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small dose of fluff because I felt like it~
If you got some pregnancy related chapter ideas you want, just tell me because I hate children and babies and kids and wouldn’t flinch to see em all drop dead~ (unless it was Akatsuki baby bois).
It is hard to come up with this stuff alone, so if you got any fluffy suggestions go ahead and request ^^

You were overlooking a few Amegakure shinobi, as they brought in some weapon shipments across the border in the heavy rain. It was a long day of work and you just wanted this last task to be over, so you can carry on the next and head over to some place warm. Wing like shadows cast on the ground in front of you and you turned around to see Konan landing next to you, dispersing her paper wings around. “I’ll take care of this Y/n. You may head back”
You thanked her and jumped away from the tall structural building towards the main tower in the heart of Amegakure. You walked into the tower overwhelmed by the warm air that blew into your face upon entry, since your body was freezing from the harsh weather outside.
“Angel? You are back?” Nagato spoke appearing from the end of the hall with a smile. You went to him and he noticed your wet hair and blue lips. He touched your face “Oh my you are freezing… Come on let me take care of you before you get sick” He said taking your hand in his.
He readied you a warm bath and waited for you to come out, then put on your fluffy robe and sat you on the bed wrapping a blanket around your body and handed you some tea. You smiled at all this cute actions and thanked him “You shouldn’t have went through the trouble…I can take care of myself you know”
“I know you can, but that won’t stop me from pampering my sweet girl when I get the chance” he said until a flash of lightening lit the entire room and loud boom of thunder crashed around making you tense up. He looked at the window “I hope Konan made it back safe as well… this storm is really getting severe”
“The men were almost done when I was there, so I guess she did” You said taking a sip of your tea as another wave of thunder and lightning boomed making you jump. Nagato noticed and laughed “You are afraid of the thunder?”
“Not entirely…. When I was young my father told me that storms were a sign that the kamis were angry at us humans… I think he said that for me to behave but it still creeps me out to this day” ( True story. This is inspired by my mom XD)
He couldn’t help but smile and crawl into bed, siting behind you and pulling you to lean back on his chest as he wrapped the blanket around both of you to hug you tight “Nothing will hurt you as long as I’m around that’s a lifetime promise” He whispered and kissed your cheek making you blush as another wave of the storm hit but this time you weren’t afraid and spent the entire night cuddled in his arms.


Now that you weren’t going on missions with Hidan anymore, he felt like he lacked a big part of his routine. He missed you messing around with him and pissing Kakuzu off. He missed fighting with you and teasing you and your demon, that would eventually earn him a slap or a punch. 
As soon as he returned from his mission, he hurried to your room to see if you had returned from your mission with Konan, but to his luck you didn’t. So he just lay on the bed doing nothing but waiting for you to get back. After hours, you got back and entered your room then smiled seeing Hidan asleep on your bed hugging your pillow. You closed the door and moved the pillow away then slid into bed with him. He opened his eyes and smiled “Fucking finally. You’re back” 
You nodded and kissed his forehead softly making him smile some more “You know… it feels really weird now” he said
“Well I used to go on missions to kill for Jashin sama without a second thought but now…I just want to come back alive and in one piece… Just to see you”
“Awww you are too sweet… if only others saw, what I see in you” You said nuzzling your nose on his 
He smirked “I don’t think that is a good idea… I got a fucking image to keep” 
You chuckled and buried your face in his neck trailing kisses up to his jaw making him hum in delight at the attention “you don’t want to start anything…do you?” 
You pulled away with a pout “Can’t I kiss my boy without ending up worn out and naked?” 
He laughed wrapping his arms around you “No promises baby. You don’t know what you do to me….Every little thing you do drives me fucking insane”
You pouted and turned your back to him “No more affection then. I don’t want this to escalate” 
He smirked and hugged you tight spooning your body making you gasp “Careful! Don’t squeeze too hard or else Hidan junior will get pissed at you” 
He chuckled at the nickname and kissed your shoulder “Best bitch in the world”  

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