The kids get hurt

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Took so long but is a short chapter because honestly I’m drained and I really want to just drop dead and never wake up. I’m writing to escape reality lol Also the love messages I’ve been getting from you guys lately are making me sob TuT You guys are too sweet and adorable and you are all officially my babies.
This chapter has literally everything kids should stay away from. Creatures, monsters, aliens, pedophiles, gangs, black markets …..and many many more~ XD


D/n thrashed around trying to release herself from the tangled vines wrapping around her, until she heard a chuckle of two distinct voices. She stood still and frowned “Let me go!...Where are you?” but there was no answer.
Her body was lowered into a giant cavern full of corpses that were completely wrapped up in vines. There were thousands of bodies hanging all around and some placed against the walls of the cave. She remained suspended in thin air but the vines still haven’t completely covered her up. A creature emerged from the ceiling of the cave standing upside down to meet her face. D/n was really scared because she has never seen such a thing and didn’t know where Jiraya sensei was in case anything went wrong.
The creature fully formed and she stared wide eyes, studying his features. The man was half black and half white. He had messy green hair and golden eyes along with a big smirk plastered on his face. “What are the chances we meet you here **What is your name, girl?**”
She frowned “I’m not telling you my name!”
“Heh feisty like her mother **No, she is nowhere near that obsessed psychopath**”
D/n gulped “How do you know my mother?”
They chuckled “**You expect us to answer your questions, when you refuse to answer ours?**”
D/n felt a bit conflicted “My name is…D/n Uzumaki”
“Ahh Daughter of Y/n and Nagato… Our haunches were right. You’ve grown so much since the last time we saw you. If only we got to you back then, but you were always in Pein’s arms”
“H-how do you know so much about my parents and who is Pein?”
He laughed “Our name is Zetsu…We were part of the Akatsuki. Of course, you heard of them. Back in the glory days, they were much better than what they are today. Nagato ruled under the identity and name of Pein. He remotely controlled his friend’s corpse to hide his identity….As for you mother, she was a sick twisted woman who wanted your father whether he liked it or not, under the excuse of a prophecy…**She ruined our plans! but after years of re-assembling our army and with an Uzumaki’s body in our grasp, we have a chance at finally winning!! Asura’s blood runs thick in your veins**” they said darkly and pierced their vines into her body forcing in some sort of liquid that turned her entire body into pale white. She screamed and thrashed around but it was no use. She was his now. His to control just like a parasite and it’s prey.


S/n ignored Hidan’s warning and attacked the men around him with full force. He was pretty good at taijutsu and fast. So his strikes were accurate but he was completely outnumbered and most Shinobi there knew advanced jutsus, that he couldn’t block with his bare hands.
One of the men weaved a few signs to spit out some flames. Hidan saw this as an opening and got up, ramming some men off the ledge with his head and stood in front of S/n to protect him from the blazing fire. S/n watched in horror as Hidan stood fearlessly in front of the huge flames. Lucky for him, the fire burnt off his bindings and he was free to grab S/n’s hand and try to make a run for it. S/n noticed Hidan's burn wound as they began to heal. But it was too good to be true because someone attacked Hidan with a sword. Hidan avoided the man skillfully, while pushing s/n away then grabbed a sword tossed on the ground and fought back. 

S/n watched in panic not knowing what to do. Hidan's hand was suddenly sliced off and he was caught at the blades point by the cruel father. "I should chop your head off and toss you over!! Then your child will follow and your wife. You disgusting fucking low life!!" 

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