He turns back

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Enjoy :3~




“I GOT IT!!” You snapped emerging from a pile of books making Konan flinch as she was combing Nagato’s hair after his bath in your room.

“What is it y/n? You startled us both” Konan spoke as Nagato giggled at her reaction.

“The reason he turned to a kid is because I gave him excessive natural chakra. You see, I was able to heal his body from being too weak by using natural chakra to regenerate each cell in his body through mine! …I remembered now that the other night he told me he can handle the process for an entire hour, which we normally did for only 15 minutes and it lasted him a month!!Eventually I finished up the jutsu then we went to sleep because we were both extremely exhausted! The only way for him to go back is for him to try and use his Rinnegan and exert some of the built chakra in his body or else he will stay like this for the long term”

Konan smiled hearing those words and looked at Nagato “I guess I can teach him… I was there when our sensei taught him how to use his jutsus”

And with that the two of you spent a week trying to teach him how to give out some chakra using his special eyes. He spent the entire time training heavily until his body collapsed from exhaustion completely. You laid him in bed worried that you had damaged his system from the excess training and got into bed with him caressing his face as he breathed shallowly. You watched him all night and soon enough you fell asleep as well.

“Y/n?” A deep voice said your name. You opened your eyes quick, startled by the deep voice. You were still not used to having a man sleep in your bed until you were graced with Nagato’s presence.

You looked at him wide eyed seeing that he had returned to normal and hugged him tight “Oh thank heavens you are back!! It worked!!!“ You said excitedly and cupped his face locking your lips with his. He was taken aback by your sudden emotion because you were normally extremely reserved and shy in showing affection or initiating a kiss. 

“What has gotten into you y/n?” He asked confused and you got up opening the door

“KONAN!! IT WORKED!” you called out leaving Nagato completely confused. Konan walked in still in her sleepwear and smiled “Oh that is a relief taking care of the Akatsuki is hard without you” Konan spoke then stopped seeing he was utterly muddled and hadn’t remembered what happened. 

“You turned into a child because of my natural chakra” You said worriedly afraid that he would lash out on you but he just smiled “I see… so that wasn’t a dream…how silly of me...nonetheless thank you for taking care of me, both of you, and keeping the Akatsuki working well without any suspicions”

“You mean you aren’t mad at me?” you asked curiously

He shook his head “None sense… I was the one who asked you to perform the jutsu for an hour. I’m just glad this place isn’t bursting into flames because I was gone for so long”  

You and Konan smiled both getting close to sit next to him and his smile grew “My angels flatter me so much with their care” 


You felt a pair of hands slide over your chest and kiss land on your shoulder. You moved the hands away “How many times do I have to tell you this is inappropriate...Stop”

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