He turns into a kid 2

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You were buried in your medical book trying to understand how Nagato had turned into a child, until you felt a tug at your sleeve. You looked to the side seeing Nagato “Sorry for bothering you but I have nothing better to do” he said shyly

You smiled closing the books and got up “How about we go for a walk?”

He hesitated “Isn’t there war going on?” 

You shook your head "the war stopped a long time ago. This country is safe” You reassured him  

He smile and nodded following you outside as you both walked to the nearest village hand in hand. His eyes widened seeing the glorious scenery as the warm sunlight danced across every bright green glass blade and the soft breeze filled the air with the smell of freshly opened flowers while a flock of birds chirped in the sky over you.

Nagato has lived his entire life in the Rain village and has never once seen a sunny day in his life. All these bright colors and warmth and sweet sounds were excessively overwhelming that he couldn’t help but smile widely in awe. He opened his hand feeling the sun on his palm.

“What is this place?” He asked as you let go of his hand, so he can explore around the field.

“We are on the border of the Tanigakure, in the land of Rivers. It has many beautiful waterways all around… this is one thing that is good about the organization…we move around a lot so we get to see almost everything” you said making him smile brighter but in seconds three rogue looking Shinobi dropped from the trees around you.

“Give us your money and we won’t kill you where you stand” One of them spoke

Nagato got scared and ran to hold on to your kimono tight. You glared at what seemed their ring leader “It is disgusting how some Shinobi, that are trained to be honorable, become scums that prey on a passersby for money. It is even worse that you have picked a Miko with a child to rob… Have you no shame?”

“Heh shame doesn’t buy bread lady” One of them spoke

“You know robbing you would be quite a loss. I’m pretty sure that kid can fetch up a good price at the black market…. And so will you” the leader suggested darkly

“Come an inch closer to this child and I will be forced to play god” you threatened pulling Nagato close to your side.

“Heh you want to bet on that girly” one of them spoke

“Nagato close your eyes sweetheart and don’t open them unless I tell you to” you ordered and the boy quickly placed his hands over his eyes. The men inched closer and you formed your chakra blades in seconds and behead all three of them easily since they had their guard down. You always were able to slaughter many without getting a speck of blood on your robes. It was something you were always proud of.

You dispersed your blades and carried Nagato up quick leaving the scene then landed far away and kissed his forehead “Open your eyes baby”

He lowered his hands and looked at you still afraid, until you realized that he must’ve peeked at what happened when he heard the men’s pained screaming and blood gurgling.

You knelt down next to him and cupped his face worriedly but he flinched and stepped back “Nagato… don’t be scared. I was only trying to protect you. These bad men wanted to hurt us if we didn’t do anything” you explained

His lip quivered “But you killed them”

You nodded “I know but if I didn’t they would’ve killed us first. That is how the world is. Eat or be eaten. I know you are scared… I was scared too when my father protected me during the war as well. I thought he was a monster but he wasn’t. Sometimes you just have no choice but to play god and end these people’s existence”

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