None accidental grope

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Oh no the bois are starting to get curious and impatient.

Enjoy the **SEMI-SMUTT**💕~


(just so you know the level of weirdness this has….A miko is like a nun…Author sama writes about weird fetishes?…yes …yes she does)

Your kami asked you to join him on a mission. He needed to infiltrate a temple, using a Miko to avoid alarming anyone. They said this temple contained a forbidden technique used by the sage of the sixth path that would come in handy for his Rinnegan knowledge. You entered the holy place under the excuse of coming from a long journey to pray and meditate.

The monks lead you into a secluded room to rest up from your long journey. It was a big room with no windows, only candles lighting it up dimly and a huge statue of an Oni sitting crossed legs with his palms out. You looked around making sure if the monks were gone and opened a summoning scroll, biting your finger and sliding it against the paper leaving a trail of blood behind then preformed a few signs and summoned the Kami into the temple.

You stepped back and gave a slight bow “We are in, infiltration a success”

He smiled seeing you dressed up in your full Miko attire with a beaded head piece covering a bit of your eyes.

You looked so beautiful and he couldn’t take his eyes of you

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You looked so beautiful and he couldn’t take his eyes of you.

“The east wing must contain the scroll we are looking for since I saw the-…” You stopped talking seeing that he was spaced out, so you titled your head to the side questioningly “Kami sama?”

Those words rang in his mind and he caressed your cheek “the scroll can wait”

You didn’t understand what he meant until he pulled you in for a kiss. Your complaints were muffled into the kiss as he ravished your lips with his. You pushed him away to breathe “Kami sama… please not here… we can’ do this in a temple… it is sin”

He frowned and pulled you back biting your neck slightly and whispered in your ear “you will obey me regardless” making you shudder at his stern tone.

He kissed you passionately with his hands on your waist then slid his hands down grabbing your ass and giving it a tight squeeze making you blush furiously at the action. Your body was falling apart under his divine touches then titled your neck back giving him access to the soft skin “this is wrong” you whined but you were loving every second of it as he ravished your neck.

“A kami does no wrong y/n” He said breathlessly, then heard someone outside and pulled away from you quickly hiding behind the statue leaving you dazed.

The door opened revealing a monk holding a small food tray; he noticed your flustered expression and titled his head “Are you alright y/n sama?”

You smiled nodded “Yes…I was just spiritually touched by the Kami” you said making Pein, who was hiding behind the statue, smirk at those cheeky words.

(oh my)


You were playing cards with the jashinsit in one of the inns because you were bored and couldn't sleep. You both agreed that the winner gets whatever request they want, no matter what it was. You were almost winning until he tricked you and put down a winning hand with a smirk plastered on his face.

You sighed in disappointment "No!! This can’t be! I was winning!!”

“Heh tough luck princess… you are no match for a master strategist” he said proudly

“Pft you are so full of yourself! I never knew you had a brain. When you fight you go psycho and barely plan ahead”

“Fighting is different…fighting is liberating!! And I can do whatever I want without getting hurt! I’M FUCKING INVINCIBLE!” he preached

“Ok ok...I get it….What is your dumb request?"

His cheeks turned red as he smiled widely "you will do my request without any stupid hesitations? ...I mean you swore on it and I did too"

You nodded "I don't go back on my word. We Takigakure shinobi are like that"

He moved the small table away and got close to you with serious look
"You will really fucking do it?" He looked very confident and stern, so you nodded "go on anything"

"Ok...I want to....I want to touch your boobs"

You gasped covering your chest and blushed darkly "y-you perv! YOU CAN’T DO THAT TO ME!!!! This is degrading!!"

"You fucking said anything!! You don't even have to take your shirt of just remove your bra" He said intensely with an obviously blushing face.

You sighed cursing your luck and snuck your hands to your back under your shirt unclasping your bra then slid the straps off you shoulders passing your hands out the elastic and reached your hand in your shirt taking out your black lacey bra "just be gentle… you pervert" you said shyly

He smirked and felt his face burning up as he placed his hands on your chest, squeezing down slightly, overwhelmed by how soft they were. He blushed deeply when he felt your nipple harden through the shirt then circled his thumbs over them and pinched them slightly making you gasp and push him away "that's enough...I’m going back to my room!!" you said and ran out the room to hide your blushing face.

He felt a bit disappointed but smirked seeing that you left your bra in his room.
<what a nice parting gift>


“But Kakuzu~! I really really need money!” You whined

“No” he answered firmly

This is where you came to realize that giving the miser all your savings, so you would control your spending, was a bad idea because he didn’t just control the money flow…No, he blocked it completely and said that everything you buy and need is useless.

You were able to agree with him on a few things but after a few months half your clothes got damaged on missions and you needed some more, but he still refused to hand you anything for your shopping spree knowing very well that you can’t be controlled if you went to buy clothes.

“But Kakuzu!!” You yelled and he gave you a cold glare “No!! you told me to control your useless spending and we signed on it, So drop it y/n”

“You are the worst accountant I ever hired” You said then sat next to him on the bed getting close to whisper “Kazuu~ It is not just clothes I need… I also need some female stuff too…don’t make this too embarrassing for me please… just give me the money”

“Define female stuff” He said lowering his book

You blushed and looked away “You know stuff… like bras and stuff”

“What’s wrong with the multiple flashy bras you have in your drawer” he said nonchalantly continuing to read in his book

You blushed some more “YOU WERE IN MY DRAWER!!WHAT THE HELL?!”

“how else would I get my hands on the secret stash of money you hid there” he said with a smirk

You sighed “You are unbelievable… Well I need to throw all of them away… they are getting too loose and aren’t giving me any decent support” You explained

He put his book aside and pushed you down onto the bed swiftly, lifting up your shirt and placing his hand on your chest, making you scream in shock. He groped your breasts and slid his hands around them to your sides, covering your body in goosebumps at his rough touches and squeezes. You tried to push him away and he let go then sat back in his place “This bra is fine and you are only allowed to buy one more only…and I suggest you just invest in some wraps they work just as fine” He said returning to his book

You lowered your shirt quick and sat up giving him a menacing death glare then grabbed his book tossing it out the window “NEVER GROPE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, YOU BASTARD, OR I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT IN YOUR SLEEP!!” you yelled and stormed out the room slamming the door roughly.

He looked at the window then at the door and smirked “So feisty… she needs to be disciplined”

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