The babysitter

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I TRIED OKAY!….they are horrible and look older than 1 year olds…but I tried to draw kids :’)
Konan was thrilled when she was told to watch d/n. She considered d/n to be her own daughter and the little girl didn’t even feel the difference when being handled by Konan. She loved Konan to bits; she would normally follow her closely and help her around with little tasks.
Konan woke d/n up in the early morning then carried her to the bathroom to wash her face and sat her in front of the mirror. “What do you want to wear today?”
D/n smiled “like Konan!”
Konan laughed and dressed her up in a tank top and black pants, then tied her hair in a small bun on the side, like hers, and folded a small paper into a flower, to place it in d/n’s hair.
“There just like me” she told her through the mirror, making d/n blush and cover her face bashfully. Eventually, the blue haired girl carried d/n up and headed to the main hall, putting her down. “Stay in this room and don’t wander off, alright?” Konan said and left to the kitchen to get d/n something to eat.
“Why must we pass through Otogakure? Let us cut straight through Yuga-…Is that d/n?” Kisame asked Itachi, who was heading into the room with him. Itachi smiled at her, making her blush and cover her face from him.
“tch even the kids think you are attractive” Kisame complained.
D/n walked over to Itachi, removing the flower in her hair to give it to him making the Uchiha’s heart throb. Itachi smiled and he knelt down, taking the flower from her small hands “Thank you d/n…but I like this flower better on you” He said placing the flower back in her hair, making her giggle shyly.
“Smooth… even with children… How do you even function?” Kisame said gloomily as Itachi stood up and left with him, waving to d/n a farewell. Konan walked in after witnessing the whole thing and laughed “You are too pretty d/n… you got Itachi to come to you…. many girls would be so jealous” She said poking her nose, making d/n laugh.
“I made you breakfast. Let’s go eat”
“Yes!” d/n cheered
Hidan couldn’t bear all these doubts eating at his mind. He barely got enough sleep for thinking of his father. So you suggested heading out, as soon as possible to yugakure and leaving s/n with Kakuzu. The jashinist refused but you told him that you would trust Kakuzu in taking care of a living thing more than you would trust him, and consequently, you handed s/n to Kakuzu and left midday.
The miser sighed looking at the boy in his hands. He looked like a mini Hidan, minus the foul language. Kakuzu headed to his room and placed the boy down on ground then went to work. S/n looked at Kakuzu skeptically, expecting the old man to smother him like Hidan does, but nothing happened. So he smiled, enjoying the personal space and wandered off in the room, touching anything he saw from papers to books to clothes. He wasn’t the type to destroy things, ironically, which kept Kakuzu at ease. An hour later s/n stood in front of Kakuzu shyly “Name?”
Kakuzu looked down at him “Kakuzu”
The boy looked down, trying to spell the name out loud “Ka-…ku…ka…Zuzu san!”
“No! That is not my name!” Kakuzu snapped
S/n pouted and left once more, circling around the room then laid on the bed and started to whine. Kakuzu sighed and got up, knowing s/n wanted attention “S/n… let’s go out. Come on”
S/n frowned and looked away “No…mommy”
“Your mother isn’t here”
S/n teared up and covered his face with his hands crying silently. The miser carried him up and looked into his eyes “You shouldn’t cry over stupid things s/n…. You mom is going to be gone for a while, but she will come back with that idiot father of yours” He said rubbing s/n back gently.
S/n wiped his tears but they kept streaming out from his pent up sadness. Kakuzu recalled what you said about s/n not having anyone his age to play with and that he felt extremely lonely most of the time, which delayed his speech. So he got up, removing his Akatsuki clothes and put on some casual wear along with a face mask and long sleeves to cover his stitches, then carried s/n up, heading outside the base. He reached a small park at a village nearby and put him down. S/n saw other kids playing around the obstacles and hid behind Kakuzu fearfully.
“Come on. Don’t be a coward. Go play with them” the tall man said and pushed him forward to the other kids.  
S/n gulped and walked forward towards one of the slides and in minutes he was screaming with the other kids while running around playing. Satisfied, Kakuzu sat at a nearby bench reading his papers to finish up his work, waiting for s/n to get tired so he can hid back.
“This kid will be the best investment I ever made”
You and Kakuzu headed out at night towards Takigakure, so you can investigate his parent’s gravestones, and you handed d/n to Hidan to keep his promise on babysitting the little girl.
Hidan looked at d/n cluelessly, while she stared back at him. “Okay just to get things clear between us. I have no idea what I’m doing…so you shoul-“ He got cut off by her walking away. “Oyyy don’t walk away when I'm speaking!!” He snapped but she just crawled onto her mattress and reached for a small book from under her pillow. He went to her side and sat down on the bed, taking the book from her, knowing she wanted him to read for her so she could sleep “Who stole mister turtle’s hat? ….The fuck is this?! expect me to read you this crap? Why the hell would a turtle wanna wear a hat anyways!!” He grumbled.
D/n looked at him sadly “Please~”
He groaned loudly then opened the book “I hate my life” He mumbled as d/n climbed into his lap, making him groan in annoyance some more “Tch… Mister turtle loves his hat *turns page* Mister turtle lost his hat *turns page* Mister turtle is sad…No shit captain obvious” He frowned and continued “Is it is with mister rabbit? it?.....d/n you are supposed to answer me”
She shook her head “No”
“Is it with mister pig?...Obviously fucking not!” half an hour went by and Hidan kept on reading and reading, until d/n fell asleep. He sighed “Fucking finally. I thought this torture would never end” He said placing her down on the mattress then looked at the book “Where the fuck is this guy’s hat anyways?” He frowned, flipping to the last page and gasped.
“Haha! Oyyy d/n wake up….you’ll never guess where this fucker’s hat was! Haha this is hilarious. It was over his stupid shell the whole time!….What a dumb fuck…Oyyy d/n wake up!!! Mister turtle found his dumb hat!” He snapped at the sleeping child, making her whine and push him away, so she can sleep.
“You mean little shit! I’m never reading for you again!” He yelled, tossing the book in a small book pile near her and got up to leave, then stopped, looked at the pile, went back to pick up another book, and sat down near d/n, enjoying the funny colored pages.
You and Deidara got ready for your mission and turned to shower d/n with kisses and hugs. “We won’t be long baby. We will be back before you know it, alright? Don’t cause Sasori any trouble” you said
D/n didn’t really understand what was going on and just smiled. Deidara kissed her forehead once more, then waved to her goodbye and left with you, while she stood there on the porch with Sasori behind her. She thought you would leave and come back but she was slowly losing sight of the two of you, as you both sprinted off, and her eyes started to tear up “Mommy!!….daddy!!” She called out worriedly. Sasori knelt down, turning her around to him, knowing exactly how she felt; considering his own parents had walked away from him before and never returned. “They will be back. Don’t worry. In the meantime, I’ll be here for you until they do, alright?”
However those words made her cry even more. He carrying her up unwillingly and walked back inside, rocking her gently in his arms. He thought he was completely emotionless up until now. This little girl made him relive his old memories, which was the last thing he wanted right now. He headed to his room and placed her on the ground, then gave her a small puppet to play with, so she can stop crying.
She sniffed and looked at the puppet curiously; not knowing what it was. She moved the hands and legs while Sasori smiled proudly at his craftsmanship, until she pulled off the head “HEY!!! NO! Don’t destroy my stuff!!...tch just like the brat. Put it back” he ordered pointing at the puppet
She looked at him then placed the head back on.
“Good now sit there and play” He said, heading to his workbench. After an hour, d/n pulled on his arm to get his attention “boorreed~”
He rolled his eyes “Go find something to do then. I’m busy”
She pouted and wandered out the room to the hall where the rest of the members were, and peaked from the edge of the door. She never really interacted with the rest of the members because Deidara and you were too over protective and kept her in her room most of the times, so the rest were like an enigma to her.
D/n walked toward them, dragging the small puppet by the hand on the wooden tiles to grab their attention.
Hidan who was cleaning his scythe noticed her and looked at Kakuzu “Isn’t that dumb blonde on a mission?”
“Yes… Sasori is watching their kid… and what a good job he’s doing” Kakuzu mocked turning the page of his book.
Itachi felt a bit triggered seeing the little girl wander the base alone like that, unsupervised! But decided to ignore it…That was of course, until she wandered into the kitchen, where all the sharp knives were. The Uchiha quickly got up to pull her away from there, fearing she would hurt herself, then stormed back to Sasori with d/n in his arms “You know Sasori, before you scold y/n on being a horrible mother, I expect you to do a better job at watching the child!” He said and put d/n next to the puppet man then left, making Sasori sigh in annoyance “Are you happy now? I got scolded by another brat because of you…Guess I’ll have to pass on working these couple of days… let’s go somewhere less dangerous for you” He said taking her hand, heading out the base towards some small grassy clearing.
Deidara kept his promise and decided to watch s/n, of course that was after Sasori pinned him to the wall and threatened to skin the blonde alive, layer by layer, if anything happens to s/n. And unfortunately for Deidara, s/n was a complete handful since he was almost afraid of everything around him and refused to do whatever was asked of him without supervision.
“For heaven’s sake s/n un! Come on, be a big boy and walk hm” Deidara said holding s/n’s hand, as they were returning from a small trip in the nearby village in the middle of the night. Deidara got tired of holding s/n all day long and Sasori had told him that he was afraid s/n is turning out to be too clingy and cowardly, so this was the perfect chance to work on his behavior. S/n let go of Deidara’s leg fearfully and took his hand, walking down the dark forest trail that was only lit by the soft moon.
“See there is nothing scary out here un” Deidara said until the bushes shook and s/n screamed, hiding behind Deidara’s leg, almost tripping him. Just then, a small bunny jumped out the bush, making Deidara roll his eyes and sit on the ground taking a deep breath. Hopefully he will not to blow up from annoyance and kill everything around him. He took out a carrot he got from grocery shopping and placed it near the bunny for it to come close. The rabbit hopped towards the carrot and Deidara gently pet it “See s/n, it is just a stupid rabbit. It can’t hurt you. Come on, touch it un…touch the stupid rabbit”
S/n whimpered, shaking his head but Deidara forcefully grabbed the boy’s hand, placing it on the rabbit “It is soft, see yeah?”
S/n stroked the bunny carefully then knelt down with a smile, passing his hand over its soft fur “Bunny”
“Yes it is a bunny…you know I can make this with my art hn” Deidara said reaching for his satchel for some clay and formed a small rabbit with one of his hand mouths, then handed it to the small boy. S/n laughed at how funny it looked and Deidara got up, taking s/n’s hand “Can we go back now?”
“Yes!” S/n cheered, hugging the clay bunny to his chest. Of course, Deidara wouldn’t be foolish enough to cram that sculpture with explosive chakra, but just enough to cause its ears to twitch and to make it hop around for s/n’s amusement.
They got back to the hideout and Deidara placed s/n on the table in the kitchen, so he can prepare his baby food, until Hidan walked in and smirked “Being a mom suits ya, Dei chan”
The blonde frowned and walked up to s/n, taking the bunny away from him then tossed it at Hidan “KATSU!” He yelled blowing it up in the jashinist’s face.
“Ahhh fuck!! You little shit!! I’ll kill you!!!” Hidan snapped then froze seeing the entire kitchen was suddenly full of Deidara’s clay sculptures. “Run, before I blow you to bits hm!” Deidara said coldly, making Hidan retreat backwards slowly, not wanting the hassle.
Deidara weaved some signs, making all the sculptures poof away and handed s/n a new bunny sculpture “See s/n, if you don’t become strong, you’ll end up a coward like that idiot”
“coward!“ S/n giggled, making Deidara smile and pet his head.
You placed sleeping d/n next to Itachi on his bed and smiled “Thanks for agreeing to this…I hope she doesn’t try to bite you”
He smiled “Don’t worry I’ve taken care of a kid before. This isn’t any different… just be safe out there. I feel now like you are my only way around Madara”
You smiled “You keep her safe and I’ll keep him and Kisame distracted from you, til as long as you want…That’s a promise Itachi” You said and left
After an hour, d/n squirmed a bit and stretched her arms and legs while yawning then opened her eyes, looking around the room. Itachi smiled, stroking her hair “Good morning d/n”
She sat up looking at him and looked around cautiously. He could tell that she didn’t sense you or Kisame’s presence or even Samehada around her. Her smile dropped and she looked at Itachi sadly.
“Your mom and dad went for a short trip, so you will be staying with me for a few…I hope that is okay with you d/n” He said, caressing her cheek, making her blush. He smiled at how cute she was and carried her up to the bathroom, washed her face, helped brush her teeth, then dressed her up, and headed out the room to make her some breakfast while he sat her in the main hall. D/n crawled around the room then laid on the ground mumbling to herself, until Kakuzu came out the hallway and froze almost, stepping on the sprawled child. “Tch…nice job watching her Uchiha” He mocked in a low voice and slid d/n aside with his foot then continued walking.
“I am watching her, but I know you have a soft spot for y/n and won’t hurt her child” Itachi said
“Call me soft again, so I can kill you where you stand” Kakuzu growled and Itachi just ignored him, heading back to the kitchen forcing Kakuzu to storm out. Itachi readied the small food tray and sat down in the mainhall to feed d/n. She tried biting his fingers and he frowned “No don’t bite D/n. that hurts” He said sternly but she continued to try seeing it as a game, til she flinched then started to cry.
Itachi didn’t know what was wrong, until he saw the blood on her tongue and found out that she had bit her own tongue by accident. He cupped her cheeks “Aw it is alright d/n…chew more carefully next time” He said but she continued to cry from the pain, until he pulled her in to his lap “I know it hurts…Do you see how mommy feels now when you bite her? She feels hurt but doesn’t cry because she loves you” he explained
D/n stopped crying noticing what she had done and buried her face in his chest “Sorry”
He smiled and hugged her close “How about you apologize to her when she comes back?”
She nodded sadly wiping her tears away.
You hesitantly handed s/n to Kisame “I swear Kisame, if anything happens to s/n I will not just kill you. I’ll tear you to shreds for eternity, over and over and over”
Kisame looked down at the calm boy in his arms and smirked “I can’t believe, after all this time, you still don’t trust me. Just go… I’ll watch him, promise”
You kissed s/n’s forehead softly “Be good for mommy s/n. If anything wrong happens go to Pein” You said and headed out to meet up with Itachi, who was already out on a mission in a nearby village.
Kisame walked down the hall with s/n on his shoulders playing with his spike hair.
“She left him with you?” Pein said while exiting a room.
“Yes she did… I presume you are going to threaten me too to keep the boy safe?” Kisame smirked mockingly
“There is no need for that. You know your place in the world Kisame and the Uchihas are way out of your league. Especially this child”
Kisame smirked not answering and just brushed past Pein, heading to the main hall, then put the boy down “You must be the only Uchiha on earth to be this loved s/n…everyone wants you safe”
S/n politely sat in front of the shark man, looking at the door, waiting for you to come back. Soon enough, the rest of the members sat in the main hall as well, secretly watching the Uchiha child with the side of their eyes as he waited for Kisame to open a juice box for him. “Here don’t squeeze on it too much” Kisame said, handing him the juice. S/n took it and sat down then looked at Deidara, who was molding some clay and got up to watch.
Deidara felt someone tower over him and looked up to see the little boy, watching the hand mouths chew on the clay. The blonde frowned but heard Kisame speak “Make the boy cry, and you are dead meat”
Deidara frowned, seeing that all the members were now glaring at him. “Why would I un!?...he is interested in my art…He must be the only Uchiha with taste…or maybe he isn’t yet tainted with-“ He stopped as s/n sat in front of him, placing his small hands over Deidara’s clay. The blonde couldn’t help but smile, opening his palms to the boy to show him the mouths.
s/n giggled touching them “Woah”
Deidara smirked proudly and took the boy’s hands “Wait til you see what they can really do yeah!”
“Yes!!” S/n cheered with the blonde excitedly, making Kisame sweatdrop “I did not see that coming…this child is literally the most loved Uchiha to exist” the sharkman mumbled, following Deidara, who just dragged s/n out into a nearby field to show him ‘true art’.
Obito sat on the bed, watching the sleeping child with wonder, as he recalled last night’s incident, which had him stuck doing this task in the first place.
He had been watching you train with Tsunade each and every day out of curiosity to see how far your determination will go, until he appeared in front of you, while you were putting s/n to sleep.
“What are you so afraid of?” He said while sitting on the rails of the open balcony. You placed s/n in his crib and turned to Tobi. “Why do you care?”
“You are a woman unfazed by the strongest shinobi despite being completely powerless. You stood up fearlessly to Pein, then to me and then to the Nokizaru group and lied straight to a Sanin’s face…However, now you are shaking like a leaf and it is weirdly alarming me”
You frowned and looked straight into his eye “I…will tell you everything I know, if you do me a favor”
Tobi got off the rails to stand dangerously close to you “And what is this information that has me tied to you like a dog, princess?”
“It is bigger than you, Tobi… It is bigger than all of us…No Shinobi can stop what’s coming. We are weak…No sharingan or rinnegan or any other kekkei genkai can stop what is rising soon. But I can’t tell you anything, unless I have proof…this is where I need a favor”
Tobi thought for a moment and nodded “Speak”
“I need you to watch my son for me while I go away for a while. I don’t know how long it will be… but I must go to find that proof…I would trust Zetsu with this but he isn’t always around or careful with s/n”
“Tch only that?...How trivial. Go” He said and you bowed slightly then got back to s/n and kissed his cheek “Goodbye s/n…I’ll see you soon”
S/n stirred slightly next to Tobi, breaking the man from his memories. “Mommy” He mumbled but saw Tobi instead and teared up. Tobi sighed and carried the child up to his lap “Shh don’t cry…everyone is still asleep…don’t want to wake them up”
S/n reached out to touch Tobi’s mask curiously, making Obito smile and lift his mask up for him to see. S/n touched Obito’s face with wonder. He has never met or seen this man before around the castle and smiled ”Pretty”  
Obito lowered his mask, letting out a dry laugh “Well I’m flattered s/n sama…You’ve been asleep for a while, are you hungry?”
“No. You can’t eat flowers” He said and got up, looking for the maids, so they can care for the now wide awake child. Obito stood by his promise and kept a close eye on all the maids, making sure they were handling s/n with care. S/n was spoiled child; he was used to the pampering maids that complimented him on a regular basis but he couldn’t take his eyes of Tobi. Everything Tobi said would make him smile. He was just so intrigued by this new figure and Tobi weirdly enjoyed s/n’s company and random mumbling of words, which got him wondering if he still had any humanity left in him to care for a small child.
You gasped looking at the meter in your hand “Kakuzu! What on earth happened to you!…This is off the charts!!” You said worriedly after checking the miser’s blood pressure. He sighed “It is supposed to be that high… I have five hearts, not one remember” he said in a calm manner, already used to your over exaggeration when it came to his health. You frowned, removing the monitor’s cuff from his bicep. “Maybe that’s why you have such reddened sclera, you blood vessels expanded to no end….Tch and you keep eating liver sashimi…you should cut back before you get iron poisoning”
“If that was the case, I would’ve dropped dead ages ago” He said and got up stretching, after finishing his checkup and left.
 Before you and Obito left for Konoha, you decided to perform a checkup for everyone since you never knew what to expect. You placed your stuff back, closed the infirmary and headed out to Deidara’s room.
“Hey Deidara…Tobi and I have to leave somewhere urgently. Can you be a dear and watch s/n for just an hour or so?”
He frowned “Why do I have to do it hm?”
“Because you are the only one I trust around here…plus you stole Tobi’s moment when the baby first kicked…you owe him and now you are completely affiliated with this child” You joked making him sigh “Fine un! but I’m doing this for you, not him un!”

“Aww thanks” You kissed his cheek and left. He blushed slightly and headed towards your room to see s/n playing in his crib. Deidara sat in front of him, looking at his features up close. He had black hair and black eyes but looked nothing like you, so he was bound to look like Tobi.
“So that is how he looks like?...tch average looking idiot hm” Deidara mumbled
S/n noticed the frown on Deidara’s face and handed him one of his toy through the crib’s bars, making the blonde roll his eyes then take the toy.
“Deidei” s/n mumbled
“Y-….you know my name? That’s so cool un... Well as long as you don’t call me senpai like your stupid father...though,, unlike him, you are kinda cute I guess un” Deidara said and pinched s/n’s big soft cheeks “Your face is as squishy as clay….H-HEY!!” He snapped, as s/n plunged his fingers in one of Deidara’s hand mouths making him shiver. S/n then proceeded to place a piece of candy into the mouth. Deidara sweatdrop “I take that back…you are annoying…just like your father hm” he snapped trying to take the candy piece out his hand.
“Sharing” S/n cheered, making Deidara smile and carry him up in his arms “You are going to be a handful ….literally. Let’s go take you out of this uninspiring prison un” He said. Even though the bomber hated this chore, s/n seemed to grow on him because he was just so innocent and sweet.

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