Proving your worth

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Sorry i missed a day~ have a massive headache yesterday 💕

Inspiration time! If something is bothering you, just straight out say it girls. Life isn't kind enough to knock at your door and ask you what you want! 

~Quote inspiring the chapter~
~You get in life what you have the courage to ask for~



Over the course of the last month, you kept going to the shrine, and more and more guards would try and pry you away from it. Most of the time by force, but you will slice the all of them to shreds with no mercy. Soon enough you noticed the guards were getting tougher and some were hired mercenaries or assassins instead of regular Amegakure shinobi. 

The Kami was testing you to see if you lived up to your words when you told him you were not weak, and you left for the shrine each day to accept challenge after challenge. Until one day, you got there to find zero guards and a red origami angel dangling in the center of the shrine. You took it marveling at the fine crafting and unfolded the paper seeing it was a letter 

‘<grassy planes - west of Amegakure border – near the great bridge>’

  You smiled and quickly sprinted towards the noted destination, feeling your excitement take over. After 10 mins of running, you landed in the center of the grassy clearing under the dark cloud and soft rain.

A figure directly charged at you in lighting speed clashing his metal rod against your forged chakra blade that you activated in time. You were face to face, once more, with the Kami staring into his purple orbs and smiling excitedly. “You didn’t send your lackeys today. I’m honored”

He didn’t answer and you saw two more men looking similar to him with the same shade of hair and clothes and many piercings, charging at you from both sides. You quickly kicked him off you and jumped backwards to avoid the clashing two figures.You dropped down landing into a puddle and saw the three figures vanished but the reflection of the Kami gleamed I nthe puddle as he was floating behind you with his hands up towards the grey sky. You quickly turned around and saw the raindrops freeze around you. 

You were too busy distracted by that sight of the inanimate droplets of water, that you didn’t notice you were open for another attack. Another Kami look-alike emerged from the ground grabbing your neck forcefully punching you into the ground, cracking it. You coughed out some blood and winced in pain trying to kick him off but he calmly got up and jumped back. The Real Kami dropped in front of you and leant you his hand as his body casted its shadow upon you from the strong sun behind him, appearing between the dark clouds through lit windows of holy light. You didn’t know if he was testing you again or if you were going to get hurt but you decided to take your chances and reached out your hand to him.  He helped you to stand up and spoke “y/n? was it?”

You nodded “yes”

He passed his thumb over your chin and lips cleaning the blood away making your entire body heat up and your face redden at his gentle caring gesture.

“Did I hurt you?”

You shook your head “I’m used to the man handling”

He nodded stepping away from you and started to leave

You didn’t know why but your mind kept repeating the feeling of his soft touch on your face and his strong hand grabbing yours. You had to see him again.

“Wait! Kami sama… can…can we do this again sometime?” you called out to him

He didn’t stop but answered “Same time tomorrow, y/n”

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