Itachi - First time

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🍋-Day 7 of lemon week-🍋 

(I don’t know why people imagine Itachi like some sex god or something…I mean the boy was too shy to ask a girl to share her dango! You really think he would be this forceful?...I don’t know but this is how I see him. 

My first time writing a reversed style lemon…and I like it! I doubt there are any Itachi lemon’s like this on wattpad…but if there are link me cause I wanna read it~( doesn’t have to be only Itachi from between the Akatsuki members though. Whatever dominant thing there is)  


(Polite boys are cute boys because you get to use force to drag em out their comfort zone >:)  mwahaha) (with consent of course~)

The sun was starting to set on a small village on the east near the land of fire. Itachi wandered into a convenience store with Kisame to grab some quick snacks to eat on the way back to the inn from their mission because they were starving. The intimidating shark put his stuff at the shaking cashier waiting for Itachi to come and pay. Of course Kisame would rather take what he wants, terrorize the clerk and leave but that would be against the ‘Ninja code of honor’ and also, Itachi wouldn't allow that to happen.

The raven haired boy showed up and waited for the clerk to give him the final sum but something caught his eye; A small colorful stand full of condoms packages.
He blushed realizing what they were and Kisame witnessed the whole thing with a smirk.
"Curious little boy aren’t you? However if you are thinking about it, you will need to be safe at all times Itachi kun…unless you want to restore your clan then that is a different subject" the shark man mocked

Itachi ignored Kisame’s comment and paid for the food then left quick. Kisame exited a bit late seeing Itachi was already at the end of the road, forcing the shark man to speed up to be able to catch up to him.

The two reached the inn after an hour of walking and eating in silence. You heard their footsteps and sprinted to open the door to hug Itachi tight happy that he returned from his mission safe and sound. You were waiting all this time in his room at the inn because he thought the mission was too dangerous for you.

“Tatchiiii~ I missed you so much. I’m glad you are okay” You said and kissed his cheek

He hugged you tight giving you a sweet rare smile “Silly girl It has only been a day”

You giggled “I got you a gift while I was in the market today stay here while I get it” You said and sprinted off into the bedroom. Kisame smirked and cooed “Ohh~ a surprise… speaking of, I got you a surprise too”

Itachi turned to look at Kisame confused until the big man shoved a small bag on the inferior man’s chest “You are welcome. I’ll be in my own room now” Kisame said with a grin and left. Itachi curiously opened the bag and blushed darkly seeing a bunch of condom packs in the bag.

You came back and he quickly hid the bag behind his back trying to calm his reddened face. You excitedly sat on the ground in front of him and pulled out a long sleeve black V-neck shirt “The weather is getting colder and you have no time to look for any decent shirt, so I got you one. Now you can stay warm…I hope you like it” you said

He smiled and sat down next to you taking the shirt “Thank you y/n…this is really nice”

You smiled and noticed a small bag at his side “What’s that?”

He quickly snatched the bag hiding it behind his back “Nothing”

You got curious and tried to reach out for it “Show me!”

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