You do something nice

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Make em squirm with love è_é SQURIM AND BOIL IN AGGITATION FROM LOVE!

I’m a violent lover XD

~small things become great things when done with love~


You walked into Nagato's room to hand him the scrolls you collected from the members and once again, tripped over the wires on the ground. Thankfully thought, you didn’t fall to the ground this time. You sighed angrily and looked up at Nagato, who was scribbling over some maps in his bed.

"Kami sama"

He looked up and extended his hands taking the scrolls from you "yes y/n?"

"No offense but your room is a mess...I keep tripping over everything... would you mind if I cleaned the place up a little?"

He looked around the room seeing all the messy wires and unfolded randomly tossed scrolls then looked at you “How embarrassing of me to harbor such a messy place. I must’ve been too busy"

You smiled raising your kimono sleeves "don't worry about it. You are too overworked to care for trivial things. Just let me take care of it. Continue your work and ignore that I'm here" you said removing the long ribbon in your hair to tie back your long sleeves back ( It is called “Tasuki” and it is adorable. Also Miko’s have a long red ribbon in their hair. Why does this culture get cuter the more I research!?).

You began untangling the wires in the corner of the room while he worked but little did you know, he was watching you in the corner of his eye, as you placed the wires neatly on the side of the room and headed towards his shelves to organize his scrolls in alphabetical order and cleaned up the crumbled papers on the ground.

 You left the room and he moved his eyes back to his papers but you entered again with a bucket of water and sponge and cleaned the floor then removed the cobwebs from the ceiling and pipes that ran down the side of the walls. He couldn't help but smile seeing you struggle to reach a high shelf. You stretched your arms and yelped as someone carried you up towards it. You looked down to see one of the six paths had you sitting on his shoulder. You smiled and cleaned the shelf then asked him to put you down.

Eventually the room was sparkling and clean. You stood up looking at the room proudly and untied the tasuki, letting your sleeves down and placed the ribbon in your hair once more. 
You turned to Nagato and saw him looking at you deeply "Thank you y/ are such a good angel" he motioned for you to get close. You approached him kneeling next to the side of his bed and he touched your cheek making you blush. He knew you liked it when he touched your face, so he wouldn’t miss a chance to do so when you needed praising. You were like his first official follower and you were extremely precious to him, and he made sure to take care of you well.
He passed his hand through your hair and you closed your eyes enjoying his fingers between your strands. 
"You are my favorite angel" he said softly making your heart flutter and your mind melt at the sweet words and you couldn’t contain your smile or blush
<I am Kami sama's favorite angel>


You were finally assigned a mission with Hidan and Kakuzu after spending a month with Itachi and Kisame. You were too excited to finally fight by Hidan's side again and mess with him while he taunts you back. This Ping-Pong conversation you had was really fun. 

You spent the entire time arguing and threatening one another just for fun driving the tall miser insane. Soon enough the weather got really stormy, so you decided to take shelter in a small cavern between the mountains til the forceful wind and rain subsided. It was freezing and you tried your best to keep the fire going since all the wood was soggy from the rain. Your wind jutsu's and Kakuzu's fire ones managed to dry up some of the wood for good use.

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