He makes you blush

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Hey guys imma post on a Saturday because I'm feeling down xD

Bring. On. The. Fluff!!



You woke up extra early to prepare yourself for today's test. You didn't know what to expect. You meditated for an hour to get your chakra flow right and took a shower to soothe your tense muscles from yesterday's training, then put on your kimono and head piece (Miko headpiece) and left.(Miko is Japanese priestess)

You walked back to the grassy planes and stood in the centre of the clearing looking around for any surprise attack

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You walked back to the grassy planes and stood in the centre of the clearing looking around for any surprise attack.
You waited for what seemed an hour standing in the same spot under the rain like a lost puppy. You got sad and bit your lip looking down. Why was you god torturing you this way? After all your devotion.
You felt your heart burn and your eyes filled with tears. The constant rain of amegakure increased soaking your hair and clothes making you feel more pathetic but you remained waiting in the same spot, until you felt a presence behind you with massive chakra. You turned around quickly to see your Kami looking down at you.
He saw your teary eyes and squinted "Did I hurt you again?"

You wiped your eyes before the tears fell and shook your head "no"

"Speak the truth "

You looked up into his eyes "I felt neglected"

He caressed your cheek gently "tell me little one…do you want to be an angel?"

Your cheeks blazed in a dark red color feeling his touch and hearing those words then nodded slightly "yes"

"Will you do anything for me without failure?"

"Yes Kami sama" you said confidently

He let go and reached into his cloak showing you a picture of a little girl with purple hair. "Her name is Ajisai, heading here from Takigakure. She is carrying vital information that she stole from me. Do not mutilate the body…it can be of use"

You nodded taking the picture from his hand and then watched him leave. It was your first mission… you must not fail him.


It was your fourth night out sacrificing with Hidan. You were like roommates now and you felt you can trust him enough to let your guard down slightly. Surely he was psychopath who craved constant death rituals and destruction, but you couldn’t complain because you weren’t any better. Plus he had a spiritual side to him the he kept behind closed door.

You searched the pockets of his latest victims and saw an alcohol bottle “Aw cool! Hidan! I found a full Shochu bottle on this guy!”

The jashinist sat up and frowned “So?”

“So? SO!! Let’s drink!” You said excitedly

He looked at you like you were stupid “I don’t drink y/n”

Your smiled dropped “Oh right I forgot… I  guess I’ll be drinking alone then”

He sighed and got up walking back to his creepy house in the woods and you got up following him. You reached the house and you sat down opening the shochu bottle and pouring yourself some. You took a sip and closed your eyes tight realizing how strong it is.

Hidan frowned and sat across from you “You don’t eat normal food but you drink”

“Shinigamis are fond of human delights especially alcohol” you said pouring yourself another drink.

“I should kill you where you stand for sinning inside of my own home”

You laughed “Except I'm not standing …I'm sitting” You joked laughing at your own wit

He frowned “Are fucking drunk already!”

You got close handing him a cup “You are right. It is weird to get drunk alone with you watching…you should drink too!”

“HELL FUCKING NO DEMON!” he yelled moving your hand away spilling the drink.

“Aw come one Hidan one sip! It won’t get you drunk and if it makes you feel better I’ll punch you in the face afterwards, that way it won’t have any pleasure involved”

He frowned and kicked you off him knocking you into the facing wall “I said no!”

You sat up rubbing the back of your head and frowned “I’m going to punch you in the face and you *will* drink it!”

He smirked and got up “Try me bitch”

You grit your teeth and charged at him throwing punches at the man but he blocked them all successfully. You managed to trip him to the ground and stepped on his chest to keep him down as you stared at him with a murderous gleam, That is craving to escape and tear him to shreds.

He smiled “So is this the side of you, you hide?”

You blinked twice and quickly got off him “S-sorry Hidan…He doesn’t really like to be taunted”

He sighed looking at the bruises and scratches you caused  “tch how fucking charming...I guess you beat me up good. I earned a drink”

You looked away with a nervous smile “uhm…yeah… let me pour you a drink”

You sat down pouring him a drink and he sat in front of you with a smirk “A woman pouring a man a drink is presumed as a wedding proposal”

You blushed darkly and slapped his shoulder “DON’T DO THAT!!”

He laughed “Do what? Speaking my fucking mind?”

“No…” you looked down shyly speaking in a quiet voice “stop making my face burn”

“Tch” He drank the cup you poured and got up to leave with a blank face not saying anything


You smiled seeing the two men approach you as you sat on a rock inside of a big pond. They stopped at the edge, in front of you. You stood up and smiled “I thought you wouldn’t come”

“Give me my money” Kakuzu coldly said

You frowned “aren’t you going to talk first?...I has been years, hasn’t it?”

He frowned and tried to walk up to you but you motioned for him to stop “I wouldn’t do that if I were you Kakuzu senpai” you weaved some hand signs and smacked the rock under you moving the water in the pond causing it to bubble. The jashinist and Kakuzu watched as a thousand dead bodies floated to the surface. You smiled “you don’t want to be part of my trophy collection right?”

Hidan scowled “this is some disturbing bitch”

Kakuzu sighed “Fine then talk”

You smiled and went down the rock stepping over the floating dead bodies to reach the two “I want to join your bounty hunts”

He frowned “absolutely not”

“You think I would be a burden?... we are the same you know. I too used one of the secret forbidden techniques to become invincible. Surely I have spent years mastering my jutsus and robbing worthless shinobi but I want more. I want to go bigger and become better…just like you… You are my inspiration Kakuzu senpai”

Hidan laughed “Hah you hear that senpai? …you are the little slut’s inspiration”

You frowned at the jashinist’s words and grabbed him swiftly by the neck ripping out his throat. He didn’t have time to fight back before you kicked him in the stomach at the nearby tree.

Kakuzu looked impressed at the rough and quick movements. You turned to Kakuzu and he got close to you “I guess the rumors were right. You can trick any man including cruel heartless shinobi with your charms”

You blushed at his words and looked down shyly “Did I turn you on Kakuzu senpai?”

He scowled “NO!” and punched his fist through your chest exiting out the other side cracking your ribs and spine.

You looked at him disbelief as he pulled his hand back and turned to Hidan who just go up rubbing his now healed neck.

You got up as well “I’m immortal too you moron!! ” you weaved some hand signs and smacked the ground smiling like a psycho as the two immortals stared. The dead bodies in the pond stood up and wielded their swords, looking like zombie army “If you want to fight me then I will fight! But I will not go easy on you Senpai or the rude mouthed jerk next to you”

Kakuzu looked in bewilderment “I take that back before… now I am completely interested”

“You have weird taste in women Kazu chan” Hidan rolled his eyes

“Powerful women are intriguing unlike your immature worthless one night stands Hidan. At least this woman has power ” Kakuzu spoke

You blushed at his words causing all the bodies to drop dead on the ground

Hidan smirked “Well now we now flattery makes her weak and useless”

You threw a rock at his head “Only if it’s from Kakuzu senpai!!”


You rushed towards the meeting point and reached a small abandoned temple built on the top of the snowy mountain. It took you a lot of time and effort to get there but the mission was so close to being done and you reached there before nightfall. You entered the temple stepping in front of two oni giant statues carved into the stone wall of the mountain and looked around for the man you should be meeting up with. The Misukage didn’t give you any information about the man but told you he would be there waiting.

You began to think that you were late and that the man might have left. You buried your face in your hands feeling sadness sink in your mind “I’m such a failure”

“Do you always put yourself down like that?” a familiar voice called

You looked up seeing the same blonde sitting on top of one of the Statue’s heads crossed legged. You flinched as he jumped down dropping in front of you.

“a-are you following me!... I’m not giving you the scroll!!” You yelled in panic and threw smoke bombs then tried to make a run for it but he grabbed your hand pulling you back to him “Hey calm down!... I was supposed to meet up with someone here! You are the one following me un!”

You stopped and looked at him “w-wait …what is your name?”

“Deidara hm”

You looked at him with widened eyes  and facepalmed “ You are the one I was assigned to meet out here….I'm so stupid...if I knew your name back then, I wouldn't have went through all this trouble"

He chuckled "Don't worry about it  yeah. I didn't recognize you either. When they said mist shinobi messenger, I imagined a big ugly fish man, instead of little charming lady, who has skill un”

You blushed slightly at his words then looked down "I'm so embarrassed for dragging you out here Deidara san" you said taking out the scroll and handing it to him.
He took the scroll "Don't worry about it...Do you need another ride back?...I'm heading to kusagakure after this hm"

"Well...I don't want to be a burden" you trailed off shyly but he walked out summoning his bird and turned to you. You got close reaching your hand towards his but he moved it away making your smile drop

"Can I know you name first yeah?"

You giggled blushing again "it’s y/n"

He smiled and took your hand helping you up on his bird then took off from the snowy mountain.


Sasori and Deidara headed to the next town, as deidara kept grumbling about losing half his money paying for that 'awful woman'
They walked down a few stairs at the side of a forest trail. Until they froze seeing three Anbu talking "Yes the woman reported them and said they would be heading this way"
Deidara flinched "danna that woman told the authorities about us"
Sasori frowned "it is just a few anbu ...lets take them down quick"
Deidara nodded and jumped away to get into position and threw a bunch of clay spiders at the men detonating them but the men poofed away revealing they were clones.
Sasori frowned and jumped up to were the Anbu were, then looked at Deidara who just jumped back
"clones hm? How strange" the blonde snapped his finger "uhh danna you think its that horrible woman trying to trick us hm!!"
Sasori shook his head "it was a really stupid attempt"
Deidara nodded and they continued walking til they reached the end of the trail.
Sasori stopped hearing a rustling in the bushes, until another deidara emerged from it with leaves in his hair, a fuming face and no cloak on "YOU CRAZY WOMAN UN!! WHAT THE HECK SASORI NO DANNA!! HOW CAN YOU WALK WITH THAT FIEND NOT KNOWING SHE IS AN INTRUDER HM”
sasori's eyes widened and turned to the deidara next to him as it poofed revealing you with a smirk
"Deal done...you have been fooled easily. Now hand over my cash"

"..but how?" Sasori asked bewildered  <she acted exactly like the brat so that I couldn't tell it wasn't him...she was watching and studying his movements since the beginning>

"Simple the 3 anbu were a distraction for your partner to get away to a higher level...he threw his bombs and i snuck up behind him, drugged him, and that is when I made the replacement " you said tossing deidara his cloak back
The red haired man gave you a small charming small "I’m impressed...it is not all the time you meet such a perceptive and alluring woman"

You were taken aback by his nice words and snapped yourself out the trance thinking he is trying to trick you and weasel his way out of the agreement "money!" you demanded
He got close "I got something better than money to give you"
He pushed you against the tree and leaned his face closer to yours making you blush darkly at the sudden action and closeness, until he spoke "are you interested in a job offer? it will pay you alot. You seem smart enough to trick anyone, even a Daimyo"
You kept blushing "I-...I guess it depends on the offer"
Sasori pull away and looked at Deidara “we are taking her with us on the mission. She can take my half of the payment for the job"
Deidara, who was still removing some leaves from his hair frowned  "I don't think leader or Kakuzu will like hearing that hm "
"Who said I care about what they think?" Sasori then turned to you "name's Sasori and that's Deidara, but i bet you knew that already”
"Y/n, and yes I did" you replied and he nodded then continued to walk down the trail "I’ll brief you on the mission on our way to the next village"


You followed the fish man excitedly checking out your new swords. He kept glancing at you from the side of his eyes "hey kid...you got your swords, you can leave me alone now"
"I'll leave when I want to!...plus I like it here ... I mean you have cool moves"
"Anyone front the mist can do basic water jutsus...I just have more chakra to power them up"
"Well I am from the mist...but I don't have an affinity to water"
He stopped and looked at you "what is your affinity ?"
You looked down in embarrassment "I...I don't know "
He laughed and continued walking "you don't know what your element is ? ...how old are you kid?"
You pouted angrily "none of your business grandpa!"
He smirked "I’m only 29 you know"
You frowned because he was cornering you "Fine! I am too young ! I ran away from Kirigakure! I'm not trained... But i do belong to the first misukage’s blood line...i had to run because the new misukage is evil and cruel!! ... Swordsmen of the mist left kirigakure and had things got for them… I wanted that too... i want to live, so i have been hunting them down for 3 years now"

He smirked "you haven't been trained but you are a master in making traps?"
You looked at him "is that what people say? ...I'm a master?" you said with a smile
Kisame smirked "Will your looks can be deceiving...no one would think a cute little girl has the capability of pissing off the swordsmen and living to tell the tale"
You blushed slightly and smiled "that is what Zabuza momochi told me as well"
"Tch that brat is too soft"
You laughed "That's funny! that is exactly what he said about you!"
Kisame sweatdropped "god, I hate that guy"
Kisame walked into the inn room seeing Itachi reading a book, as you followed him in.
Itachi looked at Kisame questioning your presence.
The fish man sighed and dropped down tiredly "i guess I'm keeping it for a while"

Itachi had a small smile as he saw you wandering into the inn’s room and opening  the fridge like it was your own. Yes, it was true you had a charm about you that could force the most cruel of Shinobi’s to let you pass by unharmed…It was strange but it had you surviving for so long and you kept at it without questioning the unforeseen forces.


Itachi headed down the hall of your house looking for you, after finishing his meal. He was looking for the kitchen to wash the dishes, as a thank you for preparing him the meal. The walls were covered with pictures of the clan and medals that were your fathers. He got close reading what each one was and smiled to himself seeing what an important Shinobi he was. < they must be something big around the town to afford a big home like this…it weirdly resembled the Uchiha clan’s style of building and furniture> He was lost in the detail and reached the corner,so out of no where, you bumped into him making him drop the plate on the ground, as you fell backwards on your butt.

He frantically helped you up seeing if you were okay with his hands on your shoulders “I’m so sorry this is the second time today that I knocked you over… please forgive my carelessness”

You smiled moving away from his grasp shyly because, for a fraction of a second, you were pressed against his built chest. You blushed at the thought and snapped yourself out your trance “ It is fine… I’m just really clumsy and careless sometimes”

He bent down picking up the plate “And fragile. I must say”

You looked at him “fragile?”

He smiled getting up “Yes. You fall easily with a simple push”

You frowned with red flaring cheeks from embarrassment “I do not!”

He couldn’t resist how cute you looked, blushing and angry. He had to do it… he couldn’t stop himself and poked your forehead making you stumble back losing your balance.

He laughed “See?”

You rubbed your forehead then snatched the plates from him “Your room is through that door” You pointed at the direction then left quickly to hide your blushing face from him.

<why does he make my entire body burst to flames> you thought as you put the dishes away then touched your forehead slightly and blushed

“Y/N!! don’t forget to close the back windows” You mother called


You closed the back windows and headed to his room to knock at the door and ask him about his name but hesitated.

<Get a grip on yourself y/n…you are getting attached to a stranger!...> you walked away then stopped <but I just want to know his name…that is not attachment …is it?>

You looked at the door then went back to your room cursing yourself for being a wimp, touching your forehead once more and smiling to yourself.


You and the Zetsu clone successfully disposed of the assistant and were living the double life of your brother and his assistant smootgly. Your first order of business was moving the Ichibi to interact with the military forces first hand after his rampage in Konoha. You then had to fix ties with the land of fire, explaining the situation of Ottogakure’s treachery and soon enough the body of the fourth Kazekage was found in a ditch in the desert and Orochimaru’s plan was revealed.

You were the first Daimyo to interact with your main village directly other than the rest of the Daimyo who couldn’t care less about shinobi conflicts.

Zetsu was at your side at all times making sure you stay in check requesting you bring up the Ichibi to a higher position, so he can stay a clear target to watch.

You dropped back on your bed after a long day and sighed. Zetsu emerged from the ground and smiled “**Long day?**”

You sat up to look at him “Yeah. I read and signed so much things my head is going to explode… the shinobi world is a mess and now that the fourth kazekage is dead the gold flow had stopped and the economy might fall… My brother left this village in deep shit”

He smiled “you are doing a good job maintaining the land, that is all that matters y/n sama”

You sat up “Above all this I have to stand these tight wrappings that I can barely breathe”

“**So take them off** The maids are gone and you are supposedly going to sleep”

“No!! what if something urgent happens? What if someone barged in?”

Zetsu shook his head getting close to you “**you are being paranoid**… take them off”

You sighed “Fine.. I will… but you have to get out”

He titled his head confused “Why?...**women like privacy** I don’t see why.. I mean I am not even human…or an animal for that matter **Humans are just confusing that way** I don’t understand. It is as if we haven’t seen her body already”

You blushed darkly hearing those words “w-what!!! When was that!?”

“We have a clone watching you at all times…**true, at all times…for the sake of your safety and our deal of course**”

Your face was flaming red and you slapped him across the cheek holding your kimono closed “YOU SICK PERVERT!!!”

He held his cheek and sighed “Fine…I’ll leave” he sunk into the ground but before disappearing completely “A girl with a body like yours shouldn’t be hiding it though”

You got up to beat him but he was gone. Your cheeks were flaring as you looked at the walls paranoid of being watched constantly.

(did I get Tobi right or is he ooc?)

It was two days now and Tobi would show up each night to hang out with you on the porch and just talk about random things. Mainly just trashing his senpai. He told you he worked for an organization of mercenaries and that most of the time his Senpai saw him as incompetent, so he stayed behind on many mission leaving the blonde to do his own thing.

The two of you sat on the porch at night telling funny stories to one another until they started taking a dark turn.

“So the guy was there with his palm slashed screaming in agony spurting blood everywhere, as his partner with the chopped off leg just stared at him like ‘really man? I have my leg chopped off and it’s not as half as bad’ ” You said while laughing

Tobi laughed at your story “Y/n chan! You are hilarious!”

You giggled “You think so? Most people tell me my jokes and stories are dark”

He shook his head “Dark humor is my favorite type of humor! …like smashing your friend’s head open instead of a watermelon in a Suikawari game!” (Japanese watermelon smashing game…played blindfolded like smashing a piñata, but instead of candy, it is a watermelon ^^)

You froze hearing his words then bursted out laughing.

He then continued “It would be funnier if you liked eating his brain instead of the watermelon…Do brains look like watermelons on the inside y/n chan”

You laughed “No they don’t Tobi. Brains are more of a yellowish grey than red or pink “

He nodded and you both stayed in silence.

“I feel kind of awful for laughing at all of that” You said calmly

He nodded “Same”

You both stayed quiet and watched the night sky until he broke the silence again “Hey y/n chan?”


“You… you make me want to get hurt… I mean…If you were playing suikawari and I was the watermelon… i wouldn’t mind you eat my brain” He said nervously scratching the back of his head

You blushed slightly at his words and smiled placing a hand on his back “Don’t get hurt Tobi”
He chuckled and nodded

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