some stupid deity!!**”

“There was nothing between us! You vowed to protect me as a kid, so you can have a shell to live in!! You are nothing but a parasite! I never agreed for you to hinder with my life!!” You snapped

He started to get angry and his eyes began to glow a strong green color. He slammed onto the mirror roughly shattering it to pieces and you hid your eyes to prevent the sharp flying pieces then felt an immense presence in front of you. You opened your eyes and gasped, seeing that the Demon was in his full form towering over you threateningly with an angry scowl. He was easily 2 meters tall with black pointed horns, glowing green eyes and sharp jagged teeth.

you shook in fear at his dark aura looking into his eyes “H-how are you here?...I thought you needed a shell to roam” you stuttered then looked down seeing that his shadow was connected to yours.

“**I found another outlet ever since that joint ritual we tried with the jashinist…now you are mine…. Your innocence belongs to me my beautiful sweet girl**” He said and cupped your face with his big hands slamming his lips onto yours. Your eyes widened and tried to move away while whining in pain, since his lips made your flesh sting and his long demonic tongue slithered into your mouth taking your entire breath away with its flaming rough texture.

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