Sasori - First time

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🍋-Day 9 of lemon week-🍋

Final day!!!~~TuT finally all nine characters done!! I got ulcers from all these lemons XD

Never has Human copulation looked so revolting to me after all this. I will become a bit abstinent for a while now~

Enjoy sassy fans because this is going to get really weird... you are about to witness the weirdest story twist of all time, just to get a puppet to get it on with reader chan XD


You sat boredly in Sasori's room watching him work. The red head was extremely into his puppet focusing on all the enticing tiny mechanics and gears that formed up his precious creation, handling it with pure grace and care.

You got close and poked his side "Ano Sasori"

He hummed in response still keeping his eyes latched onto his masterpiece.

You looked down shyly then up at him "This is a weird question but I'm curious and I must know! you have any male genitals?"

The red head stopped, placing his tools down and turned to look at you "Y/n.... I am a puppet....of course I don't! you are such a dumb brat"

You looked down awkwardly "Oh.... Well then....Okay" you said and carried on with your daily life to avoid the awkwardness.

(The end)










































(pff as if I will leave this blank. Here is the real lemon XD but I bet that happened at some point in your relationship )

You sat there on the ground in a big empty cave near Yugakure, watching as Sasori paced around the cavern holding a map in his hands, looking around the monotonous stone formations.

"Sasori...there is nothing here just give it up. I think Hidan was playing a trick on us" You said rubbing your feet from walking too much

"Dare he!... I will chop him to bits and set those bits on fire... he said this is where the Jashinist's were based...meaning this is where the people who kept you stayed at" he said turning the map around anxiously trying to find some sort of entrance to their lair.

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