Playing with their hair

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Cute short chapter~ Because I’m having a migraine and I want to die :’D

Also if you have any cute scene requests, feel free to do so (whether it is fluff or smut or drama)

(But keep in mind that I don’t do modern things because I don’t want to ruin the spirit of the book 💕💕 also yes this book is going to have lemons like the other but it is too early for the characters)



You would spend your days directly stuck to your Kami’s side at all times. On Missions, you would head out with Pein and while at the hideout, you would be by Nagato’s side. Nagato was currently reading a book in bed while you looked around his shelves nosily. He didn’t mind you going through his stuff since he knew you had no bad intentions. You noticed him tsk each time his hair fell over his eyes while reading. You got close and lifted his red bang up giving him a smile. 

“You want me to tie your hair up?” You asked making him smile “That would be nice, yes”

He watched as you removed the ribbon in your hair and moved his red locks away from his face passing your fingers on both side of his cheeks, making him blush and melt at the soft touch. You inched closer holding his hair back with both hands and he couldn’t take his eyes off your lips that where dangerously close to his. He didn’t know what came over him as he locked his eyes with yours. You noticed and looked down at him still passing your hand in his soft red hair and saw him lean in closing his eyes. You knew what this was but your body refused to move away and your lips met his causing your entire body to ache with longing. It was a short kiss but overwhelming and had your heart pounding a hundred paces per second. You wanted to pulled him closer for another but stopped yourself.

He pulled away looking at your blushing face and you gave him a shy look, noticing that your fingers were not cooperating anymore and you failed to tie his hair well.
He smirked feeling a bit proud that he made you so flustered and leaned in again but you finished tying his hair and placed a hand over his face to stop him from leaning in, then pushed him back to the bed giving him a disappointed look for embarrassing you this way and left not saying a word earning a chuckle from the red haired man, who just noticed you tied a small bow in his hair.


The three of you immortals returned from a mission to your assigned rooms at the Inn. You walked into your room and closed the door but someone stopped it before it did. You turned around seeing Hidan looking at you with a sad frown "I got a fucking headache again" 

You smiled and pulled the man in closing the door behind him. "I think I have some headache pills in my-"
"NO! ...I don't want that shit! I want you to do what you did before" he said the last part in a low voice. You smiled at how cute he was, then sat down on your futon and motioned him to come close. He walked towards you without hesitation and laid his head down in your lap closing his eyes.
"Are you upset about anything?" You passed your fingers through his silver locks massaging his forehead with your tips then going back up to his hair. 
"It just hurts... I tried taking a fucking shower but it didn’t go away" he said with a frown. You pressed you finger between his eyebrows making him close his eyes tight "Then stop frowning! Of course your head is going to hurt, if you keep that scowl on!" you scolded him

"I would stop, if I weren’t stuck with two blasphemers as partners! Maybe Jashin sama is punishing me" He pouted angrily then relaxed as you passed your fingers near his temples to his hair pulling at it lightly. The Jashinist's hair was so soft and you always wondered how much gel he put on his hair, to keep it in place from flying around. Eventually he fell asleep on your lap with a small smile on his face. You leaned down kissing his forehead softly and continued stroking his hair closing your eyes as well only to fall asleep with the Jashinist cuddled against your lap.

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