Obito - First time

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🍋-Day 3 of lemon week-🍋

Even though Obito is a creep and a villainous mastermind but this turned into the cutest thing ever!


You were sitting in your infirmary room filling in forms for Pein on the medical products that you needed to be restocked. The members seem to get beaten up a lot but they were such good sports, unlike the Kusagkure ninjas who were completely incapacitated when it came to injuries and pain.

You were zoned out in work, until a gloved hand slammed in front of you making you flinch. You saw Tobi looking down at you and move his hand away revealing a small pink jade ornament of a pig placed on the desk. 

You looked at the pig then at him and burst out laughing "what the hell is this for?"
He crossed his arms "*you called me a pig so here it is. But you should know that by accepting this item, then if it is a pig you want, it is a pig you get*"

You titled your head "I don't follow...Are you gonna trash my room or something and act like a slob now?"

His body hunched forward in disappointment in his usual exaggerated comical actions as he sweatdroped, then slammed both his hands on the table angrily making you flinch once more "*Noo!!! Y/n that is not what I meant!*"
He crawled up on your desk grabbing you shirt "*I was talking about that unfair display you made yesterday!! kind of got me thinking....I mean do you even trust me?!!  I DON’T TRUST ME!...I DON’T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT ALL THIS!! AND IT IS MAKING ME ANGRY!!*"
You looked at him confused releasing your shirt from his grip "Obito dear just tell me what is this about, without the twists and turns ...just say it. I won't judge" you said cupping his masked face gently

He hesitated "*I...I want us know... I want to show you I love you. I think you are very attractive and yesterday… I couldn’t stop thinking of you but I don’t want to cross the line or be too sudden because you are too precious…and it is making me angry to stay quiet about it*"
You smiled " were really shy to ask that? You are a shinobi and sexual tension can arise during stress. This is perfectly normal… you just are looking for a form of release. Better this then staying on edge and ending up releasing it in a negative way that would hurt you" you explained being the informed humanitarian that you are.

He titled his head "* agree?...that easily*"

You nodded and got up picking your papers "I’m done here, how about you meet me in my room in an hour"

He nodded frantically and watched as you left. The masked man couldn't believe that just happened and felt his heart rate increase and the heat rise to his face.

You headed to your room after your meeting with Pein to see Obito sitting on the bed waiting for you. You closed the door locking it and got close to him with a smile "Some one's excited" you cooed and he opened his palm up to stop you from getting closer. 

"*You need to do something first*" He said threateningly trying to prove he was alpha and establish dominance, despite his nervousness.

You smiled "whatever you are comfortable with, I am ready to do...but first can I ask something? this your first time?"

He blushed darkly thanking the heavens that the mask has covered how vulnerable he looked "* it yours?*"

“No” You shook your head making him blush some more. "What would you like me to do and don't be shy" you said with a sweet smile to put him at ease.

He played with his gloved fingers shyly "*uhm can you...uhm....put on your official nurse outfit that you still have from your old job?*"
You chuckled at his cute request and nodded taking your outfit from the closet, going with his weird fetish without any hesitation and headed into the bathroom to change your clothes. 

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