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There are the “cute jealous peeps”….. and the “creepy threatening jealous peeps”

I’m pretty sure all these bois are the latter XD

The creepy chapter (that was supposed to be for Halloween) will be after this~ :D

So enjoy this long chapter while I prepare the spooky one next ~



You walked under the rain with a red umbrella in your hands, stepping on the slippery rocky road to reach a big clearing filled with ruins as the two bells hanging from the umbrella rung gently in the soft wind. You got up a broken temple’s stairs and entered it, closing your umbrella then headed inside. It was the only remaining structure standing and you smiled upon entering its decorated main hall touching the intricately detailed columns with your hand as you continued to a big statue at the end. It was a man with a metallic rod in his hand grabbing a crying yokai by the waist ready to stab it in the heart but both statue’s face were broken and all the faces in the painting on the wall were scratched off and torn to shreds. You sighed and kneeled in front of the statue. “Remember when you promised to keep this temple safe?... I was really imprudent to give you such a rough task” You spoke

A person dropped behind you from the shadows then approached and kneeled behind you. He looked like a young monk with beads decorating his neck

“I…I’m sorry for letting you down mistress…the clan was restless and we fought back as hard as we can to protect this temple to shed light on everyone through your teachings but… they were too many…I tried contacting you but…“ He stopped and looked away “if you hadn’t left us in search of a Kami that we never knew existed, none of th-“

“Enough!! Stop dwelling on the past...I’m shocked that you stayed back here. Why didn’t you leave the temple? All the other monks and Miko’s have abandoned me ever since the war… so why do you stay?”

He looked at the ground “Because I believe in you… I don’t believe in the Kami you spoke of but I believe in you! You are my savior” He spoke clenching his fists as his eyes teared up “I’ve been waiting for your return for years… I never left your temple… the place that you built with your bare hands... because it was all that was left of you that remained in my reach” 

You turned around and lifted his chin up to look at you and his eyes widened gazing upon your face. You never allowed your followers to lay their eyes on your face and decided you would give him the privilege after so many years of submission and loyalty.

He didn’t take his eyes from you, taking in your beauty and gulped.

“You are relieved from your duties… the Kami has been located and found. I now serve him and am in no need of disciples” You spoke then got up to leave “You are free to leave this place”

“Please take me with you” He called out getting up and grabbed your sleeve because he wasn’t allowed to touch your skin.

You frowned “Why?”

He gulped “Because I… I love you”

Your eyes widened looking at him in shock. You have never had someone confess his love to you this way, but nonetheless this was absurd coming from a monk.

“Y/n” A stern voice echoed out from the statue

You quickly snatched your sleeve away from the man and grabbed the back of his neck forcing him to bow down to the ground in one swift motion upon seeing Pein sitting on the statue with a blank stare.

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