Aftermath cuddles

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I promised myself I wouldn’t do this to myself…but I did è_é--------------------------------*SCREEEAAAMMS*  I’M BACK AND I’VE GOT ONE HELL OF MASSIVE ROLLER COASTER READY MWAHAHA!!! Enjoy the limited fluffy chapters~ because this book is almost cl...

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I promised myself I wouldn’t do this to myself…but I did è_é
Enjoy the limited fluffy chapters~ because this book is almost close to a 100 chapters which means it will end soon~ and then I get to give the modern AU book a chance.
I can’t wait to show you what I have in store for these bois! It will be genius *shakes earth*…Ok sorry got carried away there…
You wandered back, away from the valley, and reached a small town. It was hard trying to find an inn but after you did, you showered and put d/n to sleep. Nagato laid back on the futon and you sat next to him, removing his shirt and preformed a few hand signs to restore his natural chakra. He closed his eyes tight in pain, feeling his body burning up, as you placed your glowing hands on his bare chest. You tried to work as quick as possible, so he wouldn’t feel much pain for a long time, until he heard d/n whimper worriedly “Daddy!”
You stopped and looked towards her as she crawled to you. You had put her to sleep an hour ago on her own futon, but she seemed to have woken up from the feel of all the natural chakra around. She moved your hands away from his chest, seeing that you were hurting him and began to cry. You smiled, removing your hands and rubbed her back gently “Aww I’m sorry d/n…Did I scare you?”
“Don’t cry d/n. I’m alright…Mommy is just making me feel better, so I can be able to protect you” Nagato said kissing her cheek softly making her calm down.
“The session will have to wait for another time…I don’t want her to see you get hurt by my hands” You said to him helping the red head sit up to lean his back on the wall while d/n crawled into his lap.
“Yeah we will postpone it…I guess she is allowed to sleep with us tonight. She has seen too much today, my sweet angel” He said stroking her hair
“She hasn’t earned her wings yet… You can’t call her an angel” You teased, making d/n pout angrily
He laughed and pinched her cheeks “She earned them just for being cute…she can even turn out to be a cute miko like her mother”
You blushed and got up heading towards your bag then got back and tied a small red ribbon in her hair “There we go… she is officially one of us”
He looked at you sadly “Where is my ribbon?”
You laughed “You already have red hair, so it counts”
He smiled and hugged you two close “I’m so lucky”
You kissed him softly then kissed d/n and laid down to sleep next to them cuddling close with your family.
The three of you found a small town and booked a room at an inn so you can rest from the hectic mission. It was so nice to see civilization again and s/n was getting really irritated from the long trip in the hot weather. You took him to the bathroom and filled up the tub to have a long bath and cool him down. Hidan, on the other hand, just dropped tiredly on the futon still bewildered by what his mother had said to him. He was just so curious about his father and why the cult didn’t speak of him. Could it be the cult was keeping even more secrets from him? He shook his head and got up heading to the bathroom then smiled seeing you with s/n in the tub giggling. He stripped down as well and sat facing you.
 “You two seem to be having fun without me” He teased making s/n pout.
“Maybe…it was quite a tiring mission and I realized s/n doesn’t have fun like other kid his age… he must be bored from his mind”
Hidan felt a little bad for the tiny bug sitting on your lap cupping the water in his hands sadly. S/n wasn’t happy and that was clear. Hidan felt a bit conflicted for not seeing it before. Maybe that is why s/n speech was delayed! S/n still hasn’t spoken a word, only managed to scream and whimper.
You finished your bath and dressed up then headed to bed. You laid s/n on his futon but he cried and held on to you.
“Come on baby please. We all lack sleep and are too tired” you begged
He continued to cry until Hidan picked him up in his arms rocking him gently “He can sleep with us”
You smiled and nodded then laid on the futon with s/n between the two of you.
“Do you think you can say dad or some shit hm? I know you understand a lot of words but I’d like to hear you say something….hm maybe kids learn swear words first. Fuck… can you say fuck?” Hidan spoke
“Hidan!! Don’t teach him that you moron!!” You snapped
“I’m not a fucking moron y/n! he needs to say something eventually…tch dumb bitch” the jashinist mumbled which made you furious “Shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of your ass!!”
“STOP!!” S/n yelled closing his ears tight
You and Hidan stopped and looked down at him “Oh my jashin! I am so delighted to hear your cute voice” Hidan said proudly, as you went down to pepper s/n’s face and neck with soft kisses making him giggle from the ticklish sensation. Hidan felt happy now that s/n was smiling and pulled him close away from you.
“Hey he is mine” You complained and cuddle closer making s/n smile at the enveloping warmth around him. Eventually, the two of you watched him sleep then drifted off to sleep as well.
Kakuzu took off his cloak and mask then placed a few bags on the floor of the inn’s room. He rubbed the back of his neck and dropped tiredly on his futon.
You exited the bathroom holding a fresh clean d/n and smiled “You are back!”
“Back!” she repeated the last word you said, making you smile and put her down, so she can wobble towards him.
He smiled and hugged her tight, while you opened the bags, taking out the food he bought. “D/n sit down, so I can feed you” You said and she sat down next to her dad, as you took out the containers. You handed Kakuzu his chopsticks and began eating while feeding d/n. Even though you would always do this, things felt different today. He looked at his two girls with pure happiness and pride, knowing that after all the things he messed up in life, he did at least something right to deserve this peaceful moment.
 When you were done, you put d/n to sleep then got in your mattress with Kakuzu “She is asleep finally…now we can sleep” you said but he didn’t answer, as if he was thinking. You tugged at his arm and he turned to look at you with an unreadable expression “I love you y/n”
You smiled and blushed slightly “It seems this incident changed you didn’t it?...Is it because of your father?”
He nodded “All my father’s teachings just rushed back as soon as I saw him… He was such a caring husband and never liked seeing my mother sad…He felt like he owed her because he would put her on edge each time he leaves for a mission. Then he would return to her with many gift and would kiss her hands and head, thanking her for being patient with him”
You smiled “He is such a sweet man and I bet your mother was even sweeter”
“It was like they were so busy doing what they do, that they never really cared for anything else” He said pulling you close to him “But despite being raised in that humble household, I guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks….Money is what I strive for now”
You chuckled and kissed his cheek “Hell yeah… we are too rotten, to be humble anyways” You laughed and he smirked “I guess I found my soul mate”
You giggled, burying your face in his neck and kissed it softly, until you heard a small voice “I’m scared”
You both looked over to see d/n with a sad pout and motioned for her to come close. She climbing over Kakuzu and laid between the two of you. “Awww baby what are you scared of?” You asked moving her hair away from her face.
“monster” she whimpered.
Kakuzu pulled her up to lay her on his chest “There is no such thing as monsters on earth d/n… only weird looking animals and cruel humans….lucky for you, dad will always be here to protect you…your mom and I will protect you with all we got, forever”
She smiled and buried her face in his chest to sleep. You cuddled close into his side and closed your eyes “Sweet dreams”
“you too y/n”
After an entire day of walking, the three of you reached a decent inn. You fell tiredly on the bed after giving d/n a bath and bathing yourself, then Deidara dropped next you looking at the ceiling. “This was the worst mission I’ve ever done in my entire life un”
You leaned in to lay your head on his chest “I don’t want to move for an entire week…this is all so exhausting”
“Yeah I thought this was some stupid C-rank mission to just check out a new route hm”
“That was for certain not a C-rank….but it isn’t an S-rank either”
He closed his eyes “What rank is it? I mean the creature wasn’t strong, but bringing back the dead? that is some creepy shit un” Deidara said until you both heard d/n whimpering in her futon. You sat up worriedly looking towards her seeing that she was having a bad dream. Deidara got up and shook her shoulder slightly “D/n wake up it is just a dream yeah” He said and she opened her teary eyes, and then clung on to him.
He could bear to put her to sleep again so he brought her to your shared futon and rubbed her back gently
“Don’t worry d/n we are here for you… it is alright” You said laying her down between the two of you. She whimpered and you handed her her pacifier, so she would quiet down. Deidara kissed her neck and cheeks making her laugh “My beautiful girl…you are going to grow up to be so beautiful and strong” He said then looked at you “Hey y/n”
“Yeah?” you answered rubbing d/n’s stomach gently, so she can fall asleep once more.
“It just occurred to me that d/n will never belong to a village un. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” He asked looking at her worriedly
You thought then looked at him “I don’t really care where she goes…as long as she is happy and safe…I mean would you want her to go to Iwagakure?...I know, I would never send her to Kiri”
“No I don’t think I’d send my daughter off to be exploited by a village and get used like a tool hm”
“See? Here is better, plus Home is where your heart is”
He nodded “Yeah, you are right un…sweet dreams beautiful”
You smiled and closed your eyes holding his hand in yours.
His son stuck to him like glue not letting go. Sasori didn’t mind and held on to him equally as tight playing with his hair and giving him small smiles. You fell to your knees taking heavy breaths. The trip back was really long and your body was almost giving out from exhaustion in this strong heat. Sasori stopped and knelt next to you “Y/n? are you alright?”
You nodded and got up “Yeah I’m fine…just tried” You said breathlessly. He knew you were close to a complete shutdown, by the look of your face. Having his puppet body, Sasori knew he wouldn’t realize how much of a tiring walk it was into the desert, so he wrapped your arm behind his neck to help you stand up, while s/n looked at you worriedly.
“Just a little bit closer…I know a small oasis not far ahead” Sasori said and you nodded
You reached small pond surround by a group of trees and Sasori put you down on the ground to rest. He placed s/n down and laid your head on his bag, so you can sleep.
“Rest I’ll be here for you if you need anything”
You nodded and your entire body crashed. He took off his cloak and covered up your body, seeing that the sun was starting to set, meaning it would get really cold soon. S/n looked at you “Momma?”
“Shhh s/n let her sleep. She is tired…if you need anything I’m here. Are you hungry?”
“Yes” He said shyly, making Sasori smile and ruffle his soft red hair. Sasori never really took care of S/n alone. You were always there for his basic needs because Sasori was busy working on his puppets, which explains why s/n was too shy to ask him instead. Sasori reached for your bag and took out a small container with rice balls then handed s/n one. “Chew it well, alright?”
“Yes” s/n said taking it from him.
While s/n was eating, Sasori got up to gather some dried leaves and sticks to make a fire. He got back and placed them down and then used one of his fire dispensers to light it up. S/n clapped his hands in appreciation to the sudden warmth making Sasori laugh “You are too cute” he said caressing the boy’s cheek.
S/n looked at him deeply and said “Don’t go”
“You are so important to me s/n. I would never leave you… I don’t understand why you keep thinking that I will”
S/n didn’t answer and crawled up into Sasori’s lap cuddling into his chest. The puppet man smiled and leant back against a tree playing with s/n’s hair as the latter snuck one of his hands to Sasori’s heart, while sucking the thumb of the other.

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