Mission gone wrong

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I was supposed to post earlier but I got a baby trainee at work to teach before I leave the company, so she can take my place. So….very time consuming and I have zero patience ~

This book had a happy ending for the boys but I doubt their sins can be forgotten by the world so easily. The only person who gets to face this bias thinking would be the babies.
I’m loving these mini stories I make for missions. Hopefully they fit the actual show's style~


“She reached out and gripped his…no no no….she lunged to grip….Naaahhh. Hey D/n what do you think, lunged or reached out?… I want to make her look a bit desperate” Jiraya spoke writing as he walked after the young girl. She blushed “Jiraya sama, it is almost like you aren’t taking this mission seriously! There are innocent lives at stake here” She scolded
He chuckled closing his book “Just because I’m doing my hobby, doesn’t mean I care any less you know… We are almost at the gates anyways”
D/n smiled seeing that they have reached the entrance, then pulled him from his hand and hurried. Yugakure was a lively place full of tourists and vendors and kids running around. There were bath houses everywhere and the smell of food from the carts on the side of the road was intoxicating.
 Jiraya smiled seeing the look on D/n’s face. He reached a vendor and greeted him then bought D/n some ramen because she was hungry from the trip. “You wouldn’t happen to know about any disappearances lately”
The vendor’s eyes widened and he leaned in near Jiraya, shushing him “Please sir… Do not say things like that out loud. If the tourists know of this we are all screwed”
D/n looked at him curiously “Tell us what you know and we won’t spread the news”
The vendor nodded “Okay okay just not here”
Jiraya was impressed with how tough D/n seemed and followed the vendor to the back kitchen, where he filled them in on the details.
“A month ago some sort of tree grew at the top of the mountain. It was the most beautiful tree we have ever seen and it was infrequent to see such a sight because Yuga is a rocky mountain area, where vegetation rarely grows. So the man who owned the land up there, declared it to be a new tourist sight for the star festival. The people met up at night where there was food and music to tie up their wishes on the new tree. Everything was fine until one woman lost her child and then another lost her husband and so on…. All the tourists were taken leaving the people of Yugakure behind only… we didn’t know what to do, so we secretly alerted the officials and hoped for the best”
“Is the tree still there?” D/n asked and the man nodded
“Then let’s go” She added pulling at Jiraya’s hand. He sighed thanking the man and left after D/n. They reached the big mountain and spotted the massive tree. It was a beautiful green color and the trunk twisted in all sorts of directions and sizes. The colorful papers with wishes written on them were still there and there was still some stuff laying around, showing that the vendors had left in panic and dropped all their goods. D/n got close but Jiraya stopped her “Don’t rush things… we are doing this side by side” he said and took out a rope tying her waist to his, so he wouldn’t lose her and approached the tree.
D/n frowned “How weird”
“The shape of it?” The old Sannin asked studying the tree
“No the this one guy wished to have more than one wife… What kind of retarded wish is that?” she pouted angrily and Jiraya chuckled “I think any man would wish for-“  he got cut off by a hit on the head “Have some respect for yourself…You are a Sannin!! I wish I had a better shinobi training me!!”
“Well I wish I had a more open minded disciple” He teased poking her nose, then his eye shifted up quick seeing a beautiful woman leaning on the tree “I wouldn’t mind you teach me sensei… I’ll be open for everything” she cooed.
“And I wouldn’t mind training someone who actually gives a damn” A tall strong looking shinobi spoke, as he sat on one of the branches. D/n gasped holding on to Jiraya’s sleeve. Jiraya, as much as he enjoyed the view of the woman, felt extremely eerie with where they came from. The two strangers started to approach them as they back away, trying desperately to convince Jiraya and D/n to come with them.
It was then that vines emerged from the ground, wrapping around the two, pulling them into the ground. Jiraya tried to preforms a few hand signs but the vines had tightly wrapped his hands apart to his sides. D/n screamed as she was pulled into the earth with her sensei while the two strangers smirked revealing their gleaming golden eyes.
“What a lucky day for us”
“**Heh lucky indeed**”  

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